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Everything posted by Mlx

  1. You're welcome I think that they aren't authorized to broadcast all the live concert maybe we'll find it later...or not
  2. The setlist is correct I remember very well BG without the big girls and Dr John because I sang with him just the chorus, I don't know well the words
  3. Maybe I missed it,anyway I said to my brother that Mika hadn't put all his set: the tree ,the squelet etc.. and he said they have seen it I was too much fixed on Mika
  4. Thank you for your comments It was really a beautiful day for me No there was no BG and LG, but we had the 2 hug legs and "La marche funérale" how to translate that? (the BG you see on the pic are just for the procession) If I remember good the setlist was : Relax Big Girl Stuck In The Middle Dr. John Blue Eyes Any Other World Good Gone Girl Billy Brown Rain Blame It On The Girls Happy Ending Love Today We Are Golden Grace Kelly Lollipop Kick Ass without Mika
  5. It was amazing!!! And I liked all the show Mika was incredible of energy, talent and presence (Sorry it was the first time I saw him on stage ) but I'm too tired to say whatever clear now, I'll try to write something later but in French, it's too difficult for me to write in English Thank you so much for the beautiful pics and vidéos, I took nothing unfortunately as I said, it was my first show and I made a lot of error of beginner , I'll get organized better the next time **** Edit: Pour ceux qui veulent lire mon CR en français http://ms2ja.forumdefans.com/musique-f11/festival-mawazine-t104-15.htm
  6. Thank you so much for all the reports, pics, and videos, Pics are really amazing
  7. Love it! Thank you for posting Can't wait to see it on youtube
  8. Bonjour Tout le monde sait que Mika passera dans le magazine "sept à huit" de TF1 aujourd'hui je suppose? Il n'y aura sûrement rien de nouveau mais ça fait toujours plaisir de le revoir à la télé Bon dimanche à tous!
  9. Mlx

    Hello Fmbm,

    I would love to send it to you but I lost all my recent Mika's pictures,I think it's just a caption from the "making of" of the clip " Blame it on the girls "

    If I find it, I'll send it to you :original:

  10. Ha ha Cinderella,tu m'as bien fait rire Eh oui,il faut t'y faire,Mika fait de l'effet aux momans aussi Mais c'est bien de partager ça avec la tienne,j'aurai bien aimé avoir quelqu'un chez moi qui soit fan de lui
  11. Bonsoir toutes J'adore ton nouveau dessin Rain Tu devrais penser à les réunir pour les offrir au grand bouclé,je suis sûre qu'il va adorer
  12. My cousin in France bought it for me, so I voted "yes"
  13. I was going to ask for the same thing If I understood well, we have just to add #ilovemika to every twitt, isn't it?
  14. The time passes so fast, already 2 years! I also voted as a nut I have this message now :You have exceeded the amount of votes allowed. I didn't know that there was a limitation in the votes Edit: I counted, we can vote until 100 times a day
  15. I really hope but I remember,last year he performed there and he won nothing Maybe this year,he has more chance
  16. His new dance surprises me a little at the beginning but it's a good thing that he does'nt copy the others ,he is trying to develop his own style, let's him the time to make it
  17. Thank you so much, I haven't seen it yet Too long to download for my computer
  18. Good morning Mikafans I'm voting for the EMA, somebody joins me? http://ema.mtv.co.uk/artists/mika
  19. Merci pour le compte rendu Claudine Contente de savoir que tu as pris du bon temps et j'espère que tu n'as pas pris froid,ni Mika non plus , pieds nus et en boxer qu'est-ce qu'il ne ferait pas pour faire plaisir à ses fans! J'espère juste qu'il sera en forme pour les autres concerts
  20. On aimerait bien être des petites souris et voir tout ce qui se passe en ce moment Bon concert à tous!
  21. Super article! Merci beaucoup J'ai hâte de le voir chanter a cappella avec le choeur masculin des King's Singers,ça va être quelque chose!
  22. Mlx

    Vin Mika

    Bienvenue Vin Mika Hé oui, on finit tous par venir par ici Amuse-toi bien!
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