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Dark Angel

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Status Updates posted by Dark Angel

  1. yep..... so will do it in the way with it will be send to me and i'll send it to ya or just add your new address if i can...

  2. All i have to do is press add to basket now... and an address.... but can see you are movieing to the Uk soon so was just thinking order one that will be send to my address and send it to you.......

  3. I just care and i think you deserves one...

  4. I will give you a gold vinyl if you really realy want one????

  5. Thx. Im kinda better.... i still have pain after the fall but not as much as before but i think thats cos i still have morphine in my body. I donno about if i get the care i need atm..... i live alone. But well thx for the sweet words :):huglove:

  6. I See You :tears: Touches You :pbjt: Rain sounds awesome. I just love em all. cant wait to hear AND see em live... donno about I See You though... looking forward to see it live but at the same time not cos of tears :lmfao:

  7. So i believe you have heard em now? what do you think?

  8. I gotta run for 2 hours time. Have to do some shopping before its too late. Take care and cya! :huglove::bye:

  9. Born in Denmark yep. But my father is from the Uk and my mum french/american. So im a mess....

    Yeah we have a Mary as princess here... think she is about to give birth to her 3rd child. They must have lots of fun in the bedroom :lmfao:

  10. No i didnt know at all!!! :shocked: A part of me is from over there (blood) but i live in Denmark...

  11. well the friendship is fine again! Just... kinda strange...


    How are things going with the friendships you had a few probs. with not so long time ago?


    Freezing here and damn tired. How hot is it there?


    Heard the 1 min tracks on Mikas myspace?

  12. I could be better. Not in the best mood atm. About to loose a friendship i think...

    How are ya?

    Nope im not entering... dont have a cam.

  13. thank you sooooooooooo much. Cant wait! :biggrin2::boing:

  14. Dont think it will. The other shows from the RIX FM festival havent. But there might be some pics from it on their site after...

  15. Tired too! Got out of bed around 11:55 am. I use to get out of bed a lil later...


    yeeeeeeeeah... 3 days. cant wait. Hope he wont cancel. Hope the best :) Would be greeeeeeeeat to meet him too :biggrin2::wub2:

  16. Yeah. she is better :)


    how are ya?

  17. Hope things will get better asap. Hate haveing probs. with friends.


    Sweet dreams and take care so long! Hope you'll get better soon :huglove:





  18. Nope have no idea. But its not the first time, but still doesnt change that im nervous and worried.

    Something bad happened to your friends? Or some argument thingy?

  19. well.... my sis is a lil depressed and on drugs.... so she took an overdose and collapsed. I havnet heard from her bf for a few hours now and cant get in contact with em.


    Why are you so sad?

  20. Okie dokie. Sweet dreams and take care :bye:

  21. hhhmmmm.... think i'll try and check t out. Only series ive checked out is Charmed, Top Gear and csi:miami

  22. Have heard about it. Never seen it... what its about anyway?

  23. Nope. didnt even know about that tv show till after. Some friends of mine started calling me Dark Angel cos of the way i am and Dirty Angel cos of the way i think.... Angel cos its a part of my name (Angelique)

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