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Dark Angel

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Status Updates posted by Dark Angel

  1. Yeah we was suppose to do that.... and i would like to talk bu m about to go to bed ( 6:35) but my msn: angelique-andersen@hotmakil.com

  2. had everything planed... place to stay. bought fliht and train tix ect. only 50£ was he prob. i canceled and one from here then told me short after the she would borrow ne te 50£ for the taxi.... i hate myself for canceling the flight ect. :tears<. need some tissues.... i had tix papers pck uip in airport and signs me an another one would make......>

  3. well i was so prepared so tears is rolling atm. wating pics. God i hate myself....

  4. ehhmm... nope wasnt old eanough. Im from Sep. 83

    I dont cae much about what he is. He was engaged to a girl also... he was what he was. Al son as he was happy thats what matters to me. You should check out 'Freddie Mercury. his life in hiss own words' It is like a biography cos of what its taken from. And its awsome. One every Queen fan have to read....

  5. I LOVE queen! And have for many years. Would gie A LOT to see the original Qeen live... but not possible. Have only seen the Queen after w. Roger. But not he same. Freddie... Think he is THE BEST. Better than Mka.... THE BEST!!!!!!!!! cant get enough of Queen

  6. I LOVE IT!!!! WANT IT!!!!!!! where cant i get it? how much? OMG!!!!!!!

  7. Yeah i know about it (have had anorixia so i know) but i dont care much about it when it comes to drinkin (alcohol) i just wanna have fun! :)

  8. Beer for dinner.... you should try :cheers: i have 10 beers and 3 bottles of wine for tonight..... my mood later :das:

  9. Looks like you will get 2. Just checked my bank account and they have drawn for 2

  10. aaahhhhhhh that "fight" i cant unless the f***head who bought the tix haveing paied for it within the next 6 hours time...


    thought you meant one of those "cat/chick fights" i have a lot here over Mika :lmfao:

  11. what fights? chick fights?

  12. ohhhh god!!!!!! Thats close to how im sitting atm.

  13. hope you'll have fun anyway! Its Mika so it can only be great!

  14. will tell ya when they have drawn the money from my bank account. Will guess tomorrow cos it already paid on MS and its saved on my "Mika account"

  15. Far from kidding.... im not that kinda person when it comes to things like that.


    and a thx for the story and everything on here!

  16. hhmmmm..... ever heard about the gold 7" vinyl? I think i just ordered an xtra one a few min. ago ;) A thank you!

  17. Denmark!!!


    Thx. Just needed to know so i know where in the world to send a vinyl to when i have it... ;)

  18. And where did you say you live............?

  19. Thought so too!!!! But well we are now then :)

  20. well we are now :) Thought we were too.....

  21. btw. i still need your address

  22. Hope you can use it!!!! The next thing with it then is to get Meeks to sign it? I wants him to sign mine... someday...

  23. well its for you.... i'll send it to you then when i get it. Dont think i could order it twice from MS why i ordered it from HMV. But this is yours... :) So you are one of the lucky 1000 now :)

  24. what do you think?



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