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Everything posted by macboll

  1. Have you bought standing tickets or reserved seats?
  2. Hi everybody! Here is something I read in an old daily Star (saturday, September 12), in the page Daily Star forum dedicated to "text maniacs": it's from Pat, Sheffield:"I'm startin a petition 4 everyone who buys a Mika cd to be shot between the eyes... twice!" It made me This person must be and I want to and feel like I did not know there were such people! It's only pop music!
  3. Bonjour Pamette! Bonjour les Canadiennes! On a un truc dans le Pas-de-Calais qui associe fromage, frites, pain avec de la bière (je crois!) et le fromage est du cheddar.... Cela s'appelle un Welsh. Hypercalorique, antidiététique mais très bon!
  4. Merci Cassiopée! Je goûterais bien à la poutine au poulet!
  5. Bonsoir! Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire concernant le dessin de ma fille! En effet, elle avait bien compris le côté coloré et festif des concerts Mika!

  6. C'est vrai Sweetieval, nous "poutine", ça nous fait plutôt penser à Vladimir... Bon concert, cousines Canadiennes!
  7. When were you happiest? My first ten years What is your greatest fear? severe diseases, death or problems like hard drugs or sects for my children What is your earliest memory? I played with scissors at school when I was 4, I made a mess with lightweight felt...I was told off What is the trait you most deplore in yourself? cynicism What is the trait you most deplore in others? meanness What was your most embarrassing moment? When I was 6, I peed in my trousers on a bus, on the way home Property aside, what's the most expensive thing you've bought? my car What is your most treasured possession? My piano, my books, my paintings and my Mika collection! What do you most dislike about your appearance? My nose or my knees Who would play you in the film of your life? Audrey Tautou or Charlotte Gainsbourg What is your guiltiest pleasure? Nothing I can tell others What is your most unappealing habit? Spitting (when there's nobody around) when I've got a cold Where would you like to live? Anywhere as long as I'm with the people I love What does love feel like? A hurricane What was the best kiss of your life? When I was 15, the best french kiss of my life! Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Mika, Johnny Depp, my friends What is the worst job you've done? Receptionist in an office... I also had to stay late to copy documents, send faxes or hoover the carpets for free... I stayed 6 weeks only! If you could edit your past, what would you change? I wish I did not lack confidence How do you relax? reading, walking, playing piano or cuddling up to my children, breathing the smell of sea What is the closest you've come to death? When my son was born I suffered from a hellp syndrome What single thing would improve the quality of your life? A spare room so that an au pair could live with us! What do you consider your greatest achievement? Future will tell... What keeps you awake at night? People snoring What song would you like played at your funeral? I haven't chosen any song yet... I need to think about it! What is the most important lesson life has taught you? Life is short, with its ups and downs, be happy, and show people how much you love them Where would you most like to be right now? At my place, with my family and friends, Mika's private gig in my sitting room! Tell us a secret. I can't, it would not be a secret anymore
  8. Hi Droopsy! There won't be any gig in Liévin. Many French fans, especially from the north of france are disappointed.
  9. Bonsoir le thread francophone!!!! J'ai une dizaine de minutes à passer avec vous avant de faire faire ses exercices de piano à mon p'tit loup.
  10. Merdum! Sweetieval et moi serons en gradins! On fera la fosse à Bercy. Moi je file terminer de nettoyer la maison (je n'ai pas de passion pour le ménage mais ça doit se faire!)
  11. A winter coat! Summer's gone and it's raining cats and dogs!! It's getting colder every day.
  12. Val, tu en connais du monde! Moi aussi j'ai hâte de voir des personnes enfin comme moi! D'ailleurs Nanou j'espère que tu t'es remise, que ta vilaine grippe t'a lâchée ! Nanou, bon rétablissement! Je te sens déjà plus en forme dans ce dernier post... Bon signe! Angele, pour Anvers, tu as choisi fosse ou gradins? On pourra essayer de se voir là-bas?
  13. Bienvenue sur le MFC!!!!!!!!!!! Moi c'est Muriel, je suis du Nord et je visite aussi le French Thread.
  14. Rain is the second title for France. It was played this week on French radios. I love it! It's one of my favourite songs!
  15. Oui, ça serait une excellente idée! Je crois que tu connais Sweetieval, non?
  16. Les moules/frites! On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne! Bises
  17. I speak French, English, a bit of German and a few words of Spanish.
  18. une jupe/ un jean/ un pull/ des baskets/ une robe/ un pantalon/ un tee-shirt/ une chemise/ un jogging/ des chaussures/ un maillot de foot/ une veste Voilà!
  19. I hope they'll just think that they can get up late (most teenagers do so when they are on holiday) because everybody will, and that older people will be working and will turn up to queue later. I prefer to be optimistic!
  20. Val, did you see the picture in the first post??? It's huge. I hope we won't be in the seats far away up there. It would remind me of PDP. We just have to keep our fingers crossed!
  21. Bonne fin de journée à toi aussi! Angele m'a confirmé que les maris/petits amis étaient tous les mêmes.... Je suis rassurée, je pensais que vous aviez trouvé des hommes plus larges d'esprit que le mien concernant Mika!
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