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Status Updates posted by bitter.icarus

  1. Yeah, I go through long periods with dreamless nights. I love dreamings, it's always an interesting look into your subconscious.


    Law school, wow! Is it tough? I've got this year and next left to do, then another chunk of my life in college/university. :naughty: Man. Life is crazy.

  2. Are you a fan of Greek mythology? :) My name's Harpreet, by the way. Nice to meet you, Jamie.

  3. Hi there. Have we met?

  4. Agreed. One day, someday. :) I actually my first dream about him last night. He was very sweet. :teehee:


    Yup, I'm in grade 11. How about you?

  5. It does suck. And no worries! I make mistakes all the time. :)

  6. No, unfourtunately. :( I'm a pretty fresh Mika obsessee. He just finished his tour here, but my mother was being mean and said I couldn't go. How about you?

  7. Ah, I see. And yes, most of the Punjabi speakers in the world are in Pakistan, but here in Canada, when you refer to someone who speaks Punjabi, you're most likely referring to someone from Punjabi, India.

  8. Really? Whenever we say Chile in Spanish class, we say "Chee-lay". Hmm. Is that just the Mexican pronunciation then? And no, my first language is Punjabi, but I've mostly forgotten that. So it's mainly English.

  9. I've always wondered. Is it pronounced "chill-ee" or "chee-lay"?

  10. Vancouver, BC. Home of the raincloud. :naughty: How about you?

  11. Hey there. I don't think I've seen you around? I'm Harpreet.

  12. I think that's quite possibly more confusing than my school. Although the math and pe thing is a big plus. :naughty:

  13. Well, we used to have ABCD on day 1 and EFGH on day 2, but then we switched over to the new BCEsis system the rest of the province uses, so that if we move schools, everything will get transferred. So NOW, it's Day 1, period 1, 2, 3, 4 and Day 2, period 1, 2, 3, 4. Confusing!


    Do you mean you take the same four classes for half the year? Everyday? I'd die my school worked like that!

  14. Me neither, so I dropped it. And art had just become another source of stress, since the juices just weren't flowing anymore. :( But maybe next year. It's weird to have my hands not covered in ink or paint or charcoal.

  15. This year.. well, running through my schedule.. English, Philosophy, Bio, Film Studies, Math, Socials, Spanish and a study block. And yourself?

  16. I don't think I do. Someone was telling me they lived around here, when I first joined, and they have a daughter our age.. but I can't remember who.


    And no, I don't think so. But then again my school's got roughly 2000 people, so you never know.

  17. Wow, that's awesome. I always wished I was a mix kid. You guys seem so much more unique than the rest of us. :naughty:


    I HATE THAT TOO. Last year, my teacher was very accepting and encouraging of my style of writing, she just wanted me to tone it down for the provincial and all that. But THIS year. Oh my gosh.. my teacher's a bitch! :mad3: I hate her! Her way is the only right way, she says. I just want to knock her and her little tea thermos out! And I definitely agree with you. Literature is an art, it can be good, and it can be bad, but never wrong, like you said.


    Heh, I enjoying listening to people's rants. They're always an interesting take on things. :thumb_yello:

  18. Wow! Which ones?


    Hmm. That sounds familiar, but I'm not sure if I've read it. I love writing, but I hate the stupid scoring system that they use for essay. I mean, out of six? Not to mention I don't agree with basing everyone's marks on the same thing. Every student is unique! :mad3: Stupid school system.


    Oh, I see. I actually wish I had a therapist or something. I'm so emotionally all over the place and no one can really relate to that. But at school, it does seem a little impersonal and stressful sometimes.


    Since grade nine. Which isn't very long at all. But it's mad fun. :aah: What's your other half? My friend Lorena's half Mexican too, and half French. We call her "Spench". Lame, but fun. :)

  19. Were they noisy? Because I know how that can be. :rolls_eyes: What was the essay on? And you take Spanish too? Whoohoo! Does that mean you take both Spanish and French?

  20. Oh, okay. LOL.


    Ew, you were right. Bleh. School sucks. I wish it was summer again. Sleeping in, lazy about, eating ice cream. How was your day?

  21. No? What do you mean? You didn't hold any disaster party like on movies did you? Those scare me. People getting freaky in your bedrooms and whatnot. :naughty:


    I agree. But maybe that's because that's when we were little kids. So it just seemed boring to us. To me, the 90's seem like a dulled down version of the 80's. Not anywhere as cool, though. I'm still waiting for time machines! :rolls_eyes:


    Anyway, I'm off for the night. Have a nice Tuesday tomorrow! :bye:

  22. :lmao: That's such a funny mental picture! But cheer up, I've never ever had a birthday party. Kind of pathetic, but I'm just not a party person.


    Yes, I do. Quite a lot, actually. I wish I had been an 80's teen. I feel like I missed out on everything amazing. How about you?

  23. :naughty: Aww.


    What do you mean by "boot"? Although I do get what you mean, Mika's awfully fidgety. :)

  24. Heh, that's great! Does it feel a little weird sometimes? That your birthday's also an international holiday? Or has it just been normal for you?


    P.S. I was born too late too. It's horrible. :no:

  25. Hmm. Maybe they can improve that for next year? :naughty:


    I spent my Halloween lazy about the house, and going grocery shopping with my mom. Nothing too exciting, but afterwards my brother shot off fireworks and my friend came over. Eh. Now that I'm "too old" to trick or treat, Halloween has dropped off my favourite holiday list. How about for you?

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