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Status Updates posted by bitter.icarus

  1. Hey, that's cool! I'm glad it went well. How do you manage to find out about all these MJ parties anyway? LOL.


    Niamh, there's nothing I can say to that except: POOR PLANNING! Seriously! :lol3: Did you manage to get it written?

  2. Yeah, it's seems a lot easier just to jot out a few lines than to stop and think and then write all your thoughts out. BUT. I will be replying to your e soon. Very soon.


    Have fun at the party! Although maybe you've already left. In that case, how was it?


    I feel a little listless. Hmm.

  3. Because he's going through male menopause and freaks out about everything. I'm the demon child in the house. He's always comparing how quiet and "obedient" I used to be. Well, that's what Canadian schooling does for you! :shun:


    Well, don't feel pressure, but all means. But that's amazing! Maybe I should try that out for math. I sit there for hours with one problem, only to realize I did it wrong. :no: Horrible.


    LALALA. How do you feel about salmon? Are you a fan of fish? I just had some.

  4. P.S. Get on MSN once in a while! There's never anyone to talk to!

  5. Well, thank you. :naughty:


    Sucks, huh? But really, material possessions don't mean anything once we pass on. So maybe we can find some comfort in that..?


    I hate it when that happens. But good technique. I just get frustrated and start to cry to my mom. LOL. Childish, yes! How's the dance going? I don't think I'll make it for Thrill the World. My dad had a total aneurysm yesterday and banned anything MJ from our house. :huh:

  6. I actually asked quite a few people today on their opinions on whether or not I should order it, and I've come to the conclusion that while it would be a very wise investment (Stoelting estimates it'll be work a couple thousand one day), since money's pretty tight right now, and I have a long list of greeds, I should probably wait it out for the time being.


    I mean two days before it changes to regular price. Right now it's $165 USD, but it'll switch to $300 USD after the 30th. I think that's a fair trade off for waiting a bit for the money to come in. Yeah?


    Loved? Why so? I didn't detect anything special while I was writing it. :naughty:


    I will check that out right after tutoring. I think I may have left my materials at school. Now it's my turn to be shamed!

  7. Niamh! I have a dilemma! Should I get the OPUS?! I mean of course I want it, but.. GAH. There's only two days left.. :(

  8. That's.. well, awesome! I'm glad everything worked out for you.

  9. Isn't it? I love it when it goes all dark brown from the butter. Oh man.. I want some now.


    Had any cravings lately? :aah:

  10. Hola! How goes your schooling?

  11. Yes. But I have a hunch I'm going to have to buy it myself. :(


    You know what else is delicious? Buttered bread with cinnamon sugar on top. A little less healthy than Nutella, but still.. Yum. :drool:

  12. I haven't had nutella in so long. *tear*

  13. Not just chocolate, hazelnutty chocolaty goodness. Maybe she doesn't like nuts? :huh:

  14. LOL. Oh my gosh, that made me laugh. Scoooore! :kachinga:


    Replying to you tonight! Have fun! :bye:

  15. I know, I know. :naughty:


    How're you? How's school? You still need to take pictures of your house for me, my imagination's running wild. Right now, I'm thinking something like this.



    Unlikely? Yes. But I adore Ikea. :teehee:

  16. Did I? I guess I just wasn't feeling my best, but I didn't mean to convey that in my email. I'm alright, I always will be. No worries. :)

  17. Yeah, sorry. I know everything's weird and dramatic with me. LOL. But this way they won't freak out when I tell them I'm talking to you online/phone/whatsits. You know?


    Gaaah. I can't wait to move out. No more questions!

  18. If anyone in my family asks, you're my friend from Ireland who went to my school for 2 months, then moved to Texas. You graduated last year. My sister doesn't remember you.


    That is all. :)


    P.S. That's basically the reason I'll try to e you tomorrow, since everyone's too suspicious tonight. To Stoelting's Macbook! *dramatic music*

  19. I find that if it's kept out in the open, it mysteriously empties in 2-3 days.


    How could they not?! Infidels!

  20. I'm definitely looking forward to it. I need it with all the negative energy around me these days!

  21. You store a bedsheet in your locker for lunchtime? :naughty: Too bad the weather here's not good enough for that, it's a nifty idea.


    Bleh.. I don't know. Lunch means.. soggy sandwiches, loud hallways, and sitting on the floor for me.

  22. Nutella is amazing! YUM! I love it. I should probably buy a couple jars and keep them in my room.


    It's that delicious.

  23. Some classes of mine I can take, others, I'd rather leave. Lunch isn't too great for me. I just feel like sleeping all the time, and spending the my time outside.


    Ugh. Ten months to go!

  24. But of course. :naughty:


    Yes. And I'm already feeling the glooms set in, and this was only the first official day. GAAAAAAAAH. School sucks!

  25. Truly! :swoon:


    He sounds like a funny guy, if a little insane. LOL.

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