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Status Updates posted by bitter.icarus

  1. How'd the meet go?


    My mother won't allow me to go. :( UGH. I can't wait to move out.

  2. That would also be amazing. I told my dad I wanted a tree going through my room (he's into construction), like up through the floor and out the window, but he said no. I'm sure it's possible!


    How about outside? Is the weather good enough for that?

  3. Yeah. And if I do manage to get a conversation going it's all very dull and "hw r u?" and "kewl". LAME. These people don't know how to communicate!


    A restaurant with wifi? Is it any good? I've always wondered about that. Especially I go into Starbucks and see all those people with coffee and laptops, type, type, typing away.


    You're one of those people now!

  4. Do you think so? Thanks! I liked it at first, but as soon as I got it up here, it started looking funny to me.. LOL.


    Don't feel like you have to start using it because of me. To be truthful, I'm really not it a whole lot. (Again.. no one talks to me.. LOL).

  5. I didn't think of it as a rug. That'd be pretty funky. Or since it would be pretty thin.. what if you had like a clear floor and you stuck it under like a picture in a frame. But that's not realistic. LOL.


    I wish I had a ceiling like that. But instead of a sheet it was lights that looked like stars.


    Again, not very realistic. How'd the sheet hunting go?

  6. I send you a MSN messenger invite. Is that okay?!

  7. Fascinating!


    You can make one out of spare bits of wood, if you have any. Or any art supply store has them for $3-15, depending on size. It'd be cool if you cut up the sheet and did little canvas prints all lined up.


    OR, make a shirt out of it.. LOL. I'm crazy.

  8. LOL!


    .. Your dreams sound like my dreams. :aah:Were the juice boxes full? Or.. empty? *gasp*


    Are you planning on stretching it over a frame after? Like a canvas?

  9. LOL. That happens too much with us.


    Yup. I check my email multiple times a day (even though no one emails me..). So no worries!

  10. Isn't it? I really like P.Y.T. Maybe because it reminds me of "Shake Your Groove Thing" by Peaches & Herb, which I basically grew up on. So it could be a comfort thing.


    Yeah, I just search around and listen on Youtube. Some of them aren't the full songs, so I would get frustrated putting them on my iPod.. heh. I need to have the full song, in the best quality available, or else I'm not happy. Picky, much?


    How're you?!

  11. You must!


    I think out of the demo's I've heard, Billie Jean is my favourite. There's just something extra funky about the beat. What about you?

  12. Yeah, scary. :( I hate the concept of "nothing". How could there be nothing? How is that possible? It's like the Louis CK sketch. "Why can't there be anything in nothing?" "Because something that isn't, can't be!" ARGH. Confusing!


    Maybe! Although he was around my age. So Mika as a teenager? Wait.. why was I in college then? I'm at least two years away from that.. Dreams are also weird.


    Isn't that right? Tiedye? Tyedie? Tiedie? Hmm. In any case, cool idea!

  13. Tch, tch.


    Have you heard the demo of P.Y.T? It's completely different from the Thriller version! Amazing how songs progress.

  14. Mmhm. The moon is pretty. Sometimes it scares me though.. I don't know why. :blink:


    I fear today is another day stuck at home. OH! I had a dream about you. Sort of. (I've never seen you in person, obviously, but somehow I knew it was you.) Well, we were in college, in this dorm we shared, but we slept in bathtubs. And I tried to be friends with you, but you weren't talking to me. But one night you got sick, and we had to bobsled down thus huge snowy hill to this other big house, where everything was red. And this really cute guy told me your name was "nCelsey" (Kelsey with a silent "n") even though I had been calling you Natalie. And then I felt really bad, and realized that's why you weren't talking to me. And then the dream ended.


    Weird, huh?


    Where'd you get the sheet idea? I hope it goes well, show me when you're done. :thumb_yello:

  15. That's great! I get so depressed when the sun goes away. I love it dearly.


    I'm really good, right now. I finally got out today, after being stuck at home for a couple days. It's enough to make someone a little insane. Or very, in my case. ;)


    How's your week so far? Any plans?

  16. Seriously, Niamh. NO PRESSURE! I don't want to worry you with the stress of having to reply to me with everything else going on. Put me on the bottom of your list of To Do's! I don't mind!


    Really! :)

  17. You remembered my name! I'm flattered. :blush-anim-cl:


    I'm glad that sun's finally out! Summer is not meant for clouds. How're you?

  18. Hey! I got your email! Texas sounds AMAZING. Frankly, I'm a little jealous. ;)

  19. It does, doesn't it? I wish I lived more downtown. I live in the burb's. Oh well. Less traffic.. LOL.


    That's hilarious! I like doing that to people too. Although when people are sarcastic with me I can never tell and I have to ask them. Which really, sort of kills it.. xD


    Goodnight! Nice talk to you too! :)

  20. Your comments are so funny, Kat. Especially the car one, that made me laugh. :naughty:


    Aside from the torrential flooding, that looks great! I like how England has all this old architecture. We don't have much of that here in Vancouver, unless you go to abandoned or preserved places, like the old sugar factory or Gastown.





    Sugar factory:


    Which unfortunately is all run down and icky now. Just the old trains and a little park near there.


    Good stuff.

  21. There's no use in me trying to save space while writing. I write huge and messy and my English teachers always get a good laugh out of it. I don't know how people can write so neatly all the time! I get hand cramps!


    Me too. I wish I knew more about geography, but there's more of the remembering names problem.


    LOL! That's so cute! Well, since Canada's so huge, it's different from area to area, but where I live, it is very very wet most of the time. In the summer, we get pretty roasty for a couple weeks, then it evens out. Uhm.. there's lots of shopping.. and places to sightsee.. and.. the roads are pretty big compared to what I saw of England. Lots of space. We're not big on brick, very much.


    A picture, to illustrate my point;




    I couldn't think of anything else.. haha. What's Morpeth like?

  22. You're not stupid. A lot of people don't know where Vancouver is. It's on the west coast of Canada. :) To me, Britain was always SUPER confusing. All those name and directions and titles.. eek! Too much to remember.


    I always thought it was so cool how Katies could spell their name "KT". Lame, I know. xD

  23. Everyone says that, but I don't see it. LOL. Maybe it's because it sounds weird to me. You know when you keep saying a word over and over and pretty soon it just sounds weird (take 'school' for instance. I now hate that word!)? That's what I think happened to my name. LOL.


    I like your name better! "Kat". So pretty and simple. What are the other nicknames you have?


    Aw. *pat pat*


    Eeps. I'm getting all flustered and embarrassed! You don't have to do anything! Really! I live in Vancouver, BC. Where do you live? It's awesome though isn't it? That there are people worldwide being united by Mika? It makes me happy inside. :)

  24. Nope. Aw, shucks. That'd be so sweet of you. As long as it doesn't get crazy! I'm not much of a partier. My idea of a good time is settling down with a good book/cd and sharing a laugh with friends.


    Wow! I'm glad he's okay! That must have been awful. It's things like these that make me stop and be happy with what I have, no matter how much I winge and complain. LOL.


    I sometimes wonder what my life would be like if I was born a month earlier. Would everything be different? Hmm. I do enjoy being older than most everyone in my grade though. I feel.. superior.. LOL.


    BTW, I never asked your name! I'm sorry. I'm Harpreet. :)

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