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Status Updates posted by bitter.icarus

  1. It would. I wonder if it's possible for it to crack the floor and plunge through it?


    Good stuff. :thumb_yello:

  2. Don't worry, I mean it as nothing but one.


    Good thing he's just as crazy as we are. Heh.


    Yes, they are jerks! *shakes fist at school board* Do tell about your teacher's spiel, I'd love to hear it!

  3. I found this on Youtube, and it made me laugh. I agree, I'm expecting some serious good times once we get there!


    "LOL! If you love the "you ain't seen nothing yet" comment, you need to look back to another man once considered "the greatest entertainer that ever lived," Al Jolson.


    Though long before my time, I grew up hearing his music from my Grandparents. He coined that trademark. phrase.


    Kinda nice that both legends used it in 2 very different times & musical eras. While I hope both have found peace, I selfishly hope neither is 'resting.' I for one look forward to some amazing concerts someday!"




  4. You're reading the same book in two languages? You are a nerd! :lol3:


    That, is a most excellent idea!


    Nice! We hardly ever get days off school here, Vancouver's a very mixed-weather city. Last year, there was a huge snowstorms, and for WEEKS traffic was a nightmare, but they still didn't call it off. The stupid private schools on the other hand.. :shun:

  5. Yes, that's exactly the sort of stuff I'm interested in, nerdism rules! I'll be sure to check it out. My socials teacher lent me a book on the beginning of everything, but I can't remember what it was called. I'll get back to you on that, it was really good. I also borrowed How the Platypus Crossed the Road, which is understanding philosophy through jokes. It's really scintillating stuff! It makes me love the world and all the stuff in it. LOL.


    Exactly, hot-tumb and inflatable Mika doll in all. (Securing the real Mika would require a plane ride to London, cookies and a baseball bat.)


    That sounds like an average winter day here in Vancouver. Add a little bit of rain (or a whole lot) and voilia! I'm really much more of a snow person, but I don't mind rain. it's when I can't see the sun that I get upset.

  6. When you think about, it so amazing that there are so many different languages out there, all unique, always evolving. Amazing! It's one of those moments when you just think about how miraculous the word is and go "Whoa..". Like how Earth is a giant chunk of rock FLOATING in space, being warmed by a STAR millions of miles away.


    Hot damn. LOL.


    Awesome! I'll design the inside of your plane, if you'd like. :naughty:


    I love wind. Yesterday it was my favourite kind of weather. Warm, but not warm, cool but not cool, sunny, with lots of wind. It was.. fantastic.

  7. Hmm, I see. Well then, let me know when you find out! I love the mechanics of everything, but it's really expecting too much of me to have me speak anything well. LOL.


    Exactly! We could learn so much from each other! (I stole the idea from an episode of My Life As A Teenage Robot, honestly.. heh!)


    Nope, she just moved recently. Well.. I can't remember the exact date, but not too long ago. I wish I could join you guys but I'm a couple thousand miles away. Boo! Maybe one day, airfare will be free. One can dream!


    I love thunderstorms. There's some magic in them.

  8. Are you a linguistic person then? I love languages but I struggle with them. So English is my preferred method.:thumb_yello:


    Although it would be cool to learn Swahili or something. I'm waiting for the day they invent chips that you can embed in your brain and know every language knows to man (and animal)


    Austin! Niamh/Neeve lives there too. Do you know her? She said its roasted there.


    BTW, that picture made me laugh. :lol3:

  9. At school! Lucky duck! All we have here is Mandarin, English, and Spanish. Canada.. sucks.


    Where in the world do you live?

  10. Who cares? It's still Latin! :naughty: How'd you learn?

  11. Good to hear. I'm just me. Popped back to school for a bit yesterday for a club meeting, but that's really it. Four days until the Return to Hell. Or not? Eh. I don't know how I feel about anything anymore. :naughty:


    How's being a TA working out?

  12. It would. But what if one day it just decided to snap? Gravity sucks.


    Personally, I prefer adventure comedies. :) What about you?

  13. Yes, you. LOL. As silly as it sounds. I realized a couple days ago that you obviously had school and whatnot, but I couldn't grasp that concept before and thought something horrible had happened. Thank God nothing has!


    You can see I'm overly dramatic. :naughty: Looking forward to your reply!

  14. Because I'm a major klutz and I'm afraid if I try to get on one, I'll fall. LOL.


    It is. I hate horror stories. BOO!

  15. Truthfully, I've never been on/in a hammock. They scare me a little. LOL.


    Nah, this girl ran this other girl over, then she felt something touching her while she was sleeping. Or something like that. LOL.

  16. Gah! I was getting worried!

  17. Can you speak Latin? I always wished I could.


    Well, it's pretty spiffy gibberish if you ask me.

  18. Exactly. LOL.


    I'm checking that out!

  19. Wouldn't that get sweaty in the summer? Maybe you can have a hammock just to laze about on sometimes.


    I've never tried an air mattress. I did have a fascination with water beds until I read this scary story of a dead girl being found in one. Not cool. :thumbdown:

  20. No problem, take your time. Turning 15 wasn't so bad after all was it? I remember when I turned 15, there was an ugly chocolate cake, a bad dinner, and lots of screaming. LOL.

  21. Why thanks! Are you a fan of Greek mythology?


    I like yours too. Sounds like an action movie!

  22. Happy 15th, Neiobi! I thought your birthday was yesterday, but then when I read the little doodad at the bottom of the forum, your name was there. :naughty:


    Have a good one! Let me know how your party/plans go!

  23. That would be cool. I've always wanted a hammock too..

  24. Yes! Except instead of wood, for one or two walls it'd just be glass. I should look into being an architect so I can make this happen!


    Take pictures when you're done! :)

  25. Mmhm. My parents have no trust of strangers. I think if I tried to reason again about going with other MFCer's they'd just get more freaked out.


    Oh, I see. Well, tell me how it goes. My brother's kicking me off now!

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