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Status Updates posted by bitter.icarus

  1. Yeah.. I hate sweating. ):


    Where do you live now? From what I've seen of England, it's a nice place. Especially the middle of London. Amazing architecture! Except for the whole brick houses thing. It was freezing inside and nice and warm outside.

  2. I love the sun. Isn't it just fantastic?


    Hmm. Perhaps I would need to invest in a special ringdone. "DANGER DANGER!".. or maybe Darth Vader's Imperial March..


    Same here. Well.. two years. Then probably another eight or so.. ): But I'll probably move out before then. I can't live this crazy forever.

  3. We Are Golden. I get a mental picture of everyone standing under this golden rainbow, with their arms up and sparks flying down around them. Coolios..


    I don't understand them. They're always complaining they can't reach me, but refuse to buy me a phone. Their solution is "don't go out!". RIIIIGHT. Exactly my point! I'm safe, end of discussion. BUT NOOO.


    Parents. Jeez. I can't wait to move out.

  4. It does. A certain je ne sais quois. "Gulden"? Is that what it was? Sounds like a mini troll.


    Because I didn't call before I left my friend's house. For home. With my entourage of three. Including two adults. Then they went to go look for me... This wouldn't happen if they just got me a cell phone. I don't care either way, as long as they stop complaining.

  5. Doesn't everyone? But you have to admit 'euro' sounds better than 'dollar'. I just think biscuits when I hear 'dollar'.


    I love shopping. I hate spending money. ): Free is my best friend.


    Tonight my parents thought I got kidnapped. *eyeroll*

  6. Wow, now I can understand why. The word "euro" sounds so sophisticated. I likes it.


    Well, it was great. And then I came home. xD

  7. That's true. I think you should get on it ASAP.


    ANYWAY.. how's life?



    A life without IKEA.. is like a day without the sun..

  9. I second that.


    Of course, no home compares to the calls of IKEA. I think I'm just going to start secretly hiding out there.

  10. Mmhm. To be honest, you guys are more inviting than my own family. Heh.

  11. Whew! Good to know it's not just me.


    It really is. You can feel the love, ;P

  12. GUESS HOW LONG IT TOOK ME TO REALIZE I HAD POSTED ON MY OWN.. THINGY? xD Anyway, here's the original message:


    Well thanks! I seriously can't believe how friendly everyone on here is. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


    P.S. If you ever need a sig/avatar set, you know who to call. I'm a bit of an art nerd! 8B

  13. Yes, yes I am. I adore him. :)


    And thank you

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