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Status Updates posted by CandyPants

  1. Hey, for all you know I could be a ghost, muahahahahaha!:groovy:

    I'm in a silly mood today, I keep giggling at things that aren't even funny. Glad to hear you're feeling okay, hopefully you'll make a full recovery soon. I know a few people who are ill at the moment, I blame the cold weather. Good luck with the article:teehee: xxx

  2. It might have something to do with blood circulation. I'm no doctor:freak:

    I don't get ill a lot either. I'm staying with my cousin for a few days but I've taken the laptop (well I obviously have taken the laptop, otherwise this message would be a bit of a miracle:aah:). Anyway I'm having a nice time:cheerful_h4h: Hope you're okay sweety:teehee: xxx

  3. Awww no:sad: I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart. I hope you feel better soon! You take care of yourself and rest up my dear.

    -sends flowers- :flowers2:


    :huglove: xxx

  4. :lmao: I'm going to say... I think I'm getting, ancient *sob*


    This is the worrying thing, I've just been lazy (yes, I'm still being lazy). I haven't really done anything to make me feel tired:aah: Aah that sounds nasty, I'm glad you're feeling better now. Fevers suck! xxx

  5. Aww damn that's a real shame. You're right though, thank god you didn't miss the music festival. You'll get your chance to go again hopefully, and next time you won't get ill (fingers crossed). I really don't have the cash to go there, now 'soon' anyway. And by soon, I mean the next 2/3 years:roftl: I've got too much debt on my credit cards:teehee:


    I'm tired today as well. When I was at school I used to hate the presentations as well. I wasn't as confident back then and I used to get all nervous and flustered, which as you already know makes you say the wrong things. Just try and relax tomorrow, I know it isn't easy though.


    Aww okay. Enjoy your stay:biggrin2: Hear from you soon Princess.

    -blows a kiss- xxx

  6. :lmao: I've almost done that before, but realised before I clicked 'post'. Easily done I suppose. And now, if you click 'view conversation' you can have a convo with yourself:roftl:


    Oh yes, I have to have girlie pink walls. And yaaay I invented a new colour! I don't have any siblings, which is maybe just as well because I'd forget their ages anyway. Well I have cousins, but that's not the same. I have to put the blame on chocolate my dear, otherwise they would lock me up as a crazy person.. And yes, any excuse to grab a loved one:das:


    Don't say that, I think you're great. Seriously! I've also met you, and you won't end up alone, you're far too nice:blush-anim-cl: And if you're still alone in 20 years, I'LL marry you:lmao: There's a deal... XD

  7. Noooo! -gives conversation CPR-.. COME ON! YOU CAN MAKE IT!


    Sorry about thatXD Hello, I'm fine thanks. I'm kinda tired today, I think I'm getting old:roftl: How are you doing sweety? xxx

  8. It really is a wonderful song. I'm going to go and listen to it again in a minute. My albums still aren't here, it's because of our damn postal strikes:sad: I haven't watched any of his live performances yet on YT, just the music videos. I'll have to check them out so I can see the passion:mf_lustslow:


    Yeah make sure your next guy is straight, or bi. There's some gorgeous camp guy out there with your name on it, I know it:naughty: Oh I can just imagine my picture above your hot tub:rolls_eyes: I'll see what I can do:teehee:

    Oh I have a terribly dirty mind as well, I start giggling in the middle of normal conversations because I've heard something that doesn't sound 'innocent'. Talking to me won't help cure you of your dirty imagination, but at least you have somebody to share it with:aah:

    And no, I have no idea what your favourite smilie is:das:

  9. And also, no waaay! I would hide behind you first!:aah: Before the scary monsters got me!!:lmao: Last time I watched a horror movie with my boyfriend, I'm sure at one point I actually shouted "OH MY GOD!" at the TV. I guess I'd eaten too much chocolate and was hyperactive:teehee: Besides, it's an excuse to grab him:naughty:


    I hope you and Mari didn't do anymore hiding when you went for a walkXD I can't remember if I had any nap-dreams, probably not. Oooh I'd love to go to New York. My cousin went there a couple of years ago and enjoyed making me jealous by showing me all the pictures:aah:


    Goodnight Princess, talk to you soon =) xxx

  10. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be describing my house to people:lmao: That must be the worst case of random ranting.. Buuuut, to add to your map, the bedroom has pink walls, and the bathroom is like mint blue, if that colour even exists:aah: It was pretty hard, but living with my friend really helped. We didn't starve, I've never eaten much anyway:rolls_eyes:


    Your mum certainly knows how to get a contract:lmao: Oh if you've got the biggest bedroom you shouldn't leave just yet:naughty:


    Not surprisingly I've never heard of that vampire movie. Although knowing it scared your sister is good enough for me. I'm glad you like my ranting, I wasn't planning on stopping any time soon:teehee:

  11. And OMG imagine if you was stood in front of Rufus and Mika AT THE SAME TIME!!!!:shocked: I would just explode in two different directions:roftl: I hope that didn't sound wrong, actually. Talking about these guys is running riot with our imagination:naughty:

    Funnily enough I know exactly what you mean about Mika. It's because his music is kinda childish at times, and then when you REALLY listen to the lyrics you realise he is a dirrrrty boy:roftl: So I love him innocently and dirty at the same time - if that makes any sense at all

  12. OMG I just listened to 'Go Or Go Ahead' on YT:mf_lustslow: It's so beautiful, I can't even describe it! It gave me goose bumps on the back of my neck, and even though it made me all relaxed listening to it, my heart was pounding really fast:wub2: Damn!:aah: This RuFungus is spreading!:swoon:


    Oh my gosh, when I get married and have a honeymoon, there's gonna be nothing other than :teehee: I still think it's really strange, no woman should have to put on gay porn for her husband on the honeymoon:roftl: I know you didn't really, but still..:aah: I'm really glad to hear you never find my posts boring actually, I talk more than I think, usually with interesting consequences. Your posts are never boring either, by the way. I love reading them:blush-anim-cl:


    I didn't put the lipstick and skirt on by the way, so there's no photo that requires your magical juice... yet:lmao:

  13. I know I don't know what's happening. I just nap a lot and wake up at all hours:blink: I love that smiley too:teehee: It's a very mischeivous smiley:naughty:


    Haha good luck. I might go and have a nap now.. hmm:blush-anim-cl:

  14. You make me giggle so much:lmao: RuFungus had me tittering:rolls_eyes: I don't mind theatrical songs, although I don't think I've seen any of those on YT yet. Oh I'd like to think my legs were pretty awesome too:naughty: I might go dress up in red lipstick and a black skirt now, you've put me in the mood:roftl: That would be a dilema, you'd have to be in two places at the same time, but considering you have RuFungus you might just chose Rufus over Mika. Tough call though! Not touching Mika when he was close by would require will power I don't have I'm afraid. I would just have to... :das:


    Same here, every single message I've had to cut in half and post seperately.

    I'll listen to Go Or Go Ahead full volume, just as soon as it gets here. Or maybe I'll need to listen to it on YT now, curiosity might get the better of me:aah:

  15. Oh well all the being lazy has thrown my sleep pattern out, so I woke up at 5am today. Which is so early, that might actually mean I'm a night owl:aah:


    Hmm well I lived with my aunt and cousins for my teen years, and I'd caused them a lot of trouble already so they didn't mind me leaving at 17:teehee: I grow up really early, but I still have the maturity level of a 10 year old, so maybe I didn't grow up allll the way:lmao:


    Oh that's great actually, if you come to the UK you can come see meeee:cheerful_h4h:

  16. O RLY? I'll have to talk dirty more often:das: Last time I heard they had snow in Switzerland:cheerful_h4h:

    A JETTED HOT TUB!!!:mf_lustslow: IN THE BEDROOM?!?!?!:swoon: Ohhh the fun me and Adam could have in there....:blush-anim-cl: I'm jealous. And now I'm sulking.. pfsh! I always have too much to say, but as you mentioned before, maybe the word limit is a good thing. It stops my posts becoming too boring, not that you can tell:lmao: I guess people either do love/hate Mika, I've never met anyone who just 'liked' him, it's always either "I can't stand that guy" or "I ******* LOVE HIM!". Why are we using stars instead of swear words by the way?:aah: I stubbed my toe on the bed yesterday, you would have needed a LOT of stars:naughty:


    And yes, I like the WHOLE package:das:

  17. I typed 'I better finish this message now' on the last one, but had to delete it because guess what.. :lmao:


    April Fool's is a great song. I also loved several that you mentioned, but I'll check out the ones I haven't heard yet while I wait for my albums to arrive:teehee: That's a sentence I wasn't expecting to read today 'Rufus Wainright is a fungus'. :roftl: I wouldn't mind him growing on me though.. This message is getting weird, moving on!

    Oh I'm sure you are happy, you're responsible for the creation of a new Rufus fan. I guess I won't be seeing him live anytime soon though, I spent the last bit of money I had on Mika tickets:aah: Ahh well, still money well spent! I'm so glad you got to meet him at West Palm after missing him in Miami! That would have been awful if you hadn't had another chance:shocked:


    I'd try that with Mika:das: If I saw Mika I would just grab him.. his hand, shoulders, waist.. doesn't matter. I'd just GRAB him:naughty: xxx

  18. HOLLY SHUT THE **** UP!............ just kidding:das:


    No, I can't believe you've never seen snow!:blink: what the fudge!?!?!? You have to see snow! It's pretty:teehee: The resort sounds really beautiful though, I'm totally jealous about the 4 pools you've got there. I wish I could be there:crybaby: I want to see Mika on a big screen!!:aah: Okay, tantrum over:blush-anim-cl:


    It's all very exciting discovering new music, especially music that RAWKS. I can't wait for the albums to arrive now. I'll let you know the instant I get them:naughty: I'm also pretty happy for Rufus, the poor guy sounds like he's had a hard life and he deserves nothing less than his soulmate. If I'm together with Adam for 4 years I'll be a happy man:wub2: The word limit annoys me as well, I just copy and paste what couldn't fit onto the last message into the second one:aah: It's a bit of a pain in the ass though:roftl:

  19. Haha yeah, although I'd probably be able to sleep just fine on an overnight train. Some people can't sleep in unfamilar or noisy places, but I can sleep just about anywhere I think:naughty: Enjoy your lazy weekend:thumb_yello:


    I guess it is hard to get on with your parents when you're a teen. I was a terrible, terrrrible teenager. I left home when I was 17 and things only really settled down when I was 20. Fortunately not everyone goes off the rails like me, and you seem to have far more common sense than me, so you'll be okay:roftl: xxx

  20. Oh absolutely! I've been so lazy, but it feeeels soooo goooood:roftl:

    Aww that is quite small for a hotel. Ooh I've never been on an overnight train before, I'll put it on my 'to do before I die' list:naughty: I'm always on the lookout for things I haven't done:teehee:

    Hahah that does sound like the kind of place Mika would like, especially the fancy wooden toys!:aah: It sounds like you made the most of your trip anyway!


    Ooh don't think that! I wish I was your age again!:roftl: We could swap if you like?:naughty: I know parents can be a pain, but you won't depend on them forever so I guess you should make the most of them:blush-anim-cl: xxx

  21. I started wondering how many Mika fans you'd turned into Rufus fans too:lmao: I'm really hooked listening to him on youtube, I even posted some links to my friends and they listened to him and loved him too:roftl: Look what you've started!:aah:


    He did seem incredibly polite on the video. It's so important that he takes time with fans, even if it isn't long. It means a lot. And WHOA you got to see him the days after that:naughty:


    Thanks so much for saying me and Adam make a 'beautiful couple'. You're very very sweet my dear:blush-anim-cl: Hope you're having a good day and hear from you soon xxx

  22. Oh I agree, spray tan is a no no for me now. Besides, my boyfriend is emo and likes Tim Burton and gothic stuff, so he probably doesn't mind me looking pale:naughty:


    Ooh a 4 day party, I haven't had one of those for... days:roftl: Actually I haven't been to a party for ages:aah: Oh I don't want to see anybody else's pictures of the party, only yours will do:naughty:


    I ordered all three of those Rufus albums you reccommended, I'm just waiting for them to arrive. Thanks for the sweet pics of Rufus and Jorn by the way, they're such a cute couple! I've been listening to Rufus on youtube, and I've got the songs 'April Fools' and 'California' stuck in my head:aah: I don't know what albums those are from though.

  23. Part II lololol


    I guess I just couldn't stand living with my foster mum and cousins anymore. I have three cousins, all girls. I used to play with their barbie dolls and stuff:naughty: God I'm ranting so badly..:blush-anim-cl:


    Aww that sounds nice, I feel like watching movies too. Which movie did your sister think was scary? I scare too easily with films, I'm always half hiding behind cushions and yelling stuff like "the killer is behind youu!! TURN AROUND!".


    My day's been okay thanks, just boring really. I've been napping a lot recently. I better end this comment now:teehee: Love you lots:huglove: xxx

  24. My laptop used to be terrible when it came to internet connection, it seems to have settled down with age though:roftl:


    That's pretty unusual.. Why would your friends flip if they saw you and Mari hanging out? I guess it's complicated. It sucks though, it's a shame you're in that situation. Still, it must have been fun running around and hiding. You could pretend you're in an action movie, all drama and passion:lmao:


    I wouldn't envy me for having a flat, you haven't see it!:aah: The bedroom is pretty small, two people can hardly fit into the bathroom, and like the living room and kitchen are in the same room.. if that makes sense!:blush-anim-cl: I moved out from my mum's place when I was about 17, really young I know. I moved in with a friend and it was really hard for the first year or so. Neither of us knew how to pay bills or cook or ANYTHING like that.

  25. Heey, welcome back you:biggrin2: I'm glad you had a nice time! That's how I felt when I got back from Paris, tooo tired for a replyXD I've been really lazy just recently and have been sleeping a lot:teehee: Aww, I hope the hotel was small in a 'cute' way! You'll have to tell me about the randomness:naughty:

    I'm fine, thanks for asking. Just bored:aah: How are you doing? xxx

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