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Status Updates posted by CandyPants

  1. Hello, just a quick line to say sorry for not replying sooner to you last message. I'm too tired to write a proper one out tonight but hope you're okay hahaXD I'll have another go tomorrow:p xxx

  2. Some songs are better for videos than others I guess. I think 'We Are Golden' was a good choice:biggrin2: I'm glad you had fun filming it, it's always more fun than editing anyway, but hopefully it should be great:teehee:

    That sounds a bit complicated, as long as you don't feel upset that your friend is now with your crush, I suppose it's okay. It must feel awkward though=/

    A girl can definitely dream, sometimes dreams beat the real thing:aah: And ohhh the pink fluffy feeling, I think I've had that. Or can guys have that? I don't know:lmao:


    And no, that did make sense. I know what you're saying, trust me. Everyone reaches a point when it's not 'just looking' anymore.

    Anyway goodnight Princess, glad you could find some time to message silly old Sinny:roftl: Much love! xxx

  3. Yeah it's silly, most people do grow out of it. That's a really weird thing for your maths teacher to do. And yeah, that was some sentence! But I don't think I could do any better:roftl: Who knows, maybe this new girl could be 1 of your two future friends:aah:


    I don't think this message is going to be very long, I've gone all sleepy half way through:blush-anim-cl: This happens at my age!


    Anyway hope you're okay haha xxx

  4. I guess the ones who have certain insecurities about themselves will be worried about what other people think of them. Like "am I wearing the right clothes?", "do I look cool?", "what will everyone think if I hang out with this person?". It's all pretty silly, but hopefully something they'll all grow out of:original:


    I'm more outgoing now than I was at school I suppose. I was quiet and a bit girly:blush-anim-cl: I guess it made me an easy target:aah: Haha and don't worry, you might get 2 good friends out of school, you're not finished yet so there's still timeXD Yeah I guess people have lots of acquaintences these days and less friends.

  5. Regular coke actually:teehee: I don't think I need to be on a diet though:roftl: That kinda sucks that she stopped hanging out with you because she got on with her now-best friend. I guess stuff like that happens all the time though. School can be awful, I was picked on a lot and didn't really enjoy being there until I made 2 good friends (yes, just 2). And that was when I was 15, a little late to be making best friends. Hope you manage to find some time with the shy girl who just joined, she sounds nice:original: xxx

  6. Heeey, congrats on still being alive I guess:lmao: Ooh that sounds fun, I'd be hopeless at making a music video. Which Mika song is it? Aww don't be stressed Princess, you are fabulous and hopefully the ideas will come to you:blush-anim-cl:


    Ha, damn you photo-class:aah:


    Love you, hear from you soon *huggles* xxx

  7. That's not stupid! I'm not surprised you were nervous about the presentation, I hope it went well by the way!:teehee: I know what you mean when you say coming to this site gives you confidence, I suppose it's all about meeting new people and developing social skills. And the people here are so lovely, so it doesn't sound odd that it's giving you confidence.


    Oh that's okay my dear, I like listening to the problems of teens without lives:aah: I'm joking, I'm not saying you don't have a life. And anyway, what actually is 'a life'? People say that, but we're alive! WE HAVE LIVES!:roftl:

    I'm glad you had a better day too. Good luck sitting next to the ex-friend, just play it cool and if she/he says hi you can be casual and say hi back. Just try and forget they are there:naughty:


    Me? I'm fine thank you. Just the same old stuff really. I just ordered pizza so I'll be having that soon:teehee: xxx

  8. Haha, you do seem rather talkative tonight. You are Sunshine, trust me:wink2: That sucks, how come you haven't been getting your sleep? Aww damn, I suppose we all f*ck up sometimes, I've always been really unorganized though so I guess I'm used to f*cking up now:blush-anim-cl: And no it doesn't help that you're on here all the time:aah:


    You need to relax a little bit I think, it's awful being under pressure to do well at something, but you can only try your best. Congrats for learning Bohemian Rhapsody by heart, it's probably something my memory isn't capable of:roftl:


    Oh my god the poor guy:shocked: Things like that really get me, you're right you don't have to know somebody to feel the impact of what's happened. I hope you feel very slightly better for telling me all this, I'm a good listener tonight:teehee:

  9. Apologies for the randomness:blush-anim-cl: I'm just always excited when I find somebody else who likes them. Hope you're okay xxx

  10. Very late 'thanks for accepting my add' message.:blush-anim-cl: Hope you're okay, much love! xxx

  11. Saw your Jedward avatar on somebody else's profile and just had to add you. I LOVE THEM

  12. I know, I closed my eyes and listened to it, and it sounded identical to a real storm. I couldn't see the video on the myspace site either, probably because I don't have myspace. Oh I see, procrastinating are you:naughty: It's okay, I like people that ramble and talk as much as me. Hope you're okay sunshine xxx

  13. Hello there Alysia, thanks for passing on the message. It's nice to meet you too, I'm Sinny. I hope she's better soon. Take care :original: xxx

  14. Hello, sorry for the delayed reply my dear:aah: I just watched that youtube video you posted of the choir, they were pretty amazing! I love it when they jumped to make 'thunder' noises and then the storm just stops and they go into the song. Thanks for posting it here. And yes I watched the live web chat haha:teehee:


    I'm doing okay thanks, not been up to much though. I left my cousin's today and went back home after staying there a while. It's nice to be back. Anyway how are you and whatcha been up to? :biggrin2: xxx

  15. So glad to hear you're still alive. I was imagining you as a little skeleton laid on the floor covered in cobwebs:aah: Hope you're okay and take care Princess:huglove: xxx

  16. I'm sorry I haven't messaged you for ages. I went out yesterday for a meal with my boyfriend, it was really nice:mf_lustslow: It got me out of the house anyway:teehee: But anyway how are youuu? And what have you been up to? xxx

  17. Rufus_wainwright_web.jpg


    Rufus thinks you should get well soon because Candypants misses you:sad:

  18. Sorry for the late reply Princess, I was online yesterday but I was a bit tired and didn't really have anything interesting to post. Not that I have anything interesting to post now:roftl: Ohhh you're blonde! Like me!:teehee: Blonde is an awesome hair colour, maybe you should go blonde again someday. I had to dye my eyebrows too though, because blonde eyebrows do look awful, you can't see themXD Thanks for posting the pictures, they're cute!


    I don't like thinking about you crying, but we all do it I guess. Some people more than others though. Oh and that song always makes me feel sad! I try not to listen to sad songs when I'm happy, otherwise it will ruin it!:aah: Everything's okay, thanks for asking. I went out for a romantic meal tonight with my boyfriend, it was really lovely:wub2: Anyway I hope you're all right Princess, hear from you soon sweety xxx


    (surprisingly short comment, but hopefully twice as boring to make up for it)

  19. I cry at everything, so it's not really surprising I would do it laying on the floor as well:blush-anim-cl: A TV advert made me cry last week, can't remember what it was about thoughXD


    Oh I guess that means I'm stuck with the nick name Snuskee now? Or Skuskepus or whatever:roftl:


    I've run out of things to say... -thinks- .... Yeah, I've got nothing else:aah:

    Hear from you soon Princess:huglove: xxx

  20. Oh I tell white lies, and I lie when I'm drunk:aah: Mrs Candypants certainly does sound snobby.. Actually it doesn't, it sounds awesome, and very fancy. I think fancypants is another nickname of mine actually.


    Isn't your hair naturally red anyway? Because your eyebrows are kinda red. Your hair looks nice, you shouldn't be unhappy with it. I bet it looks gorgeous when you put it up, like in an updo. You look a bit like my youngest cousin actually, although she's blonde. Same age and just as cute as you though:wink2: I've always had short blonde hair, when I was your age it was all over the place, and because I'm very girly I used to put pink hair clips in it:blush-anim-cl: I make it more spiky now, I stole the idea from someone on a film and I've done it like that ever since. (god I'm so boring, you just got a history of my hair! You poor girl!)

  21. Part II:hypo:


    Sounds like you had a nice day with your mom and Mari. Day-offs are the best! God, I haven't stayed up till 8am for ages. 4am is my best latest attempt:teehee: You dye your hair? I like your red hair:cheerful_h4h: Haha you make me giggle, that's exactly what I do sometimes, put on a sappy song and just lay there. I listen to sad songs as well when I want to cry, I always feel better afterwards.


    Aww, I am Snuskee:blush-anim-cl: What does that mean?

    Goodnight Princess xxx

  22. Yeah I imagine most staff would quit the job before they went completely crazy though:naughty: Aww you shouldn't have to do that, I don't understand why people lie. It's better to always be honest because people find out if you're lying anyway:biggrin2: And yes, I will come shopping with you. Let me just catch this plane and I'll be there tomorrow:lmao:


    Our marriage would be very interesting. In a fun way I think though. Could you live with the name Mrs Candypants though?:teehee: I'd like to think me and my boyfriend were cute, we certainly get on very well and I couldn't really imagine life without him:blush-anim-cl: Anyway, moving on!


    Actually, not moving on. I'll go to part II:naughty:

  23. You'll just have to hope the person who reads the article likes Mika:lmao:


    Hmm, that guy on my pictures is...:aah: Yeah okay I'm not a ghost. I think it's time for a nap:teehee: How laaaaaazy am I? It's terrible:blush-anim-cl: xxx

  24. As promised on the last comment, here is part II:lmao:


    My day has been okay, thanks. I'm in a silly mood. I keep making really crap jokes but my boyfriend is daft enough to laugh at them:rolls_eyes: Ooh enjoy your day off! My sleeping pattern is still really out, I wake up at 5am and can't go back to sleep again, I just nap in the afternoon:blush-anim-cl:


    I'm on the sofa at the moment, next to my cousin, who is on her laptop as well. It sounds like an office in here:roftl:


    Hear from you soon Princess:biggrin2: xxx

    *catches kiss* nearly missed that one!!!:aah:

  25. Awww, that would be fun and kinda creepy at the same time. I reckon we'd drive the staff nuts by talking alllll the time:naughty: Just so you know, I don't say things I don't think are true. I'm very honest like that. My friends like going shopping for clothes with me, because if it looks crap I'll tell them straight:teehee:


    I'll get ready to marry a crazy person then. At least you know you'll have craziness in common with your future husband:blush-anim-cl: I'm glad to hear the presentation went okay, I bet you imagined it going far worse. I think confidence does sometimes come with age, actually. Most people I meet that are your age are quite shy.


    I better end this comment now and go to part II:mf_rosetinted:

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