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Status Updates posted by CandyPants

  1. Hello. Aww I'm sorry to hear about those pain-in-the-ass guys. I guess it just means they have nothing better to do in their lives:aah: Losers!

    I'm doing ok, thanks for asking. A friend of mine died recently so I've kinda just been trying to get through that. Fortunately MFC and silly comments helps take my mind off these things. What have you been doing? Hope you're all right sweety xxx

  2. Hey Mizz Piie, I haven't been online for ages. Hope you're doing great and I missed posting silly comments:naughty: What have you been up to? xxx

  3. :o A week! I don't post much on the forum, I don't seem to have time. There's some truly awesome people here though :D xxx

  4. And I've just looked in your 'about me' section and discovered your name is Ine. Note to self, pay better attention next time:lmao:

  5. Hey you, sorry I haven't been on here for a bit. A friend of mine died recently so I've been pretty depressed, just thought I'd tell you in case I'm not as chatty as usual. I hope you enjoyed watching your chick flick, even though that was ages ago:blush-anim-cl: Thanks for saying I don't bore you, you must be special:naughty: And yeah, I totally miss that spa.


    Random question, what's your name? I'm Sinny (Sinclair):roftl: I just realised I didn't know your name. Hear from you soon hopefully, I could use your long and boring randomness to take my mind off things:thumb_yello: love ya xxx

  6. Oh don't worry about the long reply, I haven't been on here for a few days either. Thanks for getting back to me, and hope you're good! :) much love xxx

  7. She'd react badly, trust me:roftl: She's obviously stuck with that attitude:aah: I had fun at the party, thank you. I'm doing okay thankies for asking, just getting back into the normal routine after being away. Hope you're all right:biggrin2: xxx

  8. I know, I wish I could draw, it would have been nice sketching Paris:roftl: The spa was gorgeous, I had to be dragged away from my beloved spa before we missed the flight actually:aah:


    How come you was in a bad mood? (you're probably not STILL in a bad moodXD). I had fun at the birthday party, thank you. xxx


    (Also rather short, I'll just have to make the next message twice as long and boring:naughty:)

  9. Hi, just dropping by your profile to say hello. Also, belated thanks for accepting my friend request:biggrin2: Hope you're okay xxx

  10. Hahah don't worry sweety, it's good to know I'm not the only one that rants about nothing:roftl: I'm a lot less tired today, thankfully. Paris was pretty amazing, my boyfriend's into drawing and painting, so we kept stopping in nice areas while he sketched. Hotel was really great too, it even had a spa:naughty: I have my credit card to thank for that:aah:


    I'm back at work on friday as well, I have tomorrow off because it's my ex-flatmate's birthday party. Totally gonna get a ferret and call it Mika too! You can always rant at me if you fancy talking to somebody other than yourself, I really don't mind reading about your randomness:lmao:


    Hope you feel better soon xxx

  11. I'm definitely not a morning person either, although you're right, it can be very peaceful at that time. Wooooo! Your braces are gone:biggrin2: That's awesome, it's such a relief when they're finally taken out.

    When I was at school my chemisty teacher was my favourite teacher, he was lovely. At least the class was amused by yours:roftl: It's a bit of classroom entertainment for them.

    I'm fine today, thank you for asking. Much less tired! It's my ex-flatmate's birthday party tomorrow, so it's probably going to be a late night:teehee: Glad to hear you had a nice weekend. How are you today? xxx

  12. I do plan on getting a ferret, I might call it Mika:lmao: Aww sorry to hear one of your babychins died, poor little guy=/


    I had a really nice time in Paris, thank you. But I'm still really tired:aah: I actually logged on here yesterday to reply to stuff, but I was so sleepy I just couldn't:roftl: Aww, yeah get some new winter clothes. Don't freeze to death, I like you!:P


    Anyway how are you dear? I'd rant about the Paris trip more but I need my bed:blush-anim-cl: Did you have a nice weekend? xxx

  13. Helloo again! I got back yesterday, and even logged in here, but I was too tired to replyXD We managed to find our way around okay, and had a really lovely time. Spent waaay too much money though:naughty: We got up at around 4am I think:aah: I'm not a morning person, so I'm surprised I even managed to drag myself to the airport:roftl:


    Anyway enough of my ranting. How are you dear? Did you have a nice weekend? xxx

  14. I'm back now, I did have a great time thank you. It was pretty amazingXD Had so much fun:biggrin2: How are you doing? xxx

  15. I feel bad about not making the effort to learn a different language, I'm totally useless at it. You can really tell you've been learning English for a long while, it's flawless:wink2: I've also been to Paris before, with my cousins. We all wanted to do different things while we were there though, and ended up getting lost most of the time:roftl: My boyfriend should be fine on the plane, I think it's just because it's his first time on one, so he's a bit nervy.

    I get a headache if I look at computer screens too long, so my body kinda tells me when I've spent too much time on them:naughty: I suppose at least with the 'deal' you made with your mum, you can get the homework out of the way and then you don't have to worry about it.

    Congrats on getting your braces out, they really are terribly annoying!!:aah:

    Anyway I have to set off later, our plane is at a terribly early time in the morningXD So you won't hear from me for a couple of days:teehee: xxx

  16. Haha naah you don't talk too much, although apparantly I have the same problem:naughty: Oh it was pretty cold today here as well, although it's going to be really nice the next few days (while I'm away! typical!):roftl: Aww you've got chinchillas, they're really cute! When I eventually find myself a little four legged friend I would want either a chinchilla or a ferret, I'm not sure why:aah:

    Hahaha, if I see you in the audience I'll just duck, or maybe just stay out of your way altogether. And you're right, nobody looks great after standing around all day and jumping around hysterically:lmao: No matter what you look like, at least it will be an unforgettable experience:thumb_yello:


    Oh, also I better tell you I'm going away this weekend, to Paris:blush-anim-cl: So I probably won't be online, at least you'll know where I am now ^_^

    -luffs- xxx

  17. I'm doing fine thank you:biggrin2: Going to Paris this weekend so I'm all excited about that. I won't be online for a couple of days though. Glad you're okay:) xxx

  18. Just thought I'd stop by your profile and say hi:) How are you doing? xxx

  19. Haha complicated anglicisms for the win! I didn't realise you came from Germany until I saw the name of the cabaret show, it's because your English is perfect!!!:wink2: I'm afraid I can't say I've ever been very politically minded, I guess some people are and some people aren't. I'm fine today thank you, just packing as I'm visiting Paris this weekend. My boyfriend hasn't travelled by plane before, so he's worried about that. And I can't speak a word of French:aah: Still, it should be fun:roftl: How are you today sweetheart? xxx

  20. Hmmm, Mika in his boxers..(drifts off into deep thought)... Hmm! :teehee: I remember when I first saw the video for 'We Are Golden' and I was like "yeeeesssss!" because he was in his pants pretty much throughout the whole thing:naughty: And wow, you're getting so over-excited! I'd try and calm down or you might NOT survive Mika in his boxers onstage:lmao::aah: I know what you mean, it never does seem real until you're almost there. I wish I was coming with you, I wanna see him toooooo:mf_lustslow: xxx

  21. It's good to be stupidly silly, it just means you know how to have fun:teehee: If anything even remotely good happens to me I get up and start dancing like a freakXD I definitely have fangirlmoments too, or should that be fanboymoments:roftl: You won't cry when you see him, you'll be in a place so insanely happy, it will go beyond tears of joy and just make you hyper instead. Haha, if violence is going to be your best friend, I hope we're not both going to the same venue:boxed: It'd be "oh hi!" and then you'd give me a black eye:lmao: xxx

  22. WOOOOOOOO! YOU GOT TICKETS!:aah: I'm so glad you got them, considering you missed him last time, I'm happy for you:roftl:

    You're right, 'I See You' is a beautiful song, makes me well up all the time as well. I almost fainted when I went to see Mika, I spent the entire time he was on stage jumping up and down and screaming. By the time he'd finished I'd lost my voice and could hardly walk:aah: And yes, get to that front row! Even if you have to punch people:naughty: xxx

  23. Aww, I'm glad you're having a nice day. I'm fine thank you, I'm having a good day as well:naughty: Haha what was the cabaret show called? Aww, oh well, it just means you're as clever as all the older people who went to see the show:roftl: xxx

  24. I don't want to think about when I'm 80, it's too far away at the moment:aah: Haha, nobody can take me anywhere NOW! So what will they be like when I'm 80:naughty: -luffs- xxx

  25. Haha yaaay! I'm glad you had an awesome time. I've never seen them live before I'm afraid, although my friend has, and he said the same thing - that Billie Joe can make the crowd do anything:roftl:

    Aww I'm a softy too:blush-anim-cl: From the new album the songs 'I See You' and 'By The Time' make me cry sometimes, they're so lovely. You'll totally faint when you get your tickets. I've only seen Mika once before, and once is not enough!!!:roftl: You won't be disappointed, that's for sure. My friend remembered the tickets, so I can stop holding my breath now:aah: Hope you've had a nice day sweety, hear from you soon:thumb_yello: xxx

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