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Status Updates posted by CandyPants

  1. Hi hi, I know you haven't had time to reply to my last comment yet:roftl: But just wanted to say thanks for the nice picture comments, and I hope you're doing good! :biggrin2: xxx

  2. And OMG his laugh. The youtube video you posted definitely made me want to hear and see more!! His laugh is so... INTERESTING:teehee: And he's so polite too! It must have been so nerve-racking in the que, slowly getting closer and closer. I would definitely have been giggling manically and hopping up and down, I can't control my excitement very well:blush-anim-cl: So thanks for posting the video, I enjoyed watching thatXD


    Also, yes, Adam is hot:wub2: Thanks for all the lovely picture comments and hopefully I'll hear from you soon:teehee: xxx

  3. The 'Snow Hoe':lmao: Oh dear, you didn't look that white to meXD I remember the first time I put spray tan on and I looked really orange:aah: I don't bother anymore. Aww thank you again for when you use a picture, it's really sweet of you. I can't wait to see the photos from the party, you'll have to take one of my picture for me:blush-anim-cl: What date are you having the party? I know it won't be for a while yet, it's not close enough to Christmas:cheerful_h4h:


    Thanks for the album reccomendations, I was going to ask you what albums of his I should get but you've read my mind and beaten me to it:naughty:

  4. Hey Princess:naughty: Aww I love the snow photos, they're really good quality too. We don't often get much snow in England now, well we get slush, but that doesn't count. It looks like your white Christmas has come early though:teehee:


    Glad you got that thing sorted out, whatever it was. Aww why the dramatic end to the day, what happened?


    I never clean my house. Well it's a flat actually, I live on the first floor, so I could probably jump out of the window and survive, just.. Random! Anyway, it's soooo small:aah: But impossible to keep tidy! I've been sleeping a lot just lately, there's not much else to do:roftl: Anyway byeee for now! Have fun cleaning your room:lol3: xxx

  5. Oh hell, no I'd never go outside either. I'm perfect alligator food:roftl: I'm not too fond of bugs myself, or snakes:blush-anim-cl:


    There's a link here to the pictures on my profile, I uploaded a couple of new ones. It's up to you whether you decide to use one at your party:teehee: Lovely idea though, it'd be nice to think of my picture in a room full of crazy partying people at the other side of the world:das:http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/album.php?albumid=395


    I'll definitely get his music then, so I can find out what I've been missing:biggrin2: Awww you got to kiss him backstage!:wub2: Do you think if I met Mika backstage Mika would let me kiss him:naughty::aah: I bet you still dream of that kiss, it's one of those life-defining moments:fangurl:

  6. We do actually:lmao: It's because we're both silly and awesome at the same time. Ooh cyote, I've never seen one before but I'll take your word for it that they're vicious. Ooh that's a good idea, I'll have a look later on and send you a piccy of me. Do you want a normal one? Or one of me drunk making an ass of myself?:naughty:


    OMG, I never knew Rufus had been through all that!:blink: Oh the poor guy:emot-sad: That's really sad, he's so brave too. Oh now you've told me that I'm just going to go out and buy all his music:blush-anim-cl: You're right, after hearing that I have respect for him too, he's had a hard life, and he really did turn it around. And you know him? That's really awesome.:original:

  7. :lmao: Yep, that's what I'd be like. Running towards the door shrieking at the top of my lungs "STAY BACK! I'LL EAT YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE!", then I'd burst into tears as soon as I'd slammed the door shut behind me:roftl: Oh rabbits just can't get enough of that song!:naughty: Aww thanks, it's the thought that counts I guess, not how well it's sang. I have listened to Rufus before, but he's one of these guys that seems to have done so much in his life, it's hard to keep up with him. I don't need a jackass smiley, that's what my face looks like anyway:freak:

  8. Aww Princess! Hopefully you've got it sorted out now. I missed youuuu!:biggrin2:


    How did you know I was dancing while I was typing this?:naughty: I love Austin Powers, my boyfriend had never seen them so I made him watch them:teehee: I get on his nerves going 'oh beeehaave!' all the time thoughXD


    Aww you can't hate the day already, you're a Mika fan, everybody's gotta love today:blush-anim-cl: Oh well, I hope it wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be and hear from you soon:biggrin2: xxx

  9. Aww, I'd like that:teehee: And living in the woods is so cool, it'd be so nice to be as noisy as I want without disturbing anybody:aah: And don't worry, everyone knows cows and sheep are Mika fans:roftl: Still, I imagine the wildlife noises at night would scare me. I'd wake my boyfriend up in the early hours of the morning going "OMG OMG WHAT WAS THAT!?":eek:

    Damn, I don't think I'm going to make your Christmas party. Which is a shame because I enjoy showing off and hitting the notes in Mika songs when I'm singing them:blush-anim-cl: Not nearly as well as he hits them, but oh well. And yes, I think I know who 'your Rufus' is:biggrin2: Thing is, if there's one thing I'm good at it's getting things completely wrong and making an ass of myself:naughty:

  10. How do you know living next to me wouldn't be torture:lmao: I do feel pretty sorry for my neighbours sometimes, although the last lot of neighbours I had played music all hours of the night anyway. Fortunately they've moved out now:aah: And it wasn't good music either, I wouldn't have minded if it had been Mika:naughty: I guess it is sweeter to say Mika gave you your Rufus. I'm not sure whether I've ever had a Mika party, I play Mika AT parties but not 100% Mika. I'll try it:teehee:


    This forum has the best selection of smilies by the way, it's offical. Let's try this you + me + wine thing:blush-anim-cl: :drinks_wine:

  11. Oh here we just have some slippy leaves on the pavement at the moment, it'll probably be icy soon though. That's weird, people usually feel tired when they get to little sleep:roftl:


    I like the LOTR films but I've never read the books. Sitting down and reading a book would require concentration and attention I don't have. I can barely keep still when I'm on this laptop:naughty: That sounds great though, watching them all again at your friend's place. I love watching a series of films all over again, I watched the Austin Powers ones not so long ago.


    I suppose it is cute, I'm running out of different pet names now though. And yes, from now on your are Princess:biggrin2:

    Hope you're okay, hear from you soon -snuggle huggles- :blush-anim-cl: xxx

  12. Oh absolutely sweetheart! THE WORLD NEEDS MIKA AND LUUUURVE:wub2: God sometimes I don't understand why the world is such a messed up place, we have love and Mika so what's the problem!!:roftl: How come Mika gave you your Rufus, you met through your love of Mika?:teehee: I must admit that does sound pretty strange, I don't understand a gay guy marrying a girl, but it's kinda sweet that he was so obsessed with you. I'll make a note never to drink wine and hang out with you then, you'd 'mess around' with me and I'd let you:lmao: Actually you sound like an awesome person to me, shame I don't live next door to you:teehee: We could have Mika-parties:biggrin2: Is that creepy? xxx

  13. Hell yeah, glitter and rainbows FTW! Oh I think I can see myself as a lollipop girl too:roftl: That would be awesome. I think Mika is just a fantastic person, I could rant about him for hours but it would just come down to saying that anyway. The world needs him!

    Surely you mean bisexual, he can't have been completely gay if you married and had a relationship with him. I know I have no interest in girls whatsoever, and my lack of experience with them scares me a bit:lmao: I mean, I wouldn't know what to doXD Okay I'm saying too much now:blush-anim-cl: It's weird, loads of girls tell me they're a gay man trapped in a woman's body as well. Oh well, I guess I'm just lucky to be a gay man in a man's body:naughty: xxx

  14. Oh when I'm sad I prefer listening to really sad self-indulgent songs and feeling sorry for myself for a bit:blush-anim-cl: I went out on Halloween so any kids that knocked on the door will have been disappointed:naughty:

    Aww I hope your mum had a nice birthday. Have lots and lots of fun on your holiday, and I'll look forward to when you get back:biggrin2: xxx

  15. Oh I do feel special, honestly:blush-anim-cl:


    Oh hey, we really have stuff in common here, I fall over all the damn time!!:roftl: I remember a daft song coming on the radio once in a fast food place, and I started trying to tap dance in front of friends. I ended up on my ass, obviously, it left a bruise too:aah: I always drink too much caffeine as well, so I'm hyper-active all the time:teehee:

    And no, creepy car dudes don't have lives or anything better to do. They should just go home and watch TV or do a jigsaw or something:roftl: And stay out of troubleXD


    Awww you should be called Princess more often. I usually have a different stupidly cute nickname for each of my female friends, I think you just became princess:naughty: This message isn't as long, hopefully it'll be twice as boring as usual to make up for it. I'm a bit tired actually, I bet I haven't even reached the word limit:teehee: Anyway night Princess! *huggles* xxx

  16. I have loads of sparkly shoes, and I was wearing them long before Mika:naughty: It just goes to show I've always had great style:roftl: I'm also very jealous he drew on your shoes. I want him to draw on my shoes!!:wub2: We'd probably have a lot of fun if we went to a show together, although somehow I doubt he'd let me go onstage as a 'big girl':lmao:


    I also agree with you actually, I want him to be happy. He's a sweet guy, he deserves to get everything he ever wanted or aspired to be.


    You have a thing for skinny gay boys? That solves the mystery of why you're talking to me then:roftl: Hope you're doing okay sweetheart, hear from ya soon xxx

  17. I really should go to Italy sometime, it's just having the time and the money I guess:aah:


    Mika is my absolute favourite too, although my music tastes do vary a LOT! I suppose it depends what kind of mood you're in, I never feel like listening to Mika when I'm sad, although it would probably cheer me up!


    I'm all right today, thanks for asking. Just tired:biggrin2: How are you? xxx

  18. Oh wow, you look fabulous. I want that outfit:roftl: Although, I have those shoes you're wearing already:das: I would have probably lost it backstage, now I come to think about it. Let alone ON the stage! It all sounds very exciting.

    Mika is very skinny, although probably not as skinny as me:blush-anim-cl: If he keeps getting thinner and thinner he might end up like me:aah:


    Aww I really hope he goes back to the states next year then. I have a feeling the next few years are going to be very busy for him, he's really acquired a HUGE fanbase and now the second album is here, hopefully he should be touring LOTS! Fingers crossed! xxx

  19. Haha probably not. I'm sure you did great, you can at least think positively until it's confirmed:naughty: I've never been to Italy, although my great great grandmother was Italian, or something like that:teehee: It makes sense I guess, I do wear Armani shirts:blush-anim-cl: There's so much to see in Rome you'll be spoilt for choice I reckon.


    Yaay, laziness is the best! In fact you're not allowed to do anything other than be lazy next week. And yeah, how random is Bon Jovi:roftl: Is there no way you could go and see it? Goodnight sweety xxx

  20. Mika? NAKED!?:naughty: And wait you got to dance on stage? And wait Mika was changing right beside you? And wait he was close enough to touch you?:boing: OMG OMG! You made me go into fanboy mode now:aah:


    I have to wait until feburary to see him *sniff*. Do you know when you'll get to go and see him next? Well done for keeping it together by the way, I would have totally lost it and started jumping up and down and shrieking:teehee: xxx

  21. Pt. 2

    Oh god that that's the worst thing ever! Walking home in the freezing cold for miles with some car creeping after you. I've been unlucky enough before to have a car do that to mean, in the end I think I turned round and shouted at the car something like "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?". I don't reccomend you do that if it happens to you though, you'd probably just piss him off:lmao: It's the same where I live, it's horrible when it gets dark. The street lighting is awful so I'm always worried about falling over something or slipping over. I think the randomness just took over me as well:roftl:


    Congrats on your 'smart' results:naughty:

    Haha night princess, sleep tight -hugs- xxx

  22. Oh wow I got two really long boring messages from you today, I feel so special!!!:blush-anim-cl::lmao: I've actually encountered the word limit before, I think it was when I was ranting on about those chinchillas or something. Nasty word limit:aah:


    Oh well if you've never met anyone else called Ine you must be unique. I've never met anyone called Sinny:teehee: I've been meaning to go and see This Is It, I guess I've just been a bit distracted recently. I'll write it down on a 'to do' list, it's the only way I remember to do anything:naughty:

  23. Haha no worries, if there's one thing the internet is good at, it's shutting down. It's cool about not knowing what to say, I'm trying to put it at the back of my mind at the moment anyway.


    Aww, see how dedicated your English teacher is:naughty: How did you do with the test? Wooooo tomorrow is the last day:thumb_yello: Good for you! And Rome!!!! That's pretty awesome, it'll be nice to spend some time with family too:)


    I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. Just staying indoors and being lazy really. I'm going to make some drinks in a minute and watch a movie with my boyfriend. Don't know what movie yet, I fancy watching a comedy. I'm rambling now:teehee: Hear from you soon lovey xxx

  24. Hello, I know it's been a while! I've not been online much so, that's probably why. Haha Post Mika Depression, is that a recognised medical condition?:roftl: Oh well at least you had an amazing time, and if you're messaging me you obviously survived the excitement of seeing Mika on stage in his pants (just).

    I'm doing okay, thanks. How are you? Nice to hear from you:wink2: xxx

  25. Hey darling, I'm rather touched that you missed me:aah: And also thank you so much for being sorry about my loss, nice comments like that mean the world at times like this.


    Haha well now you know my name. I'm glad you like it, it's a bit unusual. Although maybe not as unusual as Ine, unless that's a common name where you live. Anyway! -shakes hand- :roftl: Glad you enjoyed the chick flick as well. I just stayed in today, the weather wasn't nice anyway, it was really boring. Hope you're having a nice day. I'll look forward to the next installment of randomtalk messages:teehee: Much love and *hugs*:blush-anim-cl: xxx

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