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Everything posted by funkycowgirl

  1. It's not mine really. It's a girl who can't go (someone I don't even know!)....because of something bad that happened to either her or someone in the family, don't really know. and well, a guy at work heard I went to Paris and to cut a long story short, I now have the ticket. Yeah, pretty weird in the end.
  2. I have an extra seated ticket for monday. (more info about it in the extra ticket thread). If interested, PM me!
  3. I already found a ticket for Paris via this thread (got it today, yay!) and now a colleague of mine who had heard that I went to this gig has asked me this: he knows a girl who had a ticket for the show on Monday (seated) but now she can't go because of a severe illness (either her or one of her parents...it's not very clear to me)...either way, it's sad. Basically, he got in touch with the girl and she was happy to hear that I might find someone who might want it. So, if you want a seated ticket for Paris on Monday...PM me, OK?
  4. mes parents ont reçu le ticket (alors, je vais l'avoir vendredi) Merci! j'ai regardé sur la site of laposte et il y a un prix de 4 EUR et un de 3,84 (ou quelque chose comme ça). C'est bon si je te verse par paypal 4 EUR? ou c'était plus? Et peut-être à lundi! ;-)

  5. OK, I can't remember it either!! LOL

  6. Thanks!! How much was it? so I can pay you!

  7. aah! OK! heb m'n radiospeler opgezet....nog vlug even een sanitaire stop! hahahaha

  8. Coucou, tu as pu l'envoyer?

  9. Great report indeed! Loved the interaction with his sisters...and when he was playing the piano, it struck me how well manicured his fingernails were! And I just *died* when I saw his walk in closet (for shoes)...I have a walk in closet but I'd like to have some more of those designer shoes in there.
  10. You never know....let a sparkle of hope shine in you! (oh dear....)
  11. No, for me there isn't a problem. I'm getting there by car (with the wonderful Katrien & Priscilla, big hug!!). I'm glad I don't have to get there by train or something, with the strikes and such going on.. but dear, I'm so sorry about all this...I think it's horrid that you (and many others) have to miss out on this or other fun things because of that vulcano.
  12. I understand. I'm like that too...If I keep making plans when things are doubtful, I always fear I'll jinx it and it won't happen after all. you know.
  13. I know....being trapped in a foreign place isn't exactly super either. BUT!!! we'll stay positive!!! we have to!!!! XXX
  14. It is long away...and yet again, it isn't, especially if you see the weather forecasts. hell, I'm even starting to get worried for my trip to Namibia in three weeks after all the reports I've seen. I really hope that the winds will get stronger and blow that cloud away in time....I just heard that they are now testing whether they can fly lower ... first tests by Lufthansa (I think) were positive and KLM is now trying it as well....I'll certainly keep my fingers crossed!!!
  15. When are you leaving for Paris? At the moment, they are talking about 5 more days....not certain but maybe. Amazing how a vulcano can cause such chaos in whole Western Europe!
  16. Oops! désolée! Alors c'est ***** Laissez-moi savoir si tu l'as noté, alors je peux l'effacé. Oui, j'espère que nous nous pouvons recontrer là-bas après tout. :naughty:

  17. Merci!je vais effacé l'addresse que j'ai mis ici maintenant. La poste ici est plus ou moins la même...ils ne savent pas trop non plus.:boxed:j'espère que ton examen a été bon??Si tu l'envoye lundi ça doit arrivé ici à temps.je suis désolée que c'était si difficile...:aah:

  18. nous départons de Belgique au matin, alors, je crois pas que nous pouvons arrivé plus tôt que midi. Alors, si le postexport3j ne marche pas, tu peux prendre le chronopost.et je le payerai demain!c'est plus facile comme ça parce que ça peut être difficile s'il y a beaucoup de gens la-bas à bercy.tu peux l'envoyer à ***** (l'addresse de mes parents car mon père est à la maison tout la semaine)

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