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Everything posted by funkycowgirl

  1. Yes, I also think it was a trip down memory lane for him. Can't wait to have another look at it tonight at home.
  2. You know, the general 'feel' of the song...lyrically...makes me think of Mis-Shapes by Pulp.
  3. just watched the video but couldn't hear the music very well (am at work). Love the video. usually videos like this are only bits and pieces of the film but they incorporated Mika very well. He looked adorable with those glasses on...and well, stunning in the end.
  4. Which means that mika will then have to wear his grey undies on the outside. hmmm....
  5. 'Is het een vogel, is het een vliegtuig? nee dat is het niet! het is super-Mika die door de hemel vliegt!' Sorry!!
  6. Dressed like this: (Megamindy is a female superhero in a kids program in Belgium)
  7. Yeah, I stumbled across it too on the forum. never seen it before but me likes a lot
  8. recorded Sat1 last night and at the end there was a tiny bit of Rain...but frustrating but always better than nothing
  9. ja, zwart met rhinestones. ziet er cool uit. gekocht op e-bay.:biggrin2:


    Vandaag eerste hoorcollege gehad voor ons examen recht en 't was echt enorm zwaar. ik vrees dat ik zaterdag verstek zal moeten laten gaan, want zal alle tijd nodig hebben die ik beschikbaar heb. :sneaky2: Sorry, had echt zo graag mee gedaan, leek me leuk om zoiets te doen maar.... :dunno:

  10. Same here. I also have a reflex and there's no way I'd ever try to get that in a venue. I do have a small compact one as well, but the quality is no where as good as the photos posted here.
  11. merci!:wink2:

    ja, dat had ik ook gedacht, en zeker gehoopt. had ze nu de week erop gekomen of zo, vind het weer erg spijtig. heb nu maar een gaga t-shirt gekocht. om me beter te voelen. :wink2:

  12. Ik dacht dat ik beter was.vannacht maar om 3u in slaap gevallen, gevolg dat ik me weer rotslecht voel.zit voor een dag ziek thuis. begint op m'n zenuwen te werken. voor de rest alles goed hoor. *grijns*:aah:

  13. hallo!! heb er ook al aan gedacht. Ik zou nog steeds enorm graag meedoen, maar ik heb helaas heel het weekend verloren (niet kunnen studeren bedoel ik) omdat ik gewoon doodziek was (gisteren meer de binnenkant van de wc gezien dan iets anders :shocked: ) dus ben nu niet meer op schema... Moest ik het kunnen inhalen deze week, dan doe ik zeker mee, maar anders zal ik met veel spijt moeten afhaken. zucht.:boxed:

    Zal het later deze week laten weten, ok?



  14. He wears contacts, right? could influence it. I know it did when I used to wear contacts. (now I had eye surgery and I'm footloose and fancy free)
  15. don't get me started on his shoes. I would drool all over them if I had them in my hands....especially if his feet were still in them.
  16. I know!!! I'm totally addicted to this place!! never experienced anything like it before!
  17. Sadly, I can't go to the Belgian gig...Since I'm in Namibia at that moment. been checking the other dates and none of them work for me. bah humbug. I'll just buy the mac lipstick in France in three weeks.
  18. I'm very curious to find out how that song will sound...didn't expect something like this from Mika, but that's a good thing. Movie itself sounds...erm...like I'm not gonna bother.
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