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Status Updates posted by hanneroh

  1. of courseeeee yeah:D it was pure amaaaaaaaazingggggggggggg XD

    you know, peoples are total crazy about it and i think, so mika did :D

    well, i was standing in front of Imma haha!! you know Andy yeah? andy with the camera guy? (at least korean fans called that Loool) i did interview with him hahah!


  2. Helloooooo dcdeb:D i'm from korea haha

    i'm sooo glad to join this fanclub Loool


  3. 우리의 clef언니가읍서서그런듯해요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ오랜만에 잠좀자나본대요?

    아우리언니잠좀잤으면좋겟다눙 ㅠ_ㅠ

  4. haha in my own dictionary says, 3 means many hahah

    i hope give you some chocolates someday Lol. well, cos i'm a little bit good at Cooking haha!!! you can expect to it LMAO

  5. Hellooooooo:D i'm from korea! haha

  6. hahah aww man! didn't you find them yet? Loooooool

  7. Helloooooooooo kiara! you're klimt right? haha

    glad to see here Loool! i'm sososososo proud of your whole working stuff:D

    you know, write loaddds of information of mika anddd plus, translate it for ALL OF US korean fan!!! we lovesssss you :D


    자자 이젠 한글할게요

    ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ나사람들이 무슨 번역기돌려본대서 깜짝놀랐다눙 ㅠㅠ

    무슨번역기를쓰길래 그리정확한건지..

  8. happy for late Valentine freddie! haha:L

    did you get loaddddddds? xxx

  9. Hellooooo:D i'm from korea!

  10. awwww yeahhhh korea's autumn is always spectacular yeah? orange and red leaps you know? but,recently, it's getting dissapear define 4 seasons ;Spring,Summer,Autumn,Winter. because of you know, Global warming:P

    how sad ha..:( i guess it's get moree hard to see that spectacular

  11. hahahahah actually NOT sure :P Loool

    tomorrow is one of the favourrrrite festivals in Korea, 설날 (Seol Nal)!

    have you heard bout that?! it's like traditional in this country for a looooong time.

    soo, my family will go to grandmother's home and then, eat some deliciousss food and play the traditional game called 윷놀이(yoot nol ee)!

    can't wait tomorrow hehe :D

  12. hellooooooo! it's been agessss not to spoken each other yeah?!

    what have you beeen iona ? xxxx :D

  13. hahah most of korean fans whom i know, wholeeeeee geeks LMAO XD

    i'm totally get it how you laaaves korean fan hahaha

    and you'll be lovesss me freddiesdouble ! xxxxxx

  14. ha!! course yaaa! just right afront of mika XD well, actually i was uhhh standing right side. you know, where the Imma always standing? woo right, it was amazzzzzzzingggggg ever! i was sooo thrilled,over the mood,wayyy over it haha

  15. haha laav to hear from you!!! where do you live then? aww man! you should have come again hahaha xxx

  16. hehe :D i'v heard about you LOADSSSSSS in korea MIKA fansite haha

    if i'm right, you used to live in korea yeah? xxx

  17. Hellooooooooooo:D i'm from korea haha! xxx

  18. ayee! i mean 2009! oh and didn't know 2007 and 2008 version are exist haha

    so in Feb yeah? hope buying it soon.


    btw, how can i buy 07 and 08 version? x

  19. Helloooooo! i'm absolutely impressive your editoring. i mean the yearbook :D

    i'm a korea mika fan site's one of the staffs:) our fans included deffo me, really wants to buy this book. but don't know how to buy it! can you tell me some advice?

    and hope talk to you later! xxxxxxxxx

  20. heeeey! this is korea MIKA fan site's one of the staffs xD

    great to join this site. this is AMAZZZZZZING! hope talk to you later xxxxxx

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