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Posts posted by STEP___

  1. I totally forgot to tell everyone how the True Blood con was last year... ooops!



    Actually, I came in here to mention that there's another True Blood con on in Sydney and Melbourne this year (ans as much as I'd like to meet Sam Trammell again, I can't afford it)... They're getting Sam Trammell (Sam), Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette), Joe Manganiello (Alcide), and hopefully they're getting someone else (if they get Alexander Skarsgard then I'll be soooooo pissed!)...



    why don't they have that here in Belgium :aah:


    btw, you've met quite a few actors already, haven't you?

    didn't you had a pic with ian somerhalder too?:wub2: Not jealous :mf_rosetinted:

  2. Step i still ADORE your drawings!:wub2:

    When is the blue eyed guy done?!:teehee:


    Edit: Amazing how you can get all the little hairs, into the drawing!


    :teehee: I'm working on his left eye as you know :naughty:

    and then I still need to do a cheeck, forehead, hair, etc, so be patient :mf_rosetinted:

  3. this is what i started yesterday, so far i'm happy with it, but then again, it's only a sketch :roftl:




    looks good already, though I'd also include some shadows in your easy lines.

    so you just draw the outlines of the darker shadows, very lightly, it helps a lot when you start "colouring" your drawing.

    and remember: work from dark to light!

    and when it's black on the picture, it's black on your drawing!

  4. I thought it was your drawing :boxed:

    Because it looks like a painting....maybe I'm a bit blind :aah:


    Anyway...your drawing is better..:shun:


    I'll show you my drawing :naughty:

    and yes the pic indeed looks like a painting a bit, It's because they edited it so much it doesn't really looks so realistic anymore :aah:



    so my version: :teehee:



  5. I don't know because I don't understand the article...that's why I asked:blink::aah:


    :aah::naughty: I don't understand it either, but I just think the article is about who's the most popular superhero, and apperently that's Wolverine. which is why they used that pic. and Lucy just wanted to point out that I've made a drawing of that pic :thumb_yello:

  6. I still need tons of practise :huh: My drawings keep on looking all the same way.

    And maybe better materials could help too... what exactly do you use girls?

    I use computer paper :mf_rosetinted: and pencil HB for the guide lines and I always use 4B for the shadow, but I've also used 2B, 5B and 6B this time. And then I use cotton to 'mix' it.

    There are too many 'and's :aah:

    Oh, and this is actually the first time I don't edit the photo to b&w, I did directly from the colored one.

    I need advice, please :blush-anim-cl:




    you obviously have an eye for details as you managed to draw pretty much every shadow, even the smaller ones. and the shading is almost perfect really. the only problem is, that well, I can see the direction in which you drew them, which is slightly diagonal, from left bottom corner to right upper corner of the paper, you know what I mean?

    you have to make sure that that isn't visible, and you can do that by making circles with your pencil, while you do the shadows! just make sure we don't see circles then, so you need to do little circles, and go over it several times. so you'll shadows will become softer aswel, since the transition between dark and lighter shadows are perhaps still a bit to rough.

    what you also did very well is that you didn't draw lines, I think I've said it several times on here already, I told Ilse too: don't draw lines!

    and I don't see any lines on your drawing so that's good! But I also say: create lines with your shadowing. which is something that you didn't do. You always need to make sure there's a clear distinction between the face and the neck and the clothes, which isn't really visible here.

    But like I said, you did a really great job :thumb_yello:


    I do give you the advice to draw from black and white pictures, since it's a real pain in the ass to see which colour is darker than the other if it's in colour :aah:

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