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Everything posted by Milda

  1. I have no idea.. Stardust on Universal France channel, this one on Universal Germany, so what's next? Universal Japan maybe? You're welcome Finally a new video I can watch like a normal MFCer
  2. Origin Of Love - Track By Track http://www.universal-music.de/mika/videos/detail/video:281592/origin-of-love-track-by-track
  3. So sweet Why my friends never send me flower bouquets?
  4. It is Luckily we can buy it from overseas, even with shipping costs it's cheaper than here
  5. Soon he won't be allowed into hotels, like Lindsay Lohan
  6. Don't moan, people. TBWKTM (deluxe) costs about 33 euros here. When your monthly salary is about 200 euros, I find it a bit too much for a CD
  7. I've read about Lola being a single on Popjustice, but their source could have been wikipedia, who knows Lola (alongside with Make You Happy) is my favorite track from TOOL at the moment, so I wouldn't mind if this turned out to be true
  8. But your cake's gonna be two weeks old, I'm not sure how good it will taste Edit: I see I'm not the only one who thinks that way
  9. I'm avoiding only the songs, everything else doesn't bother me. No way I could stay away from MFC for a week or two And I managed to watch the vid without hearing the song except that part where Mika played it while talking, but I couldn't hear the song properly, so it doesn't count
  10. Yeah, that's more like it But people who are on a diet now, two weeks later gonna eat the whole chocolate cake, while everyone else will have only half of the cake left I'm pretty sure this makes no sense, but whatever
  11. I don't mind written spoilers about songs Most of the posts are "I like that", "I don't like that" and "it's electronic", so everything is just fine
  12. It was the exact opposite for me When I heard Celebrate sample, I loved it and thought it's gonna be an amazing song... Then we got the whole song and I was like "what? that's it? Okay... :boxed:". I think it's one of the reasons why I'm not listening to the samples now
  13. We need a separate thread for people who haven't listened to the snippets
  14. I listened to The Origin Of Love and a bit of Lola, then I lost my internet connection.. I think it was a sign, I won't try to watch it again
  15. I'm about to give up.. Now I'm thinking about listening to the songs that we already know (Origin Of Love, Underwater, Lola, Make You Happy..), but I'm afraid I won't be able to stop listening once I start
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