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Everything posted by norikothesweetmaker

  1. ああ!Edinburghのライブレポ書いたのに、時間かかりすぎで消えてしまった! 後でもう一度頑張ります。
  2. Hi Luke,

    ummm. To be honest, I didn't use my camera although I kept it in my bag all the time.

    So my answer is unfortunately 'No'. Sorry.

    Have you calm down from the night?

    My tension is still sky high!!! I don't know what to do with this feeling!!!


  3. Mixiでは、友人までの公開でライブレポ・・・と、言うか私中心の日記ですね・・・を書いています。あまりにも私中心の記録で、しかも私の感想が入りすぎているので、友人までの公開とさせてもらいました。

    もう少し客観的に書いたライブレポをこちらのJapanese threadにも書こうと思っているので、もう少々お待ちください。

  4. I got home on South Coast a few hours ago. It was one amazing night!!! I am still excited. Infact, too excited to sleep. I have FOUR dreams have come true!!! 1) meeting (not seeing!) Mika first time - tick! 2) get an autograph at meet and greet - tick! 3) Mika ate my strawberry sweets - tick! 4) the first time wearing wedding dress (which I missed on my wedding day) - Unexpectedly tick! As this was just the second gig I managed to come (In my mind, this was almost the first one, as I was with my hub and had to rush back to get home to pick up kids from friend's house...no pressie, no m&g last time.), I wanted to enjoy the event (not only gig) to every bits. and So did I! I arrived at the venue around 10am, but waiting was very enjoyable experience. Getting wet... Never mind, can I say it's because of being in Scotland??? I was soooo happy to see and have a chat with a lot of MFC members! I am not good at remembering names, so if you don't mind, please write me whoever talked to me on the day. Sorry. Everyone is so sweet and kind. You surely made this night unforgettable! Sorry at the end, but I want to say a special thanks to those who made effort to prepare T-shirts, party bags and arm bands. They are brilliant and going into my treasure drawers (keeping off from my kids!!!). xxx
  5. 浴衣着ていきます!(その上にMFCのT-shirtsはおっちゃいます。)寒いので、下にいっぱい着込んで。


  6. お久しぶりです。






  7. 安いんですけど、下戸の私として無限ソーダか無限コーラですね・・・と、思ったら、ソーダとコーラの方が高い!対象年齢8歳からのおもちゃがどうして対象年齢20歳からのおもちゃより高価なんでしょう?子供にせがまれる親の足元みてます?
  8. Thank you! 

    I read your report of Mika gig! It was soooo exciting and made me feel I also need to do something to see him!!!


    I have just come back from camping trip with my family. I just need to put myself together and get preparation perfect. As you know there are two parts of preparations. One will be for seeing Mika, the other will be for my family, shopping and cooking meals and arranging childminder for the days of my absence...


    For now, I need to sleep for tomorrow:D...(kids still wake up at 6am...on Sunday.)


  9. Just in my cuoriosity... Are you a Japanese?

    Moroboshi is quite a famous sirname in japan.

  10. Same here.

    I just need to lock up children in their play room to come to PC.

    Both my son and daughter are doing what they want (only in their play room, though). I gave up cleaning up house all together for now.

    Thanks got, their holiday is only for 1.25 month...up to the end of August. I will be crazy if it was longer...


    Stressful? Never! I enjoyed the Birthday book project so much! It was much easier than what I was doing for my profession.


  11. Hi,

    I think you mistook me as Eriko aka kumazzz?

    Unfortunatelly, she is in Japan and cannot come to Edinburgh this time.

    But I am coming!

    See you there!



  12. It will be a short break for me.

    On Sunday night I catch a night coach and arrive at Edinburg at 8am. Yes, coach trip from the South coast to Scotland!!! so, I will be at venue almost same time as you.

    After enjoying the gig, I will stay in a hotel and next day I need to catch a train to home :(

    I will have prenty sleep on the way to and home, so I don't think I will sleep on the night after!!! :D

    I am really looking forward to seeing you.


  13. Hi, Kath!

    I am coming to Edinburgh!!! I can see you, too!

    I am leaving my husband, I am leaving my children, I am leaving all the housework at home!

    I feel I am teen again! (Am I saying too much? :D)

    If you don't mind, please tell me what your plan is. What time you are arriving there?

    I will be there around 8am as Overnight Coach arrives at 7am and nowhere but the venue to go...

    see you then!


  14. hahaha-. (Very high at 3:30 in the morning...)

    Hi, How are you? How is your baby? I am a bit scared of Summer holiday from this weekend...:(


    By the way, I have signed up with 2010 year book!!!

    I am challenging another (or a lot more) sleepless night(s) before Christmas.

    I might finish the artwork I was thinking for Kick Ass's front page. Do you remember we talked about Mika Team in Power ranger costumes? I will take everybody's advice and decided the colour and costume.

    See how it will come out!!!


  15. Thanks! (she has a serious attitude problem, though...)

    The costume was made by my friend (the other girl's mother). I screamed as soon as she showed me the finished costume. It was soooo Dr. John!!! (they are supposed to be singing birds with flutes.)

    My friend might be another Mika crazy? I shall ask her when i see her next :D


    Yes, I love my kids...and love dreaming about making videos, too...hahaha! ;)

  16. I thought I could have a break from the weekend... I realised that today was an Inset day and both of them are at home!!! They are making my home just like the room in WAG at this moment I am typing this!!! Aghhhhhhh! I need to take them somewhere before they crush my house into bits...


    By the way, here is my daugter in Dr. John's costume...(at Japanese school open day.) She is the one on the right with curly hair.


  17. I have a 4 years old girl (we have just done her birthday party this weekend!) and a 6 year old boy.

    At the moment, I am planning to video my son sings WAG in his messy room and my daughter singing Lollypop in a Lollypop girl dress.

    I am busy brainwashing my children with Mika's video on Youtube :D

    How old is your girl?


  18. Thanks for your friendship request.

    Being mum as well as Mika crazy, we might have quite things to talk about...


  19. Thanks for friend request!

    So, you are really good at English... You might have notice already, but you will have a lot's of opportunities to spot my mis-spelling... common one is "L" or "R" (typiacal Japanese)... If you know that point, you may find understanding my English a bit easier... ;)


  20. 本当にインターネットの威力って、すごいです。でも、Mikaを好きになってから、コンピューターの前に座る時間がとんでもなく長くなってしまった。寝不足続きです。 私が思うに、9月にお忍びで来日、AKB48に曲を提供するとか?ふふふ、メイドカフェは行っちゃうし、AKB48の曲でノリノリのオタッキーを観ても違和感を感じなかったMikaはもう、日本のサブカルにどっぷりつかるしかないんじゃないでしょうかねぇ。(あ、もうすでにどっぷり?コンサート中にトトロだもんねぇ。)
  21. イギリスに住んでいるので、無理だとあきらめていたら、TwitterでBotちゃんがYoutubeのリンクを紹介してくれました!観ましたよ。9がつ、意味ありげでしたねー。 11月に雪が降ると言ったら、ちっ、とかって舌打ちしていたし。これは日本にお忍びでやってくるとか?9がつかぁ、息子と娘の学校があるので、また里帰りは無理ですね。今度は学校が休みの間に日本に行く事になればいいのに・・・と、こっちも舌打ちしてしまいました。 しかし、イギリスに住んでいながら、どうして日本でのMikaに憧れるのか???Mikaって、日本と波長が合うからなんでしょうねぇ。
  22. みたいですー!!! でも、イギリスからじゃ見れないので、どなたかYoutubeかどこかにアップしてもらえませんかねぇ・・・ありんこ食べたって、Twitterでよんだんですが・・・w
  23. Hi!

    I thought I shall let you know about an event at a Moshi Moshi Sushi Restaurant for celebrating Japanese Sub-Culture. It's called The Japanese Anime Festival!!!

    It might be a bit short notice as well as a bit of distance for you to come. But if you are interested in Japanese sub-cultrure, it would be worth coming. (Professional Manga artist Inko (Umisen-Yamasen) will be there as well.)

    Here is the link to the event web site. http://asahianimefest.webs.com/


    We have another plan to have another one in June; however, it will be a day before Mika's do at Eden Project. Therefore I cannot go to Eden Project on that day...orz



  24. イギリスに住んでますが、今のところ、日本のほうがいいなぁ、って感じです。 年末にgigして、しかも6月にツアーですか!!!日本に帰りたい~~~。 よろしくお願いします。
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