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Status Updates posted by francoise

  1. Bonjour Stephanie


    Ca va?

    Je vois que tu as repris la bonne habitude d'une petite connexion matinale avant d'aller travailler - a la place de la vitamine C :naughty:

  2. Bonjour Catherine


    Ca va? Ca fait plaisir de te lire :huglove:

    Enfin de retour en Coree et au travail apres 2 mois passes en France :thumb_yello: Les vacances sont sont super bien passees merci


    Et toi comment vas tu? A bientot :bye:

  3. Je viens juste de me logger, j'ai plein de boulot a rattraper et je ne fais pas encore mes horaires habituels pour cause de fin de vacances scolaires

    Je n'aurais surement pas le temps aujourd'hui de t'ecrire un long message mais je pense a toi.

    Retour a la normale lundi avec la rentree des classes, j'aurais plus de temps a consacrer a MFC :thumb_yello:

    Bon courage a toi pour ta demi journee et passe un bon week end

    Gros bisous :huglove:

  4. Coucou Steph ca va? ca fait plaisir de te voir la :huglove:

    et ca fait plaisir d'eter de retour ici

  5. Last kiss before going :huglove:

    See you soon Bia :bye:

  6. Talk to you soon Alba


  7. :lmfao:


    See you Bia, time to go for me. Good night


  8. We will see it very soon :naughty:

    2 days left and we will have news vids :thumb_yello:

  9. You're my friend here, that's enough for me :wink2:

    I saw your face on the yearbook...:thumb_yello: with orange hair :biggrin2:

  10. Brazil is the best in those 2 sports :thumb_yello:


    And I know you, Bia :wink2: famous brazilian girl also :naughty: at least in MFC :thumb_yello:

  11. Yes :wub2: I guess you are too young to know him before he died but he was really amazing as a driver and a truly sincere person

    I must admit that I don't know a lot escept football players and F1 drivers :teehee:

    Sorry for that...

  12. No, I'll be too far from Paris. I don't go either to Compiegne :huh:

    That's life :dunno: Next time :thumb_yello:


    Thanks so much :huglove:

    BTW Bia, did I tell you already that few years ago, I was a huge fan of (one of) the most famous brasilian of the world? The best driver ever.... :wub2:

  13. I'm good thanks. Holidays tomorrow :groovy:

    Go back to France for 1,5 months

    I will miss you and our talks on DM :tears:

  14. Hi Bia


    Thanks for the info. I was busy at work today. I hope she will come back...

    How are you sweetie?

  15. Happy to hear that! I was not sure it would work :teehee:

    Talk to you soon :huglove:

  16. Miss you too but see you very soon there!! :naughty:

    Have a nice week :huglove:

  17. You finally got more chance than me with your pumpkin :aah:

    Glad for you, Anne :huglove:

  18. Hi Alba

    Just passing by but you're not there :sad:

    Lot of love & hugs :huglove:

  19. Hi Jo,


    Hope you are fine. Just a short pop up here but promise, I will send you a longer message next week :thumb_yello:

    Enjoy the weekend with your family.

    Take care :huglove:

  20. Oui on va se tenir compagnie alors..:wink2:

    Je vois le genre de spectacles.. les ados adorent ca. Les adultes aussi remarquent :naughty:

    Je suis comme toi.. pas fan mais si ca fait plaisir a ta fille...


    Profite bien de ton weekend alors. Bon repos :thumb_yello:

  21. Non pas de concert cet ete pour moi. J'attendrai la prochaine tournee.

    Oui ca va ici aussi. Les enfants finissent l'ecole le 1er juillet et reprennent le 5 septembre.

    On rente en France du 2 juuillet a mi-aout :thumb_yello: puis retour a Seoul.


    DM, je les ai vu 3 fois mais il y a 20 ans :teehee: J'aimerai bien les revoir un jour

    C'etait comment il y a 4 ans? Tu as aime?

  22. Bonsoir Catherine,

    Ca fait longtemps qu'on ne s'est pas vu en direct..

    Ca va?

    je savais pas que tu avais vu DM en concert :thumb_yello: c'etait il y a longtemps?

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