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Everything posted by spoony33

  1. Ooh I hope you do well! Tell me how it turns out!

    Ooh you're on holuday, whens that till? Yeah I remember you telling me how that worked and well done, I'd be pleased with that! I was never a fan of geography so I compelety understand! Haha You'll be fine though! I get off on chirstmas eve! I cant wait though!

  2. Yeah, there is Billy Brown, Grace Kelly, Blue Eyes, Lady Jane and Toy Boy! Haha I thought that they all sounded cute and suited them! I take them to schol with me since there is no one home to take care of them. Yeah, you're right, it sounds very intersting. Oh right, it still sounds like a great job. Do you enjoy it? Thats amazing that you passes maths, well done! I hope you do well in all your exams! Yeah, I stay there days a week. Dont get home on weekends and only the occasional holiday like Christmas, summer and sometimes easter. But that all depends on if my parents are at home and are not travelling about for their jobs. There has been a few times that I have to stay with my brothers and only once that I never got home the whole year!

  3. Ooh wow! I'd love to study that or maybe art or something! Would you like yo play or sing? I can play but I wouldn't say I could sing that well.

  4. All the snow has melted here and its just all slushy. Do you ever get snow with you? I havent been feeling too good recently but I'm fine! How about you?

  5. Hey sorry for the late reply, matron took me to the hospital because I was fainting and been sick quite a bit. But I've got some medication for it and I'm on the meand. Thank you for sharing the pictures, you looked like you had a great times. That must be the best thing about having small children, all the fun activities! Haha Ooh whats the cookery show? I like watching master chef, its really good. We always get the australian version online. We never really get to watch tv. Yeah, I'm the same with hummus. I'm not too keen on plain but I like to mix the flaours about and try new ones. I'm glad all the carvery skills are going well. They really get you stuck in at school, dont they? Its great for you to get the practice though. Id love to see all your wrapping papper, i bet its going to look amazing. My days been alright, better than yesterday! Ive been giving alot of the work to do in my dorm so I get peace to complete it. How about your day?

  6. How have the exams been going?

  7. Ooh that sounds ace, whats engineering like? Thats amazing that there is only one year to go. Ive still got university after school. Yeah, his songs are so addictive and give you a massive boost. Parc Des Princes was absolutley amazing, I was there while it got filmed!

    Well, I'm Laura and live in Paris. I have two brothers in medicine, one training to be a radiographer and the other a trauma doctor. So my parents are making me go in the same direction. I go to a boarding school, so that takes up most of my life. Ive been to the same school since I was five and only get home tree or four times a year. I have some really amazing times here though. I also have 5 horses that I have named after my favourite Mika songs! Haha

  8. Ooh Argentina, whats it like there? Yeah, same here, Ive been a fan since Grace Kelly! I like to listen to music too but mainly French and English pop. Ooh wow, you're studying medicine? I'm going to to that once I leave boarding school. My parensts are very strict and controlling over me and my brothers. They already made my brother go into medicine, one is studying to be a radiographer and the other a trauma doctor. Good luck with the exams and thats great that you have time off after them to relax. I do history also and its really not easy! I'm quite arty myself but my parents dicourageed me from doing it in school. They dont think its an important subject.

    So I'm French, Live in Paris. I go to a boarding school and have done since I was five. I dont get home that often, about 3 times a year. Its mainly because both my parents jobs involve lots of travelling and they are never at home. I have 5 horses named after Mika songs! Haha I also do a lot of dancing and swimming.

  9. Yeah I see your point. What would you like to study? :)

  10. No problem! I'm fine, thanks! Ooh wow mexico! I'd love to visit there sometime! I'm from France!

    So how about a bit about yourself? :)

  11. Aw, no problem. I'm feeling a little unwell but I'm getting better, thanks for asking. Aw, thank you, I hope you do also! And thank you so much for the video, it cheered me up when I was feeling a little unwell!

  12. Aw, I really like the name Chelle and her children have beautiful names too! The name Johhna sounds so sweet! Its really great that you get a big fanily get together and have some fun with the little ones! They defiantly seemed like the they enjoyed themselves. Aw, the christmas mice sound adorable and yummy! My day has been pretty good, thanks. I had to catch up with the work I missed but the teachers and lectures were realy nice about it. They took me in during my lunch hour and after all the classes had finished and gave me the worked I missed and explained it all to me. And today in cooking class we made an olive bread and hummus! The hummus had red pepper on top and we all got to eat it afterwards. And for a first atempt at it, It didn't taste too bad! :) How was your day? :huglove:

  13. I've never tried broccoli soup but I'm a big fan of broccoli - I could have it every night! Haha You're soup must be absolutely amazing and its sounds famous! LoL Yeah, you'll have to try the onion soup and let me know how it is. Talking about onions, I was extracting DNA from them in biology today! Souds strange and looked strange too Haha Yeah, take you're time with the cookie recipes, just whenever you have the time! Thank you so much for sending them to me! ANd that makes it all the better, if you like maths. Yeah, I'd love to see you wrapping paper! I'm like you, everything has to match and be all neat and oretty looking! The wrapping paper sounds so cool and I love the colours!

  14. Hey! Sorry for the late reply, I haven't beem feeling too well. Yesterday marton told me to make a day off school and work just to catch up on my sleep. That helped a lot, just to relax and take some time out and I'm feeling a lot better today. I was having sore heads and I kept feeling like I was going to be sick but I'm all good now! Ooh the hat, gloves and scarfs sound beautiful, they are my favourite colours! And I really like wearing scarfs, I have quite a few with me and I just wear them at night. Aw, the purse sounds really cool also, he had really treated with all the gifts. Haha I love the sound of the t shirts, I love Marry Poppins! Haha

  15. Aw, thanks!

    Yeah I get home for 10 days!

  16. Aw, thanks again.

    Yeah, I had an amazing day. In school though but we had a party and we stayed up real late and pigged out of sweets and messed around! Haha

    how have you been? :)

  17. Aw, I did, thanks. We had a little party in school and my parents and family sent my birthday presents in. I had an amazing time though.

    How are you? :)

  18. Aw, thanks again!

    How are you? :)

  19. Great, thanks!

    How about a bit about yourself? :)

  20. Hey! Thanks for posting in my birthday. It's amazing that we have the same birthdays! I hop you had s great day! :)

  21. Aw, thank you so much for posting on my birthday thread, it means a lot to me! ;)

  22. Ah oui désolé, je na pas réaliser. Vous avez raison, il est très intéressant! Nous sommes retournés quelques 100 ans dans mon arbre généalogique

    mais je vais devoir demander à mes parents à ce sujet.

    Comment était ta journée?

  23. Yeah, very true! You do learn something new everyday! I'd love to see my family tree, my parents have had it traced but this was when I was very young. Ooh wow a kings daughter, that sounds amazing! I'm french, so I managed to understand it! :)

  24. Hey! How are you! :huglove:

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