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Status Updates posted by Minnie

  1. Hello Alba :bye:

    I have bought the CD on "fnac.com" and I have received it today :biggrin2:

    Like you, I'm not fan of the choirs :teehee: but I love Mika's voice :wub2:

  2. :biggrin2:Thanks for your message

    My pics are wonderful because Mika is wonderful :wub2:

  3. Thank you for your friend request :wink2:

    Have a nice day :biggrin2:

  4. Good night my friend :huglove:

  5. Yes, fingers crossed that it's just a rumour :boxed: I prefer that he works on the album and prepares the next tour :wub2:

    You like chocolate too ? We have the same passions :naughty:

  6. Bonsoir Alba :biggrin2:

    I'm fine, but very tired too :teehee: I think that this week-end I'll do the same thing like you :naughty: I like stay at home and listen Mika's music, watch Mika's videos, talk with my friends on computer, and eat chocolate :wub2:

    Today, we had sun, but the days before, we had fog and cold :sneaky2:

    What do you think about the rumour who said that Mika could be jury in "The Voice", for french television ? I hope that it's just a rumour because he has some work with the new album :sneaky2:

  7. Coucou Françoise,

    Désolée de ne pas avoir été connectée en même temps que toi :boxed:

    J'espère que tu vas mieux et que nous pourrons papoter un peu ensemble :wink2:

    Je te fais de gros bisous et te souhaite une bonne journée :huglove:

  8. Hello Alba, I'm fine :biggrin2: I hope you are ok too.

    I'm going to answer to your message :wink2:

    Good night and thanks for the pic, he's so cute :wub2:



  9. Bonne nuit et fais de beaux rêves :huglove:

  10. Merci Alba, je te souhaite également un très bon week-end :wink2:


    Here is a beautiful video that Audrey has just found :wub2: I hope you will not cry :teehee:


  11. Thanks for this beautiful pic :wub2: I've never seen it before :teehee:

  12. Thank you for your message in catalan :biggrin2:


    I love this pic too, he is absolutely irresistible :swoon:

  13. I wish you a good night Alba :huglove:



  14. Hello Alba,

    I had a good day, thanks. I hope you too :wink2:

    I'll answer to your message tomorrow. I'm very tired and I'm going to bed very soon :biggrin2:

    Good night and sweet dreams :huglove:

  15. Ok. Bonne nuit ma mikette :huglove:

  16. Meme en sa présence, tu peux tout de meme aller sur l'ordi, sans qu'il sache ce que tu fais ?

  17. Après avoir mangé ses crèpes, il a intéret à s'endormir rapidement :naughty:

  18. Il a promis de twitter plus souvent, j'espère qu'il va tenir sa promesse.

    Je suis sûre que tu trouveras le bon moment pour lui twitter ta vidéo. Ce serait génial si tu avais un petit twit de sa part :wub2:

  19. Bonsoir Alba,

    Je te souhaite aussi une bonne nuit :huglove:

  20. Coucou :bye:

    J'espère qu'il va faire pleins d'heures supp' et que tu seras encore tranquille un moment :biggrin2:

    J'aimerais bien avoir des nouvelles de Kermit, il me manque :naughty:

  21. Good night and sweet dreams dear friend :biggrin2:



  22. You speak and write english very well, better than me :biggrin2:

    I don't know and I could speak with the other fans at the MFC's Birthday :naughty: It will be difficult for communicate :teehee:

    Mika speaks french very well, but sometimes he's very funny because he makes mistakes, then his sentences don't mean what he wanted to say :naughty:

  23. Thanks for your explanations about catalan :wink2: So you speak catalan, spanish and english ? :shocked:

    Mika, "a little bit", makes me laugh too :naughty:

  24. Bonjour Alba, merci pour ton message :biggrin2:

    I'm fine, and you ?

    I hope that the rain are going stop in Spain :boxed: Here, no rain, but no sun :sneaky2: In the south of France, there are floods too.

    I see Jade this afternoon. She's totally ok now, thanks :wink2:

    I wish you a nice Sunday :huglove:



  25. Yes, I have heard a piece of "Vive le vent" and that makes me smile :biggrin2:

    Yes, the Mika's voice is very beautiful, but I'm not fan of this song :teehee:

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