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Status Updates posted by Minnie

  1. Tamara is very lucky to be in holidays in USA :thumb_yello:

    What is her job ?

    That will be so good for you when she'll speak french :biggrin2:

    Have you seen the competition for the Golden Ticket ? :wub2:

  2. Oh yes, I understand you :teehee:

    I hope we'll have some news about the next album :wub2: I'll tell you if he says something about it :wink2:


    When I was in London, I had problems with english, the British speak too fast :aah: Audrey and me, we are bad in english, so it was very funny sometimes :naughty:

  3. Hello Alba :bye:

    Thank you so much for the new pic :flowers2:

    I agree with you, all the pics are beautiful, but on this pic, we can see his wonderful eyes :mf_lustslow:

    Tomorrow evening, Mika will be interviewed on the radio NRJ :biggrin2: I think you can listen it on the net :wink2:

    I can't wait for the NRJ Music Awards, I'm very excited :aah:

  4. Hello Alba,

    I hope you had a nice week end.


    Like you, I can't wait for the NRJ Music Awards :aah:



  5. Hello :biggrin2:

    Thank you so much for the beautiful pic :fangurl: I love all the pics for Lozza :wub2:



  6. Hello Alba :bye: How are you ?

    Thanks for the pic :wub2: I love all those pics for Lozza :mf_lustslow:

    Have a nice day dear friend :huglove:



  7. When I've seen your pic, I said "Oooohhhh myyyyyy gooooood" :stretcher:

    He's so perfect :mf_lustslow:





    I would like to see the other pics for Lozza :aah:

  8. Thanks for your message :flowers2:

    Mika's teddy bear makes me smile :naughty: and the second picture :swoon: He's more and more beautiful :mf_lustslow:


    I know I was lucky for go to London :wub2: I keep very beautiful memory about those days in London :thumb_yello:



  9. Hello Alba,

    Thanks so much for this pic :mf_lustslow: I'm very happy for seeing new pics :biggrin2: He's so cute :wub2:

    I felt depressed since I came back in France, I miss London, I miss Mika... :boxed: But those pics make me smile now :biggrin2:

    I'll write to you this week-end :wink2:

    Have a nice day my dear friend :huglove:



  10. J'étais persuadée que tu habitais en France :teehee: Ca risque d'être un peu compliqué alors pour une prochaine rencontre :naughty:

    Moi j'habite dans le Nord de la France, l'Angleterre n'est pas très loin en fait. Nous y sommes allées avec l'Eurostar qui passe par le Tunnel sous la Manche.

    Concernant l'anglais, comme toi, je suis un petit peu plus à l'aise à l'écrit qu'à l'oral. Mais je n'irai pas jusqu'à écrire de longs récits :aah: En plus, j'ai toujours mon dictionnaire pas très loin de moi :biggrin2:

    Je pensais que les canadiens étaient bilingues, ce n'est pas le cas pour tous ?

  11. Es-tu déjà allée à Londres ? C'était mon 1er séjour en Angleterre, je suis littéralement tombée sous le charme de cette ville :wub2: En plus, les anglais sont des gens vraiment sympas, et certains sont bien délirants :biggrin2:

    J'ai surtout apprécié la soirée à l'anniversaire, on s'est bien éclaté :naughty:

    Tu nous as surement aperçues alors, ma copine Ayana62 et moi :teehee: Notre niveau d'anglais étant très limité, nous n'avons pas pu beaucoup communiquer avec les autres fans, mais ça ne nous a pas empeché de passer une super journée.

    J'espère bien te rencontrer un jour, que ça soit à un concert ou lors d'une rencontre entre fans :wink2:

  12. Salut Sabrina,

    Merci pour ton message :biggrin2: Je te souhaite moi aussi une année pleine d'aventures mikanesques :thumb_yello:

    Je vais bien, mais je suis très fatiguée par mon week-end :teehee: J'étais à Londres de vendredi à lundi, pour l'anniversaire du MFC :wub2: J'en garde un souvenir inoubliable:blush-anim-cl: J'en ai profité pour faire du tourisme et un peu de shopping, c'était la 1ère fois que j'allais là-bas.

    Et toi, tu vas bien ? Tu as regardé tout l'anniversaire ? :biggrin2:

  13. Hello Alba,

    Thanks for your nice message :biggrin2:

    I came back to home yesterday evening. I'm very tired and sad because I didn't want to come back in France :teehee: I'm in love with London :wub2:

    Just the week-end, it was too short, so I hope we'll go again to London soon.

    The party for the MFC's Birthday was amazing :wub2: We had a lot of fun :biggrin2:

  14. Hello Alba,

    Thanks for your nice message :wub2:

    I'm so sorry that you can't come, I would have to like to see you again.

    Tonight, I'm very stressed :aah: I have only prepared my suitcase and I'm afraid to forget something. I don't know why but I'm more stressed than if I go to a gig.

    I don't know if we'll see Mika, it would be wonderful if he could come :wub2:

    But you know what happens to me ? :naughty: I have a stye on my eyelid :teehee: I hate that :aah: I have it since 3 weeks now :sneaky2:

    Lot of kisses my dear friend :huglove:

  15. Hello Alba,

    How are you ?

    I'm tired and the weather is very bad today, we have a lot of wind. I don't like that :sneaky2:

    The meet up with the mfcers is saturday. We go to London friday, in the afternoon and come back monday evening.

  16. Hello Alba,

    Thank you very much for your message :flowers2:

    I'm fine, and you ? :biggrin2: Are you in holidays ?

    I've spent Christmas with my family. Jade was very happy with her gifts :wub2:

    I hope you've spent a lovely Christmas too.


    I wish you the best for you and your family in 2012. I wish you to go to a lot of Mika's gigs :wink2:


    My best wish is to meet you again to a Mika's gig and meet Françoise too :wub2:


    Je te souhaite aussi une bonne année ma chère amie :huglove:



  17. Salut Camille !!

    Merci pour ton message :wink2: Je te souhaite également un joyeux Noël :biggrin2: Mika nous a bien gâtées avec tous ses twits :wub2:

    A bientot. Bisous :huglove:

  18. Salut Sabrina, merci pour ton message, c'est gentil :wink2:

    Ca va ? Tu arrives à t'y retrouver sur le MFC ? Je sais que ce n'est pas évident au début :biggrin2:

  19. Like you, the last year was my first year in the Mika's world :naughty: I saw the book at my first gig, but I wasn't fan like today and I hadn't bought it :teehee: Now, I want all for my mikacollection :naughty:

  20. Audrey has this book, I saw it, it's very beautiful :wub2:

  21. It's the book that we could buy during the last tour.


    I hadn't bought it and I regretted it because the pics are so beautiful :wub2:

  22. Hello Alba,

    How are you ?

    Your pic is :mf_lustslow:

    I'm very happy because I hadn't the programm of the Imaginarium Tour and I found it yesterday on Ebay for only 13 €. I were lucky :biggrin2:

    I wish you a nice week end dear friend :huglove:



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