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Status Updates posted by Minnie

  1. I hope your home is not touched by the floods.

    I don't like rain, I don't like november :sneaky2:

    Sorry for make you cry :teehee: I was very moved too when I saw this vid :wub2: The song is beautiful and yes... we can't live without him :boxed:

    The new album should be out in april, it will be very long :aah:

  2. Hello Alba,

    Is it raining again today in Spain ? Here, it's raining all the day, the weather is very sad.


    Here is one video very touching :blush-anim-cl: I love it :wub2:

  3. Hello Alba :biggrin2:

    Have you seen all the messages from Mika on twitter ? :aah: I was on my computer when he posted his messages and I was so happy and totally crazy :aah:

    It's so good to have news from him :wub2:

    Have a nice day :huglove:



  4. Mika a été parfaitement synchro avec ton planning :thumb_yello:

    C'est fou le bonheur que ses twits nous apportent :wub2:

    Je te souhaite une bonne nuit, je ne vais pas tarder ce soir. Je pense que je vais faire des jolis mikarêves :biggrin2: Bisous :huglove:

  5. J'étais suprise de ne pas te voir twitter, c'est pour ça que je t'ai vite prévenue :biggrin2:

    Je suis tellement heureuse d'avoir de ses nouvelles :wub2: Je ne l'ai jamais vu twitter autant :naughty:

  6. Oui, j'ai vu ton twit, ma pauvre Anne :boxed:

    Je te souhaite une bonne nuit. Fais de beaux rêves de notre joli clown :biggrin2:

    Bisous :huglove:

  7. Hello Alba :biggrin2: How are you ?

    My week was good :thumb_yello: We have sunshine all the week and I like that :biggrin2:

    Jade is fine, thanks :wub2: I saw her thursday, I'm going to send you pics of her :wink2: She loves Mika more and more, she dances when she hears his music :naughty:

    Thank you for the video you have sent to me :thumb_yello: I love all the pics :wub2: I have researched one video that I like very much, but I haven't found it :sneaky2:

    Have a nice week-end my friend :huglove:

  8. Adèle a des problèmes de voix et elle doit se faire opérer. Audrey me dit qu'Adèle fume comme un sapeur :sneaky2:

    Ma chanson préférée d'Adèle est Someone like you :wub2:

  9. Oui, j'ai commandé le mien :biggrin2:

    J'ai aussi précommandé le DVD d'Adèle qui va sortir le 28 novembre :wub2: J'aimerais bien la voir un jour en concert, mais j'ai vu qu'elle vient encore d'annuler ses prochains concerts :boxed:

  10. Coucou Anne :bye:

    Tu sais qu'on peut précommander l'album de Noël sur le site de la fnac ? J'ai hate d'entendre la chanson de Mika :wub2: Et vivement qu'il nous donne des nouvelles, je trouve le temps long :aah:

  11. Hello Eloise :bye:

    Finally, I have booked at the Thistle City Barbican :biggrin2:

    I can't wait until january :aah:

  12. Je te souhaite une bonne nuit aussi :biggrin2:

    Sweet dreams :huglove:

  13. Thank you for the picture of Colmar :fangurl: I hadn't seen these new pics before. Mika is so cute :wub2:

    I were at this gig, it was a gig very touching :blush-anim-cl: I have cried after the gig, like in Portugal :teehee: And the meet and greet is a wonderful memory :wub2:



  14. Hello Alba :bye:

    I saw Jade tonight and I gave her a lot of hugs :biggrin2: On the TV, we have seen the video "Elle me dit" and she stopped to play for watch the TV :naughty: She seems to love Mika too :wub2:

    Have a nice week-end :huglove:

  15. I'm fine but very tired. Yesterday, I went to bed too late :teehee:

    I watched Mika's videos on youtube who make me laugh and others make me cry :boxed: I miss him so much :wub2:

    But you are right, the most important is that we know him and he'll come back with beautiful songs :wub2:

  16. Hello Alba :bye:

    How are you ?

    You have seen Mika in gig before me :biggrin2: I saw him for the first time on May 4th 2010 in Liévin :wub2: I remember this story with the volcano. Mika should be tired by his travel :teehee:

    I regret that there is no DVD from the Imaginarium Tour. It was so magic :wub2:



  17. It's my friend Lyli21 who found the news about the Christmas song :wub2:

    I will buy this album, for hear Mika :teehee:

  18. Bonjour Alba :biggrin2:

    I'm very happy, Mika works hard for the new album and I hope we'll can hear it very soon :wub2:

    My niece is fine, thanks :wub2: I don't see her every day, but one time by week.

    Have a nice day :huglove:

  19. Oui moi aussi je vais l'acheter ce CD, je ne peux pas faire autrement :teehee:

    J'ai trop hâte de l'entendre :biggrin2:

  20. Mon amie m'a aussi fait remarquer qu'il y avait pleins de vidéos pornos sur le fb de Mika :shocked: Nous les avons signalées, c'est franchement n'importe quoi.

  21. Coucou Anne, comment vas-tu ? :biggrin2:




    J'ai eu cette photo par une amie, j'en suis encore toute chamboulée :swoon:

  22. Hello Alba :bye:


    I want share this picture with you :biggrin2: I had it by one of my friend and I can't stop to watch it :mf_lustslow: He's so beautiful :swoon:




    Good night :huglove:

  23. Good night Alba :bye:

    I don't remember that moment, but I love that pic :mf_lustslow: Thanks :wub2:



    I don't know where this picture was taken, but I love too :biggrin2:




    Sweet dreams :huglove:

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