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Everything posted by Miss.roxy

  1. *calls Mika* Me: Mika? Mika: Miss.roxy!! I was afraid if you are alive! Me: I am addicted but not abnormal.. maybe.. Mika: You said you won´t speak with me today Me: I know.... I just wanted to say... I´m sorry.. It was not you fault I don´t hate you, I love you. Sorry. *hangs up* Mika: It´s okay... Sorry for a gig.... Miss.roxy???, hey? are u there? .... JOOOHN? Are you sure that my fans are not abnormal and they WON´T hurt themselves?
  2. QUESTION: I started to draw MIKA 10 But i don´t think it looks like him.... Ur opinion??? If it really does not look like him, just tell me, i´ll put this one into a trash bin and i´ll start again ..
  3. Oh thank you! I made this vid really fast, i did not plane it long time .... It was just like.. Oh my, I don´t wanna think to a gig... But I still see MIKA, it´s just impossible to forget.. and today i wear black clothes, i cried.. my mother said I am abnormal What a clever woman she is. But you made my day,thank you so much
  4. really? Maybe i´ll do something more.. now i draw Mika no.10
  5. I think it´s nice I prefere especially strophes of song
  6. No, I am not normal, when i´m making covers of Mika´s songs with my own sad lyrics because of cancelled gig, am I?
  7. Oh thank you hun for your call! I´m not able to speak with him today.. But he said sorry, at least Don´t mind it, I´ll find him.... Me: *silence* Mika: I know you won´t speak... But if you will give me ur drawings anyway, please, press 1.. if not, press 2 or hang up... Me: .... *thinking*....... *pressing 1* Mika: YOOOO and sorry again. *hangs up*
  8. No, ja by som chcela,ale nedokážem nájsť nejaké schopné vlakové spojenie.... všetko ide 46 hodín, čo je choré Tak som len chcela vedieť či tu niekto nejde aby sme šli spolu....
  9. Ahojte nejde niekto z vás do varšavy na festival?? 29.8.2010?
  10. Me: Mika? Mika: I don´t know what the f**k i did!!! Me: it looks like you don´t mind it... Mika: No! Me: You don´t care that we are so sad???? Mika: I do! Me: Don´t you know why? Mika: ....... Me: Maybe someone else will tell you.. *hangs up* Jooooohn, why the hell are MFCers sad???
  11. Yes, i heard about it..... He should be in PRAGUE now!!!!!!! But he is not And he didn´t say no sorry! That´s why I hate him today I called him, he don´t know what did he do to us! Terrible!
  12. Me: Mika?????? Mika: yes? Me: Today I HATE YOU! Mika.... why? Me: don´t you know???? Mika: no, i don´t..... Me: so, i hate you even more!!!! Mika: Me: okay, I´ll give you few minutes to think. *hangs up*
  13. oh thank you hun :wub2:

  14. *calls Mika* Me: Mika? Mika: .. yo? Me: Heyyy! I´ll maybe go to Warsaw for your next show.. Orange festival.... Mika: *paper noises*.... Oh, It´s great to see my fans on every show. I am really happy that..... Me: Papers? again? Mika: ... How could you know? Me: You have to PROMISE me something. Mika: Me? .. What? Me: You WON´T CANCEL the show! I just DON´T wanna have same feeling as i had with Prague cancellation.... Mika: Oh, that´s it? I was afraid about naked VLOG or living room gig.. And you want only this thing? Me: Yes... Mika: Oh,miss you are so kind! Me: Thank you.. But you know what I´ll give to you Mika: I doooo Me: So ... see ya *hangs up* John: Mikaaaaaaa? You heard that a storm will be in warsaw august 27-30? It´s exactly when your show is.. You can cancel it... Mika:............
  15. Oh, come on, I appreciate your words most!! I know how amazing YOU are ...I admire you, so I am really happy that you like it Face 1.5 hour and curls something about 3 hours rest was easy.. I made it on holiday, I am in Tatras so I draw It made something about 5 or 6 hours together Btw, I love his tie, I have to make it perfect Thank you hun Do I have to be afraid? Thank you Actually I love singing a little more than drawing
  16. hey hun ;)

    Probably not, I am on holiday in different country while gig will be there ;)

    But I would go to Wien sometimes ;) Hope Mika will be there.. :)

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