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Everything posted by Fran

  1. I don't know about being a real DJ, but I assure you you'd love my playlists And YES! Awesome! Everyone goes to her parties around here and you know how wefhufgsdkjfgejuk is to have a MIKA SONG IN FRENCH being played in Brazil???
  2. Acho que eu nunca tinha visto. Gente, vocês viram que a Jana Rosa montou uma playlist com as músicas favoritas dela dos últimos tempos e Elle Me Dit é a primeira?
  3. A very famous Brazilian DJ called Jana Rosa made a special playlist for a blog, including her latest "top of mind" songs, and Elle Me Dit is #1. Amazing.
  4. Mais do que o Mika estar uma graça e o Martin mais engraçado do que nunca, a iMMa tá MUITO DIVA nessa foto!
  5. That's SO COOL Kasia! I still have a stupid smile on my face even after reading all these comments! Congratulations on handling it so well, I'd never be able to do that - anyway, I bet Mika would never need a lawyer services around here... It's great to know that he was lovely to you. This situation was like Mika paying for you to have your own M&G! Awesome! And BTW... Mama P. must be a funny person. Do we have any MFCer that works as a diving instructor?
  6. Pode ser, mas eu ainda acho que tem muita gente que não vê aquele thread. Deveria ser num tipo o "not everything needs a thread", na minha opinião.
  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA O "blame it on..." é SENSACIONAL!!! EDIT: Aliás, eu acho que você deveria postar, ainda que não queira compartilhar todos, pelo menos esse em algum thread que todos vejam.
  8. Capaz, guria... Tava só treinando. Daí eu estudei Direito pra poder trabalhar no Congresso! Brincadeirinha. Ô, CRIATURA! ATÉ QUE ENFIM! Putz, boa sorte aí com a falta de internet. Não sei quanto tempo eu conseguiria sobreviver. Anyway, bom saber que tás bem.
  9. *Feels afraid*

  10. Or both could be bonus tracks everywhere and everyone would be happy!
  11. Thank you very much for the new thread, Christine! And :clap: for all of those who worked hard to write down the lyrics! You rock!
  12. Yeah, it's hard to catch indeed. Just tried to learn a bit because I like the song quite too much () and wanted to be able to at least pretend that I know how to sing it. Anyway, French is way too difficult for me as well. Thank you very much!
  13. Or that too! I just thought about including the video cause lyrics seem to be a bit "lost" there. Anyway, a new thread is a great idea in my opinion! And it's a completely new song indeed. And much more funny too! I can sing most of it already while it took me ages to learn a few lines from the French version.
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