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Everything posted by A&J

  1. Hey :) Can I ask you something about the vid for Mika's birthday?

    I can't do it ._. my camera isn't working. But I thought about something else... You know the game "The Sims 3"? So, I did a few videos with it, they're pretty cool. And I was thinking... maybe I could put my Sim with some birthday things to the video. But I don't know, cause I would be the only different, and that's not fair. And I don't if it's allowed... What do you think?

  2. Mika virgins.. :blush-anim-cl:

    Yeah, gotta go too. I'm hungry. :mf_rosetinted: bye!

  3. And I can't wait for a day he'd come here! We're Mika orphans ;-;

    No, I don't have twitter.. sorry .-.

  4. That's great! It's really good when we find something we like to do.

    Whenever you come to Brasil, pass by São Paulo and we'll meet ;)

    Hey, since you're on, check my album! I'm still puting some photoshoped images there. I mean, if you want to, of course :)

  5. Oow, that's cute @_@ Now I'm proud :D

    International Relations, huh? that seems dificult... But you like it?

  6. Liked that, Miss.roxy! Me: Mika, I have a proposal to you. Mika: Here we go again... Listen, I can't marry you! You... Me: Wait, marry me? I don't want you to marry me. Mika: Oh Why not? Me: Being in love with your music doesn't mean being in love with you Mika: Me: *feeling pitty and hating myself* Oh Mika, I lied. It's because I know all the others MFCers would kill me if I'd marry you. Now you're happy? Please tell me you're happy... Mika: No. I'm sad. And it's your fault. Me: DOOON'T do this to me Mika: ...... Me: ¬¬' you're messing with me. Mika: Me: That's it. I won't marry you. Never. Mika: I do! Me: I said I won't marry you! Mika: And I said I do! Are you deaf? Me: God Mika: Okay, I'll stop. What is your proposal? Me: Ahh... Forget about it. This call is already too extensive. Mika: That means... You don't want to talk to me anymore? Me: STOP IT! Mika: Me: You're evil. *hangs up* To tell the truth, I forgot what was the proposal I was going to make. When I remeber I call him again.
  7. You are? That's cool @_@ if you want help with anything, just ask. I think it's a hard language, more than english, in my oppinion. And for some reason I'm a lot better with english then with spanish, even thought spanish looks alike with portuguese.. oh, actually I'm not good with any language, that's it u_u

  8. Yeah, you're right. And I gotta start working on my english pronunciation. Well, not really, maybe. When people start stopping me to ask things on the street i just have to say: "I don't know" :D

  9. Well, I'm not sure, can't be. And the people who say that like to talk about conspiracy theories... ;)

    They say that it was something planned with other South American countries so that the Cup in 2014 would be here. And, in fact, I think Brasil was the only South American country to sign up to host the Cup. That's at least strange, don't you think? u_u

  10. Yeah, I think he should really look after his phone number, cause if we get it, there's tons of things we can say *looks at 29 pages* Mika, you don't know what stalk is just yet...
  11. But guys, it wouldn't be a problem to call Mika. The moment we listen his voice, we'd pass out and he wouldn't be bothered. But seriously, I think Mika would just starts to laugh if we call him. And then: Mika: Jooooohn, you'll have to change my phone's number again!
  12. HAHA, yeah... But everyone is overrating Brasil. Including brazilians. People don't get they can lose too!

    Good thing your beeing patriot ;)

    But, you know, not saying that Holland wasn't good, they were great.. but there's a rumor that Brasil lost on purpose >.

  13. You're welcome :) I know how is that, you couldn't imagine how.. "down" Brazil was after we've lost. But you guys get over us, in the four best teams! Like Ordinary Clown just said, that's a big thing!

    And btw, I love Mika's World Cup. Believe me or not, I got saddest to see some songs out then to see Brazil out of the Cup >.

  14. You did that? I don't think I'd have the courage Could you imagine... If you really could have his number and talk to him? What would you say?
  15. You're welcome :) where do you people get this gifs?

  16. Just passing to say that I love your sign @_@

  17. We love cruel things Rosa, keep posting *-* *I call Mika* Machine: You just called me. If you can't wait and want to reach me right now, my cell's number is... *Mika picks the phone* Mika: Hello? Me: Aahh, why the hell you did that? *hangs up* Mika: ._. Ok, that wasn't funny.
  18. Claaro, eu também acho isso. Não existiu outro Elvis, porque existiria outro MJ? Mas fazer o Mika aparecer por aqui vai ter seus beneficios (um show, um show @_@) Valeu, você também é golden *-*
  19. Ééé, e eu tô postando algumas ligações lá naquele tópico também @_@ Ainda votando EEEE ele passou a Bicthney! Mas tá empatado, na verdade, tem que continuar votando.
  20. @_____@ I can imagine him with a list, miss.roxy HAHAHAHA good one. *Mika calls me* Mika: Hello Me: MIKAAAAAAA Mika: How do you know it's me? Me: It's written "Mika" Mika: Oh >.< can I change that? Me: Yeah, I guess.. .... Alice: *changing voice* Hello! Me:... I know is still you, Mika Alice: *voice back to normal*Oh, crap. ... Mika: How did you know it was me? Me: Err... *thinks hard* cause I saw you change the name Mika: What?! Where are you? Me: Look trought your window Mika: Okay, I'm looking.. WTF? Is that... an elephant? Oh, yeah, i forgot my neighbor was raising that elephant until it gets too big... What is it doing with the phone?... Holy Johnny it's that you? Me: Yep and you should be scared. Mika: Why? Me: Imagine a fangurled elefant. Mika: *drops the phone and runs away*
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