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Everything posted by A&J

  1. I never met Mika, but based on that pics, i think I know what would be my first thought: "You're a giant :shocked:"
  2. Escritora... Você quis saber se eu já tenho editora? xD se for isso, não.

    É assim: existe um site chamado Clube de Autores; ele publica o livro de graça! Eu não tenho muito controle sobre o preço que vai sair, mas ainda assim, eu não pago nada.

    Procura sobre ele! Se você quiser algo profissional, você pode começar por lá também. Tem um autor, Augusto Bracno, que ficou seis meses lá no Clube e foi chamado pela produtora do Faustão, por que o Lombardi queria recitar um dos poemas do livro dele. Aí agora ele está numa editora européia, publicando internacionalmente; ou seja, tem chance quem tá lá.

    É isso ^^

  3. (just because I said, now it's really cold here too ¬¬')

    So, yeah, I'm a writer! I still can't believe that, but since I'm writting my second book, I guess I really am a writer :biggrin2: I write about vampires >./emoticons/default_mfrosetinted89.gif" alt=":mf_rosetinted:" />

  4. OOh, he said "Scissor Sisters" >.<' i didn't get that. Ahh, I can imagine those Space Ducks you probably made everyone smile, 'cause everybody loves when Mika laugh
  5. HAHAHA poor you I wouldn't ask for him to sign again after that, either... what did you gave to him? And what did he said about the Black Eyed Peas? I understood that you were going to a show where he and BEP were singing, but I have listening problems, so
  6. Oh, that's beautiful. But if he's actually the lover, then there is a girl he's overestimating... Or maybe he is underestimating himself. 'Cause i agree with Eglé, I think Lady Jane was special, was above the others. If Mika's the lover, then he thinks he's not that special, he's just like all the other fishes in the world (world=river, maybe) But I think that recognize that already shows that he's not like others. Therefore, I believe Mika walks on water; but maybe doesn't know that yet.
  7. John is famous here, isn't he? I was thinking... He can't be replaced. If Mika tried to do that... Mika: I'm going out John: Ok. What you gonna do? Mika: Err.. See a friend. John: Hmmm. Ok. Bye. *suspicious* *i call Mika* Me: MIKA WHERE ARE YOU?? Mika: on the street, why?! Me: Look to the sky! You see a yellow shining ball? Mika: Yeah! Me: I just read on the internet that it will explode and the pieces will fall only in persons that lies to their fans and managers! Mika: MY OH MY THAT'S ME *drops the phone and runs for cover* *i call John* Me: Done John: Great now he'll learn.
  8. Oh, I wish I had seen this thread before, these pics are so lovely *-*
  9. Estou bem 8D is kinda cold around here too, but it was worse last month.

    I'm so happy @_@ my book will be registered and then I'll be able to sell it! And then other people will read it and and and... that's really cool ^^'

  10. HAHA who is that selfish person that didn't make, at least, a video? *looks at everyone and waits for the vid* I'm sure he'll like that
  11. HAHAAHA I can imagine these e-mails @_@ Me: Hey Mika, I know you know about all the gifts you're getting for your b-day.. Mika: Yeah Me: So I can ask.. What do you think? Mika: It's great! Me: Really? Mika: Of course, you all working together, making it colorful.. You'll put lots of purple, won't you? Me: Err, yeah, sure Mika: Great. And how far will it take me? Me: How far... Are we talking bout the same thing here? Mika: Yeah, about the rocket you'll give me what else? Me: Oh actually, this isn't the gift.. Mika: No? then what is? A giant pizza-cake? A giant and purple ball? Oh, oh, you'll make a huuuge MOB dance with Love Today? Me: What's your problem with big stuff? no, it's nothing like that. Mika: THEN WHAT?? Me: we thought we could make a little book with the best Wonkaland captions and give it to you.. What you think? Mika: ... Me: Mika? Mika... *hangs up* JOOOOHN, cancel that party... no, that won't be a rocket.. I KNOW you told me so... And make sure NO ONE gets to me in my next Lisbon gig. I'm going to cry in the bathroom now.
  12. 7,8% @___@ Mas é pra divulgação mesmo, por que eu gosto daquele clipe do Green Day que tá em primeiro >.<'
  13. Hiii Ceci, how are you? :biggrin2:

  14. :D obrigada.

    Então, por enquanto tô escrevendo como hobby, mas pretendo que vire algo profissional. Por exemplo, tô só esperando meu livro ser registrado que vou publicá-lo e vendê-lo! E estou escrevendo o segundo ^^'

  15. Noo, I mean i couldn't do it now.

    I got other pictures of me, but they don't have anything to do with Mika or his birthday or anything like that, and you can see that on them.

    Well, forget about it then. ; )

  16. I was going to quote, but there's too many smiles and I don't wanna take them all away >.<' Loved that last page @_@. This is definitly my favorite thread.
  17. Oh D: but it'd the same camera that would make the video. So I can't do that, either. :tears:

  18. My sim in a picture? Hey, that would be great! ;) thanks, I'll do it. What's the deadline?

  19. HAHAHAHA great HAHA, good one, Ceci Juts a kid, right like that I knoooow, aren't they awesome? I in love with this place
  20. No... The only person I know that would borrow a camera is traveling >.

    That's what I thought. I liked your idea, I also think i'ts better for being personal, it's that i really can't. Well, but if there's anything I still can do, please say. I'd love to be part of this, somehow. But if I can't, that's ok, I understand.

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