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Everything posted by natacha

  1. :wub2: just bought my queen shirt :wub2: Its so beautiful, the colours are so amazing
  2. Guys I was wondering..Is my sign too big?
  3. parece me uma questao de superficialismo you know what? parte para outra nao fiques agarrada a quem nao te quer, isso so te impede de seres livre e feliz
  4. eu nem sabia que ela tinha namorado :aah:
  5. desculpa mas nao sei o que te diga posso dizer que percebo o que sentes mas sei que isso nao vai ajudar em muito
  6. "Odiar é facil mas para amar é preciso coragem"
  7. portugal!


  8. nothing..I just had fun with my friends as usual

  9. My days are always amazing :roftl:

    no..Im just kidding..but yeh..I had so much fun today

  10. wow!!! so

    congratulations honey!

    happy bday :huglove:

    I wish you da best!!!

    well my day was pretty cool

  11. Hiiiiii sweetie

    how are ya=

    well Im a bit bored here so yeh...we can talk :roftl:

    My name is Natacha btw

    welcome to the MFC!

  12. :boing: OBA quero ver isso tudo :das:
  13. Thank u very much baby but I already knew abou that "secret" album :fangurl:

  14. :huglove: but I am..:sad:

    :tears: I'm really sorry hottie thing

  15. I won't! I promise you baby!

    I'll not be a ****in stupid childish girl again! :huglove:

  16. :huglove:

    So are we completely ok now??

    Is there sth that you'd like to tell me or to ask me?

  17. Ok... Its my fault... You didn't make anything wrong, and I love you very very very very very very much!

  18. And I'm sorry coz I meant that it's NOT you! Sorry... And it's not about you and I'm not mad at you and.. I love you

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