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Everything posted by Darriah

  1. Here's a link, daca vreti sa downloadati noul hit al verii http://bit.ly/kzWFby Last.fm nici nu recunoaste melodia
  2. Cred ca suntem toate de parere ca tre sa ajungem cat mai devreme, mai ales ca daca e liber putem sa ne plimbam pe la standuri, nu ne plictisim noi. Am putea sa ne intalnim in Bucuresti mai devreme, bem un suc ceva si plecam impreuna Elle me dit, sunt la al 10lea replay
  3. Don't worry, nu va lasam noi sa va plimbati singure Count on me, as soon as I wake up I'm joining you Azi ma gandesc ce locuri dragute as putea sa va arat, si cand ne plictisim luam busul spre plaiurile B'estfestului. WHO'S WITH ME?? Si topaitul e datorat lui #ellemedit banuiesc
  4. Poate o sa fim primele care o sa il asculte live in concert :> Il nous dit Dammit, va trebui sa imi las canistra acasa... Avem vreo sansa de a fi auzite in galagia aia?? Si despre punctul de intalnire, care o sa fie programul vostru? I mean, ajunsul trenurilor, etc etc
  5. Eu vreau sa vin pe la 7, dar la ora aia nu cred ca mai prindem front row.. Oricum, ma instalez in fata Ciuc stageului si nu ma mai misc de-acolo decat in caz de calamitate naturala. Mai ales ca nu ma intereseaza ce se intampla pe celelalte scene..
  6. Mai ales daca schimba structura concertului, cum a zis ca face in Fr..
  7. I randomly got on your page but I see it's your birthday!! So, I wish you a golden day full of amazing presents!! Happy BDay!! :flowers2:

  8. Eu i-am vazut, si honestly, chiar m-au impresionat. Au o atitudine foarteee.. ne-romaneasca? pe scena. Sunt foarte zen si se concentreaza pe muzica, asta imi place. Chiar merita a try. :cheerful_h4h:Pe Magnolia am vazut-o in deschidere la I Blame Coco cu @Vanessa si except her lame choreography avea o muzica ok. Despre restul trupelor romanesti nu ma pronunt Si revenind la ce a spus Petra despre props, eu sunt de acord. Dar cu toate astea nu cred ca o sa pot sa imi infrang atitudinea de fangurl, pentru ca SINCER, daca nu venea Mika nu calcam pe la Bestfest anul asta . Iar cand va aparea pe scena sigur voi trece prin toate etapele de urlat isteric, ameteala, plans, ras isteric again, etc. Asa ca daca preferati sa raman mai departe de voi chiar va inteleg Pot sa spun ca nu vin pentru concert in sine doar pentru ca vreau sa va intalnesc AT LAST Dar in rest, mdah, chiar vin doar pentru concertul lui Mika
  9. Gurls, don't worry bout the location!! Pipera chiar nu mai poate fi considerata in afara Bucurestiului, sunt mii de mijloace de transport pana acolo... + ma gandeam ca am putea face un gathering intr-un loc din centru unde poate ajunge toata lumea, cu tren/masina/bike etc etc si sa plecam impreuna spre bestfest park. Much more fun this way Si avem timp si pentru ultimele aranjamente de props Hope you had a lovely Easter
  10. Well, it's was fabulous indeed... Theo has a perfect voice, he left us speechless. He said a few times how much he likes Romanian girls (they filmed their music videos here) and he threw roses in the public :blush-anim-cl:Andy was amazing too, he had the best guitar solo I've ever heard in a concert I've got photos from the gig too, you can add me on facebook if you want to see them
  11. Just wanted to say that I saw them live last week and it was stunning
  12. Okay, I'll be honest with you, daca nu venea Mika nu calcam pe meleagurile Bestfest anul asta Am dat un quick search pt ADF si am gasit mel. asta unde refrenul parca e "Craiova, Craiova". Sau perceptia mea e varza Ziceati ceva de front row? Cred ca trebuie sa fie obiectivul nostru #1 Iar cand multimea va vedea un grup galagios cu pancarte MIKAAAA sigur ne va face loc fara prea multe comentarii. Sau isi asuma consecintele Cat despre M&G, nu putem decat sa speram si sa ne rugam...
  13. Exact asta a fost primul lucru la care m-am gandit si eu, cum sa intru mai repede pe MFC I'M SO FREAKING EXCITEEEEEEED!!!!!!!!! This is going to be huge.
  14. Damn you're right, we're brilliant Eu am reluat Ou est le swimming pool - The Golden Year, I am arrows - Sun comes up again, Fenech-Soler si (of course) Hurts - Happiness P.S: Adda, did I tell you that I'm coming to the concert? Someone put me on the guests list
  15. You're really lucky to have them so many times in your country, especially if Theo's so enthusiastic about it. :naughty:They're coming to Romania in a month, for the first time. But I'm pretty sure it will be the last time also
  16. It's a bit weird indeed, but I like. I think it's inspired from the Greek mythology. But I'm not sure
  17. Happy birthday to you too Ilse :huglove:

  18. Aww, of course you are darling But for odd people like me it's a little bit more difficult, you see
  19. Oh, I've though a lot about a surgery of this kind. :naughty:But I bet that if I did this, Mika would instantly decide he's straight. Cause I have this type of luck
  20. When I first saw this picture I though he was wearing his astronaut suit And... is it just my imagination, or out there it's reaaaally sunny?? I'm probably dreaming. Mika couldn't be wearing mega-thick winter clothes on such a lovely day. Or could he??
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