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Everything posted by Darriah

  1. Those fans have no excuse, especially because most of the screaming is in French, so they understood what he was talking about. Looking at him is really painful. I don't think it's just my impression, he really seems to make efforts to stay in a good mood for the public.. It doesn't really matter if they were close friends or just knew each other.. She was a talented singer his age, he respected her, and her death comes after the Norway tragedy.. It's just too many shocking news at the time.. He is a professional, it's his job to hide his feelings, but first of all he's a human being. And he has all rights to feel this sad.. And fans should have his back no matter what, this is our job. So I don't understand what was the front row doing.. They could have been more supportive..
  2. I'm sure that if he verifies his account the followers could even double The idea of this thread is brilliant, really Mika, thanks for being in my head all day long.. I hope you don't get too bored in there.. And please stay there forever, cause you make my reality even better than it already is.. I don't mind if I'll never get the chance to talk to you face to face, cause I already do almost every day in my thoughts. So yeh, basically I became crazy because of you. And I'm grateful for that
  3. YKYAMFW you're with a group of people, and any time they talk on a new subject you automatically find a link in your mind with something Mika-related
  4. Hey, welcome aboard!! :D Esti din Romania, nu? :)

  5. There are these mad close-ups on his lips whispering on the microphone.. They appear all the time, but there's a long one at 1:40, 2:12, and that hilarious moment at 2:40, when he sounds really weird and he knows it
  6. Hmm, you should see the video of him singing Relax live at NRJ, it's even worse Wait a sec, I'll post it right away
  7. Nu pot sa cred ca nu eram deja prietene aici :shocked:

  8. NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!! JUR ca si eu ma gandeam la EXACT acelasi lucru
  9. Yeeeeey!! Sunt SIGURA ca o sa iasa super!! Nu cred ca ar avea cineva motiv sa zica ceva.. Mai ales ca noi avem un goal destul de important: sa ii aratam ca suntem aici si ca TREBUIE sa se intoarca in Ro cu turneul urmator You have no idea how excited I am about this thing
  10. Cred ca sfantul Twitter e singura optiune.. Stiu ca anul trecut a intrat si s-a uitat la cateva linkuri de la fani.. Sincer, sunt dispusa sa ii tweetez toata ziua acelasi lucru, si eventually he'll find it
  11. Deffo he's been spying on our thread and stole ur idea Buun, suntem deja doua Thanksyou granny!!
  12. Blame it on the Adda who knows what to do Also, vroiam sa stiu, avand in vedere isteria si panica de pe MFC cauzate de 18 august.. Voi ati intrat in vreun BDay project? Sau o sa faceti ceva? Sau are we supposed to do something together, Romanian fans? Parca anul asta as vrea sa fac mai mult decat sa tweetez hopeless toata ziua Edit: Mi-a venit o ideeeee Cum ar fi DACA am face un video "Happy Birthday Mika from your Romanian fans" in care sa mixam poze cu el si cu noi din Romania, poze cu desene/chestii facute de noi pentru el (gen tarta cu brelocul ) si filmari mici cu noi care ii transmitem un mesaj? Il uploadam pe utube, si chiar daca nu il vede el, il vad ceilalti fani si avem si noi constiinta impacata Eu plec din tara abia de luni intr-o saptamana, deci as putea sa fac o mare parte din el Daca nu vreti sa facem ceva in mod special just say, eu doar am aruncat o idee
  13. The gig was just at the beginning of my summer holiday.. But even if it wasn't, I would have gone anyway. The concert was in my hometown, I couldn't have missed such a chance :teehee:

  14. Dupa accidentul lui Paloma stiu ca am tweetat la Magic FM (singurii pe care ii am pe Twitter, atata tot) ceva de genul "trebuie sa fim toti putin supportive" si au difuzat de Meeks de vreo 5 ori in ziua aia Eu sunt un HUGE FAN al noului look, si mi se pare ca il prinde mult mai bine tunsoarea asta super virila decat angel curls.. omul are aproape 28 de ani, era si timpul
  15. Aww, your holidays were really short :sad: Good luck with getting back in the school mood then :teehee: And of course I'm still thinking about that gig, every single day :wub2:

  16. Daca prin refreshment intelegi concedierea intregului staff si reinventarea totala a structurii revistelor, atunci da Pai pana acum nu am avut mare lucru de scris.. Let's face it, pana sa inceapa noul turneu, cel mai mare eveniment a fost ca s-a tuns
  17. Hey Jaya, I TOTALLY forgot to answer your post, I'm sorry :tears: I don't know if you remember it, but you told me your school reopened :shocked: How comes?? Here, almost everyone is in summer holidays!!! Are your holidays over already? :boxed:

  18. http://bravonet.ro/blog/piesa-noua-mika-elle-me-dit/2011/07/04/ Random. Am dat un search in revistele astea mediocre si e tot ce am gasit. No gig review, nada
  19. Woah!! E Bianca Deci CHIAR nu ma mir, puteau sa fie si 3 milioane de oameni in piata, tot ea are cel mai incredibil appeal Glad it worked girls Yeah, our Mika..
  20. Page indisponible la mine Edit: link I've made this morning, after reading Mika's tweet. Nota: acest produs nu reflecta opinia realizatorului. Este o simpla observatia facuta cu scopul de a amuza publicul. http://twitpic.com/5oiou9/full
  21. Whaaaat? That is SO cute!! But I bet that 70% of the people in-there didn't know who she actually is.. Is there a video of the crowd singing? I would love to see it And your report is great Lucy, I'm happy you got what you wanted
  22. Nope, sorry. And I really don't think I'll ever do. Am gasit poza in the meanwhile. Nu pot sa cred ca asta se intampla in timpul in care eu stau in mediocrul meu pat si ma uit la seriale
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