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Everything posted by Mikasister

  1. Oh, I guess she will do it soon, it was just a short message before cut internet and told me she didn't have chairs and table and she was writing on the floor.


    Husband better, thank you!:huglove: have a good night :bye:

  2. No me extraña nada. Buenas noches!:huglove:

  3. Paula tiene el msn conectado pero no esta, no me ha contestado :dunno:

  4. Ahhhhhhhhh, voy a morir del infarto!!! :stretcher::stretcher: que bueno está madre del amor hermoso :swoon::swoon::swoon:

  5. Bé per acabar el dia, un altre regalet, es per rematar:mikalove: es un photo shoot que va fer la setmana passada per la marca d'ulleres Lozza, pero jo aquí no veig cap ulleres :naughty:



  6. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! *dies*:stretcher::stretcher: *bad boy*


    Thank you!:huglove:

  7. My love when he wakes up in the morning :swoon::fangurl:


    Mika is like good wine, the older, more handsome:wub2: sexy,hot, sensual, seductive :mikalove:



  8. Será esta la nueva foto? *estoy muerta*:fangurl: será de las nuevas para la promo del disco?



  9. última foto de Mika



  10. Benidorm, where he said he remembered me :wub2:






    and last pic of him. A photo shoot he did last week for Lozza's



  11. Si y ya esta?? pero dime de que va la historia, que premio te han dado??

  12. No, you (we) are not stupid for trusting in him, we are unconditional fans, we love him even sometimes we don't believe in him (the things he says) we wait patiently and accept all the things he does even we don't understand sometimes, that's what a good fan has to do, well that's my opinion. He has never disappointed too, NEVER! :wub2:


    I can't accept what some people does, I mean criticizes or talk very bad of him and less if they are fans :sneaky2: That's not a real fan. :wags_finger:

  13. Vienna, Austria. :wink2:

  14. Hahah! completely understandable :naughty:


    You know, my friend which I talked to you two days ago, wrote me today. I'm so happy. She lived in Seoul but tomorrow she and her family will move to Vienna.


    Today it's a good day, Françoise wrote me, tomorrow new pic from Mika photo shoot, and TOOL probably before July, almost a prefect day! smilie_girl_231.gif

  15. Ok, pues porque un amigo del hermano de esta chica es director del Fnac de Paris. Y en la lista de la sección de discos los proximos en salir en los tres meses siguientes está el de Mika.

  16. Doncs si tu tens una cana mes, jo en tinc 100000000000000000000000000000, jajajaja! ala si acabes de sortir del rovell de l'ou com aquell que diu :naughty:





  17. Perdona es en el thread The origin of Love :doh:

  18. News about Françoise, I'm so happy smilie_girl_012.gif I guess you recived a PM from her :blush-anim-cl: I'm so glad the things are going well for her, and she's more close to us now hug.gif


    And to show you what happy I am, last pic of our man:mikalove:



  19. Nueva información sobre TOOL. Lee si puedes lo que una MFCer ha puesto en el twitter thread, las dos últimas paginas. Sephira se llama la chica :wink2:

  20. Hola que tal, como te encuentras hoy? :bye:

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