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Everything posted by coolcat

  1. I remember this.. Also one of MJ's songs was played. Good old times.
  2. Thanks! I actually don't drink coffee, but I enjoyed reading this one. I like how Mika puts in those tiny bits from himself, like the coffee drinking "ceremony" etc. Also-lovely drawings. : )
  3. Mika + AAR is strange, but I guess it will be good.. I liked Gives You Hell.
  4. Yeah, it was quite popular about two years ago, I think it was 2009.. But they mixed it with that ice-ice-baby-thing. Teens and young adults listen to r'n'b and rap mostly and unfortunetly. I know a few people who listen to 'classic rock' music, bet they don't listen to Queen for some strange reason. Too 'operatic' for them maybe. I dare to say that Queen is the biggest band ever. Queen and Mika will always be my favorites.
  5. Thanks! To you too! I only have history left, then it's finally over! I remember that Jedward did Under Pressure and I told my friend: 'It's actually a Queen song.' And she went: 'Omg, really?!' People just don't know, it's such a shame!
  6. Angi showed those snaps We have this radio station that plays older music all the time (with little exceptions) from 70s or 80s, they play Queen few times a day, plus there is a rock music station that plays Queen a lot! But nothing on tv, oh no. I have exams too now, had math yesterday.
  7. ahahaha Hi! What have you been up to? I watched Mtv World Stage Live at Wembley last night, they showed like 10 songs, what a disappointment. But I guess Mtv works that way.
  8. Just finished watching and I loved it. I loved Brian and Roger's honesty, I loved those little funny parts like John forgeting the Under Pressure beat, I love how they care about Freddie.
  9. So will there be snaps? I'm so finally watching the full Wembley when exams end and summer starts.
  10. I could name a lot, but I can't remember all now! I kinda have a thing for Gary Oldman's Sirius Black even though he's old. And Ron! Also Finn from Glee even though he goes from one girl to another. Frank from Rocky Horror, weird, I know. Oh, and Jim from The Office! Many more, can't remeber though...
  11. Oh dear Freddie, congrats! You really are a lucky person - to win two contests in a row, and Queen contests! What was this contest all about? If I don't fall asleep (I have an exam that day) I will watch it, if they show it here! Hopefuly..
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qel9YgtkZtY&feature=BFa&list=PL6A4C9E8E0D1E9148&index=15 "Yoü and I"[3] is a song by American recording artist Lady Gaga from her studio album Born This Way, released May 23, 2011.[2][4] Written by Gaga and produced by Gaga and Robert John "Mutt" Lange, "Yoü and I" samples Queen's "We Will Rock You" (1977) and features electric guitar by Brian May. P.S. Did anyone see that new documentary on BBC? Did it air? P.P.S. On June 3rd MTV World Stage will show Queen!!!
  13. Reading this and just imagining all those amazing things was awesome, and then I read that "THIS ARTICLE.." and was shocked! How can they torture people like that? Living here is just.. aah. Latvia needs more Queen. I should put posters on buildings.
  14. I'm very glad : ) Some day, some day... I do know a music shop, maybe I should pay a visit
  15. I know nobody who has Queen vinyls, I have none too, that sucks. And what is worse, I don't have any friends who like Queen as much as I do.
  16. Oh gooood, I want those tooooooo! My relatives threw vinyls away (I think) and I was like whaaaat? But they didn't have Queen. I had a dream I found 6(!) books about Freddie, Queen and stuff at my home and I was so happy, then I woke up and I was like ugh.
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