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Everything posted by sofi_4

  1. I had this one a while ago I had to edit it a bit, but it looks really good tell me if you can't open the link and I will upload the pic
  2. mal, hace mil que nadie se pasaba por este thread yo empeze facultad de arquitectura este año y estoy reeee feliz un beso a todas, espero que anden bien y espero que Mika se decida a sacar su album
  3. those pants look sooooooo good on him :das:

  4. :excite: :excite:



    have you seen Mika wearing coloured skinny pants again? :fangurl:

    and Yasmine looks so pretty with long hair :wub2:

  5. it was really great, I loved it...we have a 3 weeks introductory course now, so classes haven't started yet, but I've liked it so far :biggrin2: and people are great too, already have a couple of new friends :pinkbow:

    thank you for asking, sweetie :huglove:

  6. it was really great, I loved it...we have a 3 weeks introductory course now, so classes haven't started yet, but I've liked it so far :biggrin2: and people are great too, already have a couple of new friends :pinkbow:

    thank you for asking, dear :huglove:

  7. ok, it's not an international new (more like a MFC new ) but didn't know where to post it why so many people turns 25 today?
  8. yeah, they are amazing! actually, yeah, storms are normal here, maybe not like that night, like 5 beams at the same time, that is quite unusual, and see it on the pictures it's kinda scary, but beautiful at the same time
  9. there was a huge thunderstorm here in Uruguay last night, it's not such a big deal, but the pictures people took are really beautiful
  10. even being evil, he looks adorable
  11. of those ones, this is the only one I have...I have more from the same photoshot but most of them have watermarks
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