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Mina Alisa

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Status Updates posted by Mina Alisa

  1. I just wanna to ask you is it the problem because I open the thread about new Korean gig? I did that because no MOD were online. :teehee: I hope it's ok

  2. Thank you!!! I need to think before I change my siggy... because I like it a lot now :teehee:

    Thank you by the way!!!

  3. ooh it's me again... I figure how to see my single post and I have one more question... how to make that link like a word on my siggy ... then when someone click "My gift for Mika" in my siggy can see my single post... Thank you again... sorry is I boring you with my questions :flowers2:

  4. Hello!!! I want to ask you something... I made a post on Mika in HUNGARY for the Balaton festival, and this is very special to me. I want to put link of single post in my siggy but don't know how I can see my single post... :sad:

    Sometimes I am stupid and I need to ask for help :teehee:

  5. I just wanna to ask you because everyday you saying you going to the gym... and I though you doing nothing.... but Collage wauuu... cool are you exited? :das:

  6. I hope it's going to be really nice :teehee:

    I wanted to go out tonight but my friend never called me :sad:

    and that is why I am going to stay home and work on my big post... my work deserve that :biggrin2:

    what are you doing every day? what is like you day?

  7. :blush-anim-cl:

    You are sooo sweet, pretty boy... I am kinda busy with something. Trying to make a clip with slideshow of pics I took while I was working on gift for Mika and with some pic my friend too in studio. My bro was a model :naughty:

    I really want to show my work to all MFCares and to tell a story how I was nearvous all the time while I was working on that :aah:

    How are you pretty golden boy?

  8. Caos :bye: Kako se provodish na MFC? da li si se vec navukla ili i dalje uspevash da odolish charima MFCa? :teehee:

  9. Hello pretty boy :das:

    I was away for my vacation, and now I am here :boing:

    Now we can talk :das: :das:

    Miss all of you on Mad Tea Party :(

  10. :swoon: I like your new avatar :das:
  11. ooh it's ok :huglove: I am watching pics from your album and they are hahahaahahah :lmfao:

  12. hey thx for friend request!!! :flowers2:

  13. Srecan Rodjendan lalalalalalalla!!!! Zelim ti sve najlepshe!!! Puno mushkaraca, ljubavi, provoda, zdravlja, para!!! :flowers2:

    Pa da idesh sa nama sledece godine na koncert :huglove:

  14. caooo!!! :bye:

    Nina mi je poslala mail i zamolila me je da ti dam njenu mail adresu da bi se dogovorile oko tog nastupa!!! Evo pa ja prosledjujem, jer ako ne uradim to, rekla je da ce ubiti mog mladozenju sledeci put kada ga bude videla!!! :blink: Pa moram to da sprechim :aah:

  15. ma znam , nemam pojma shta je sa ostalim zenama ali nas par smo na msnu i po nekim threadovima i na twitteru pa caskamo... :teehee:

    Pa trudim se da radim svashta neshto ali poshto me je Mika oduvek inspirisao eto malo i za njega da radim :biggrin2:

    Izlozba je proshla strava, za sada sam prodala 4 kaputa, a ostalo je josh 4 za prodaju. Ljudi su bili jako odushevljeni, veruj mi mene su izbezumili sa odushevljenjem. Pravicu blog na jesen pa cu staviti fotke sa izlozbe i pokushati da prodam ostale kapute....

    Tebi srecno sa faxom i odmori se malo :huglove:

  16. E dobro je shto si ziva :biggrin2:

    uuuh pa ima i svashta a i nishta .... zene se ludiraju ovde, neki kukaju o ljubavi, par novih intervuja i TAKOOO!!!

    Nas par se sprema za Balaton, pravimo baner za koncert. Bila jeMarina iz NS i Ginger Lujka kod mene, dolaze opet danas da zavrshavamo to. Ogroman je baner pa nam treba i dosta vremena. Ja pravim Miki poseban poklon, shijem i islikavam neki prsluk frak, pa sa malo nervozna oko toga, jer ne znam kako ce sve ispasti na kraju. :teehee:

    A djes ti? Nema vas zene.... :das: jel gotov fax?

  17. BOOOOOOOO!!!!! Da li si ziva zeno? :das:

  18. heya chubby bunny :das:

    Zenske dolaze kod mene u subotu da pravimo baner pa ti dodji ako zelish da nam pomognesh :biggrin2:

  19. awwwwwww kitten :fangurl:

    that is soooo cute, and you need to know they can be like babies most of the time hahha but you don't need to change their diapers :teehee:

    Did you name it? Is it boy or a girl?

  20. opening was great ... people were amazed with my designs I didn't expect that :)

    I am proud of myself :)

  21. boooooo I am sending you some pics, and if you want and if they are ok you can use them too :huglove:

  22. Heya girl :das:

    I am good, finished with my exhibition and now I am kinda free, but I need to think what to do next.... :aah:

    How are you? :das:

  23. hello :biggrin2:

    I want to ask you something... how much is for ticket from Budapest to Balaton?

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