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Status Updates posted by Mikaissocoollike

  1. :aah: no doubt the third ablum will be just as good :teehee:
  2. here i'm going to bed so good night :bye::huglove:

  3. mehhhxD i'm use to crazy stuff :naughty: anyway we will have to talk a other day..as i'm going to get some sleep..so Night Night :bye::huglove:

  4. it's fine,don't worry bout it

  5. thanks for the advice xD hm i guess i could talk bout it to you :L

  6. ehh just felt pretty useless and better off dying :L

  7. xD not bad..i felt rather depressed eailer but all gd now

  8. aha all i need is someone to talk to atm tbh xD and thats real kind of ya :D

  9. awwwh thnx xD i love zelda (: so i wanted to draw wolf link,and i'm good thank you,yourself? :biggrin2:

  10. it's kool i understand that now..it just i wasn't just upset bout that :L

  11. hm i like both tbh xD

  12. aha xD For some reason not many ppl like the second one :P they only seem to know one song 'We are golden' and thats it :3

  13. :aah: i just find it hard to choose one xD i would say grace kelly but then say no it's relax haha
  14. awwh well,bye :bye: hope to talk to you again soon :biggrin2::huglove:

  15. haha didn't know..am i?

  16. :naughty: there you go see xD just enjoy ur sunday and not worry bout having uni the nxt day so much :D:huglove:
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