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Status Updates posted by Mikaissocoollike

  1. awwh i'm sure you'll be fine sweetie :huglove:

  2. aha xD well in that case thank you :biggrin2::teehee:

  3. haha kinda looks that way xD and thanks :teehee: tho for some reason i just think they suck :L

  4. ha yup xD kinda hate it when ppl ask me cause i'm just like um..um.. :teehee:

  5. haha i never have that sort of luck xD what i really need is to win the lottery :D

  6. well it's my parents who need to get more money :biggrin2: ooh xD

  7. :aah: it's too hard for me to choose i love all his songs xD
  8. :aah: i have always wanted to go there..but i have hardly any money :'(
  9. :nauhty: i live in scotland xD you?

  10. haha xD nope this is about the only one i'm in :aah:

  11. aha we are alike :aah: i'm listening to him atm :teehee:

  12. i'm good thanks,yourself?

  13. :aah: nothing much,spending my staturday in the house doing essays :L what bout you?
  14. there alright..don't really listen to there music much tbh :aah:

  15. aha thats quite alright. of course i listen to mika more than anything else :teehee:

  16. eh not bad...it could be loads better tho..

  17. i'm alright,awwh get some rest :huglove:

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