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Everything posted by Efriani

  1. And someday, I'd like to visit Europe :teehee:

  2. Knock knock, what are you looking for? Mika: I'm hiding from mommy
  3. Indonesia, Southeast Asia :teehee:

  4. Because I live in tropics area, I have 6 months for dry weather and 6 months for rainy. And I'm in rainy weather now. Two weathers are boring :teehee:

  5. So, you live in Costa Rica.

    How's the weather?

  6. Hi sweetie

    Thanks for friendship


  7. Oh please, it's better to crop Ida on those pics.
  8. I love cookies. I promise I'll make it by myself this christmas
  9. Keanu Reeves!! I saw a video on youtube. It recorded when Keanu Reeves generously gives up his seat on the subway. He seems so nice
  10. This is the wax? I was wondering how did you get it if it's the real one. I was wondering if Mika gave the chance to photo his butt
  11. aw, Ilse..

    i think we already friended here


  12. do you have Asian or Indian groceries there? you probably find it there. but it doesn't matter if you don't add the keffir lime leaves, it just gives fresh smell in this food
  13. Here the recipe. You can serve it on christmas. Remember to use beef, not the other meat because it will take hours to get the fine texture. Beef Rendang Ingredients: 1 1/2 pound boneless beef short ribs (cut into cubes) 5 tablespoons cooking oil 1 cinnamon stick (about 2-inch long) 3 cloves 3 star anise 3 cardamom pods 1 lemongrass (cut into 4-inch length and pounded) 1 cup thick coconut milk 1 cup water 2 teaspoons tamarind pulp (soaked in some warm water for the juice and discard the seeds ) 6 kaffir lime leaves (very finely sliced) 6 tablespoons kerisik (toasted coconut) 1 tablespoon sugar/palm sugar or to taste Salt to taste Spice Paste: 5 shallots 1 inch galangal 3 lemongrass (white part only) 5 cloves garlic 1 inch ginger 10-12 dried chilies (soaked in warm water and seeded) How to serve: 1. Chop the spice paste ingredients and then blend it in a food processor until fine. 2. Heat the oil in a stew pot, add the spice paste, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, and cardamom and stir-fry them until aromatic. 3. Add the beef and the pounded lemongrass and stir for 1 minute. 4. Add the coconut milk, tamarind juice, water, and simmer on medium heat, stirring frequently until the meat is almost cooked. 5. Add the kaffir lime leaves, kerisik (toasted coconut), sugar/palm sugar, stirring to blend well with the meat. 6. Lower the heat to low, cover the lid, and simmer for 1 – 1 1/2 hours or until the meat is really tender and the gravy has dried up (more dry will taste better) 7. Add salt to taste. You can add sugar if you want. But don't add too much 8. Serve immediately with steamed rice or baked potatoes
  14. wow, your brother in law has great job. he has traveled around the world Hi, i was just lurking, too. but i wanted to say i love MFC kitchen!
  15. Yes, we have rice for the whole day. Maybe it's because our country produces more rice. But, sometimes I eat bread for breakfast I will post the traditional recipe from my country later. It takes hours to serve it. Spicy meat mixed with coconut, we call it Rendang.
  16. In Indonesia, we call it "Bubur". But, the taste is more spicy because we don't add sugar, milk, even cinnamon. We add salt, pepper, pea, and chicken chopped. We usually having it as breakfast. But, I will try the sweet pudding rice. I think it will be nice
  17. Hey you boy, based on my timezone area, it's your sweet 17!

    Happy Birthday, all the golden and glitter wishes for you

  18. I love when he said "illusions" on Your Sympathy. Sounds so french and desperate. I don't mean that I'd love to see him desperate
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