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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. Ah well then! You'll find someone, don't worry about that! It comes when you expect it the less. I hope the best for you and all luck should be with you. Maybe you find some hidden Mika fans!
  2. Are you sad about living on your own or are you more excited? I'm still at home and I don't know if I would like to move away... I can't stand being alone sometimes. I'm afraid I would get depressed...
  3. Sounds cool! I really hope you'll enjoy college and will have fun! I always want people to be happy. I'm gonna see someone tomorrow to get some advice.
  4. Ahaha oh! Haha! Then it's okay! I don't know what to feel after the last days... It's now one week I know that I didn't pass my finals and I took me that long to realize it...
  5. Exactly... It's terrible... I'm defending him, no matter what. People can't know what he means to me and my life. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't become his fan. I would put up a fight for him although I hate disputes. Anyway, how are you all today?
  6. Aww that's such an unnecessary and hurtful comment!!! I can't understand people like that... Why do people hurt other peoples feelings? The world is hard enough, why always hurting each other... There are singers that are far more untalented than Mika not even mentioning his character. I would not criticize others because of what idol they have. It's not okay. People don't understand what it means to have an idol. They can save your life. Mika did for me and for many others. Enjoying his music doesn't make someone a stupid person. I get angry when I hear things like that... :/
  7. The remix is tough! I didn't recognize more than 5... I hope you'll find out!!!
  8. The buttons are great! I won stickers last year. Anyway I would love this Swatch card. Dilara was already a lucky one, yes!
  9. Ahahaha true. Btw who else is busy doing the MFC anniversary games? Except me and Lollie?
  10. That's it... I hate trains. They're always late... Cold... Too many people...
  11. I don't know why but I just hate dispute so much... I know that it's helpful to discuss things and not keep them to yourself if there's something wrong... But disputes are often hurtful and therefore I dislike them. My parents for example don't seem to be able to just discuss something... They're always shouting at each other then... My Sunday is relaxing.
  12. so sorry for you.. I know exactly how you feel cos my parents are still disputing very often... They did when I was little and they still do today sometimes. I don't know what to do in these situations and feel quite terrible...
  13. Omg I can feel you! We had -15° tonight and just everything turned into ice... I want sunshine and warmth!!! No plans... Do you have some?
  14. Yeah I'm planning to talk to someone who can give me some advice about how to go on. I'm seeing someone next week. Okay I try to. My parents are quite relaxed about it and my friends, too. They all intend to make me feel better cos failing is happening so may people and will ne happening again and again... So yeah it's not the end of the world... But anyway you get the feeling of being a Loser if you studied hard every day and didn't pass. I'm trying to get over it slowly. Thank you so much! I'm not taking it fast again, but I'll redo it one day. It's possible to redo it one time.
  15. Well the results in general are quite bad even among those who passed.... So it's considered as quite tough... Anyway I feel bad... I'm not sure about what to do now.
  16. Thank you!!! I don't really know if it wouldn't be better to stop for a while and do something else (related of course), and try again after finishing that.
  17. Thank you... I studied all day for such a long time... I don't know what's wrong... Well that actually made me laugh! Thanks... I'm doing my best. The thing is I can only do it one time again... Otherwise I have to leave university without a diploma...
  18. Don't worry guys... I'm just a loser that didn't pass her finals....
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