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Everything posted by Starlight

  1. It's a good sign that they played Sinfonia Pop, as it's not an older performance. I'm hoping he gets more attention here...
  2. Love Today - Mika (as I hope I can party today)
  3. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Have a great 2017!

  4. Oh no I'm so sorry for you... I really hope it'll soon arrive so you can enjoy it late, but better than never!
  5. Merry Christmas to you all! x

    1. SonjaD


      Merry Christmas an happy New Year!

  6. I have it now! But I'm not gonna watch it before Christmas as it's my present.
  7. Hello! Nice to know there's another German fan!
  8. I've been watching a documentary yesterday which was about an island in the USA, not far from Boston, and they played Over My Shoulder in the background.
  9. Hahaha daran könnte echt was dran sein!
  10. Französisch ist noch dazu eine sehr schöne Sprache.
  11. Haha yeah it was kinda lonely here... I'm spending the weekend with my little ones. That means my job is to entertain my niece and nephew.
  12. I'm sorry, but it's the German thread here. I don't know much about the Netherlands sadly... Haha das weiß ich schon! Aber es braucht trotzdem Talent für das Zeichnen, denke ich. Und das hast du auf jeden Fall!
  13. I know that one!!! And I'm totally with you! They really ruined it... I watched that one as well. I can't understand why they make it that way nowadays... I mean there are good films made with these techniques... So why are those series that bad? I also recognized this problem with other kids' programmes that are common here like Wickie and Pinocchio.
  14. Kids' TV isn't the same that's true... I can see it when I watch tv with my niece and nephew. Those series of today aren't as lovely as the ones I've been watching when I was a child.
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