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Everything posted by GingerLujka

  1. or to use the words of great Dr Sheldon Cooper: "I'm the master of my own bladder"
  2. mozda ne cannon ali neko vatreno oruzje sigurno jeste :fisch:

  3. hmmm, mislim da smo uocile isto :aah:

  4. oh, C'MON!!! :roftl: you are from Canada, don't tell me you don't speak French?
  5. I believe the only difference is that I don't see Mika nor his music as a product Picasso went from blue and green phase to Guernica and those are two completely different styles, and no one's got a problem with that
  6. this is exactly why I got so annoyed when he first published EMD and so many fans started b***ing around cos of the French lyrics. he LISTENS to his fans and he indulges them which is more than 98% artists do. tiibet, thanks for the video, it's great
  7. exactly! I mean, I really would like Black Stones to sing in Serbian, why do they have to sing in Japanese, it doesn't matter that they're Japanese band, I want Serbian song cos I can't sing along in Japanese and I don't want to bother to learn the lyrics anyway EDIT: sorry about the chat, this is supposed to be the thread about reports, so I'm stopping now
  8. I can't believe there are still people nagging about EMD being in French and now that he's done your will, made an English version, there are people nagging again
  9. ti si najbolja i nejseksi BG na svetu!! :flowers2:

    P.S. samo nemoj Miki da kazes da sam trazila njen CD a ne njegov :biggrin2:

  10. hahaaa, lujko!! :D hoces da mi kupis CD od iMMe i da ti dam parice kad se vratis? :)

  11. :das: nego, sta se to desava za nedelju dana osim sto je Mikin rodjendan? :bleh:
  12. Green Day She's a rebel on repeat for two days now occasionally I play American Idiot too
  13. OK, so, finaly - here's my report! I will just post a link to my blog, since I'm really too tired to write two posts about the same thing it's veeeeery long one, 4 word pages, and the first bit might be a bit boring, since it doesn't say much about the gig as it does about Mika and the MFC - remember, I was writing this for the people who don't know much about Mika and how thing work in Mikaworld hope you'll like it! i'm looking forward to your comments! cheers! http://frontrowcrew.wordpress.com/2011/07/11/a-big-girl%E2%80%99s-not-so-much-frc-experience-of-mika/
  14. are you planning to go on any of the gigs this summer? cos they're still doing it now, but they probably won't after the new album is out...
  15. no, cos it was Marina's second time to be BG in less than a year, and she told that to Mika, but he didn't say anything about her not being able to be a BG again, he just said that he remembered the gig when she was on the stage for the first time Yasmine defo meant to say that the days of fans as BGs are almost over
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