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Everything posted by GingerLujka

  1. when she was giving us 'instructions' what to do on stage, just before we went up there, she said: "have fun, you know the songs, you've probably danced to them before, we're not gonna do this for much more, so enjoy it while you can." basically, even tho he's gonna continue to sing the songs, they're probably not gonna be using fans on stage, at least not as BGs or LGs after this tour
  2. hug?! it didn't look NOR feel like a hug from where I was standing! more like a choke
  3. geesh, will post it together with my review, on an independent website for uploading pics or somethin' oh cheesus, I was afraid of that
  4. :roftl: of all the cool photos that were taken there you chose the silliest one hahaha, OK, I have to do it for my blog anyway, so many nonMFC people are bugging me to do it Sven, hahahaha
  5. + 1 I really like the whole new french style, I love the fact that he sings in French too
  6. hey, Big Girl so, which one is gonna post that report first? till we do so, here are some pics from the gig, taken by one of the Hungarian reporters: http://www.szorfdeszka.hu/2011/0708bs/index.php?album=4
  7. this is my favorite pic of the gig marina_lolipop took it, I just had to share it, these two girls were absolutely amazing!!
  8. pure treasure chest of possible captions: Mika at Balaton http://www.szorfdeszka.hu/2011/0708bs/index.php?album=4 Wonka, you'd do me a special honor to give this a try
  9. Ok, I give up... I am getting bald... you know the red thingy in my hair? it's not dyed, it's transplanted...
  10. from Facebook: MIKA Were you at Mika's show at B’estfest, Bucharest this past Saturday (2nd July)? If so, we want to see your photos from the show! Send your summer snaps to photos@mikasounds.com and we'll put the best ones in a gallery. We want to see what you’ve been up to at all the summer shows so get snapping and email them to us asap after each show. Don't forget to include the venue name in the subject line!
  11. :roftl: the big 'ugly' ring is almost the same as the one I planned to wear on Friday to the gig it's gonna look like I'm copying his style
  12. in several threads dedicated to his interviews in France yesterday, there are translations of the same interviews where he explains how and why he wrote and released the song in French, and also who 'elle' is, and he confirmed that he will be singing this song and a couple of other songs from TOOL on this summer's tour
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