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Everything posted by GingerLujka

  1. fantastic Croatian singer/songwriter [YOUTUBE]VgsRNz2-Sw0[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE]u96DrHbG0Bs[/YOUTUBE]
  2. I will never understand this about men, they are willing to use hair straighteners or granny curlz, and to put on make-up to look fancy, but not to shave! nor pluck eyebrowsdon't get me wrong, I love five o'clock shadow on a man's face, I was just saying...
  3. sorry gals, I'm here for the curlz, no curlz no interest and for the music ofc
  4. complete offtopic, but: I LOVE YOUR SIGGY oh, wait... it's not possible to go off topic in Wonkaland? I bet Chuck Norris could. MIKA: Who? Ginger:
  5. one of the things I loved best during my stay in England this summer
  6. these guys are friends of mine; they play sort of Irish music and they aer becoming rather popular here this is their newest video check it out! [YOUTUBE]V8pvRx1uKdw[/YOUTUBE]
  7. this is gorgeous hehe, dunno if she already posted this, but @MinaAlisa makes the most Mikaish jewellery I've seen she let me wear two of her necklaces (not the one in the picture, but similar ) and my boss is telling me not to give it back, cos she's in love with them don't worry, Mina, I'll give them back
  8. yes, his music is awesome here's some more [YOUTUBE]bh0TFNJbXhs[/YOUTUBE] very, very old one... the title of the song is actually 'Shane', the song was inspired by the western movie of the same title
  9. bwahahahahaha e bas necu da se dzojnujem :P

  10. Ευχαριστὠ :teehee: μάλλον, χρειάζομαι πολὐ καιρὀ να γράψω κάτι, ξέχασα να γράφω ελληνικά στον υπολογιστή ναι, μ'αρέσει πολύ, δες το location μου
  11. I love Greek language so I can take pretty much anything, as long as it's in Greek well, OK, not EVERYTHING but this one always makes me dance: [YOUTUBE]OQXshmYEcw4[/YOUTUBE]
  12. Χαιρετίζματα σε όλους! εγὠ δεν είμαι Ελληνίδα αλλά μιλάω λιγάκι Ελληνικά ξάχασα πολλά, και θα'θελα να κάνω λίγο άσκηση. Σας πειρἀζει; το ίδιο στη Σερβία
  13. hello! I don't know why I didn't come here before ... I'm not Irish either, but people often tell me I look Irish like Duck here, I'm also an Irish dancer, but I don't belong to a traditional school of Irish dancing, so we don't wear wigs, nor tiaras nor dresses...
  14. well, it's not easy staying undercover after enjoying gin in LA omg, it's so easy to twist the meaning from tweets suspected of drunkenness
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