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Status Updates posted by Anney

  1. I know!!! it`s sooo hard to decide >

    I love them all...but my current fav is... rain,blameitonthegirls., and relax^^

    but it`S changing all the time...

    okay... I`m so bad in having conversations^^ what`s your fav colour??

  2. fine as well... but nice to write with you again...

    how was your easter??

    my springbreak is over tomorrow... I literally have no idea how to go to school...I just can`t wake up in the morning... -.-

    I don`t like school...would love to spend all my time on mfc instead^^

  3. heya^^

    havn`t hear of you for some time^^

    how are you?

  4. ^^ whats your fav song?

    (did I allready asked that?)

  5. that`s sad

    bad timing?

    but things like that are still fun I think

  6. I think they are just very certain that they`ll come and that you know that...

    my friends are like that as well.waiting till the last second to give some information...


    da phantom of the MFC...cool... we`ve got everything in here...from chickens,over rabbits and pinguins to our phantos^^

  7. I have a younger sister^^...she`S 14 and I mad her a big mikafan (she usuallylistens to rock and rap music)

    being on here is allways very nice... I love it

  8. don`t say that! if you invited people they`ll come! why shouldn`t they??


    (it`s allways said on your page that you are offline) you are a really professionel phantom :D

  9. Anney

    I`m learning English at school so I´m not that good at as well...

    Я получилa много шоколада ... но это все уже съедено ... was it allright?? :D

  10. gonna ask you in 3 days how you party was^^

  11. thank you a lot:huglove:


  12. good evening^^

    how are you??

    you are a mod aren`t you?? well,I `ve got a question,it`S rather stupid but don`t know who to ask^^

    I forgot how to open a thread..was there a link or so where it was written down?


    have a nice day

  13. well^^...

    wish you to have fun with ya friends^^

  14. sounds like fun :biggrin2:


    2 days...yay

    which movies do you plan to watch??^^

  15. have you planned something??

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

    enjoy your day!!! :yay::yay:

    all da best! have fun

  17. meine OSterferien sind auch bald vorbei...abe rnoch nicht und es werden die letzten TAge noch genossen!!!!

    Ist Szeget eine große STadt? Ich kenne mich gar nicht aus:teehee:

    meine Osterferien sind toll!!! ICh muss zwar jeden Tag noch zur Schule,weil ich mathenachhilfe habe aber es lohnt sich ja am Ende.

    das Wetter is toll und ich schlafe lange!^^

    Ferien sind was tolles!!!


    wie war dein Tag so?

  18. it`S so good your getting better:aah: yay!!

    there are no real holidays in boardingschools?

    I didn`t know that...

    but I allways thought boarding school would be a good thing...many advantages...

    where are you living in France?

  19. hey^^

    we havn`t heard from each other for some time now^^

    how are you doing??

  20. thank you sweetie:wink2: it`S nice to read your messages as well^^

    sorry that I´m answering that late^^

    it is so sunny here as well^^

    how old is your brother??do you have other siblings?

    my week went well till now^^

    I enjoy my holliday... though I`m going to school everyday and have mathlessons because I`m writing quiet big exams in the end of the schoolyear!... but still everythings nice :D


  21. Anney

    I can spreak Russian... but I have a really huge accent and my grammar is not the best...

    I love Easter... chocolate ...yum:aah:

    finally it`S getting warm :D

  22. hello sweatheart^^. how are you doing??

    aww...I`m happy you feel better and are able o see everyone^^

    sorry for my late reply... I visited some old friend (old indeed, they are 76:teehee: and there was no internet^^

    I have springbreak now!! that`s great!! the weather is wonderful. The only thing is that I`m writing big exams in the end of the year and I go to mathlessons every day of my springbreak in order to write the exams good...

    bah. But I´m still enyoing everything^^

    were your hollidays allready?

  23. Anney

    you are right I think... I hope I didn`t offend you or something:wink2:

    I thought about introducing myself because I`m from Ukraine but speaking Russian an living in Germany...so I don`t know many Russian people :(

    happy easter!! (though I`m quiet late^^)

    how was your day?

  24. cool^^ bist du noch i Ungarn? (Ich habe diemal etwas spät geantwortet^^)

    frohe Ostern (nachträglich!)

    wie geht es dir so?

  25. hope you`ll get better soon!!! having colds is nasty...

    my (well days) are good...the weather here is wonderful and is just have hollidays as well ! (but my parents are working :( )

    I read Palomas letter as well!!! It was so nice and sweet from her to write a letter to mfc...:wub2:

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