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Everything posted by nenartus

  1. I found myself on joy's photo! :lmfao: Chris is close but I'm not sure which blurry spot she is. I recognized myself because of the white t-shirt and hair colour. (it's good I recently changed it from black to sort of blonde!)
  2. Here's my intro and Relax video. It's shaky and the bass is terrible, but someone might be interested. It's a bit better when played in HD. [YOUTUBE]yQ_26TDNA_s[/YOUTUBE]
  3. Of course, please share! Actually I have to admit I believe I'm the only one who didn't quite understand why is Billy in love with Putin. Is it because he is the new Chuck Norris?
  4. Nanouch your photos are magnificent as always!!! I'm a fan since your Blame it on the weather video. You are really talented. Thank you!
  5. Yes, I found her. We were texting and I couldn't see where she was. When Editors finished I tried to find my way closer to the middle of the stage and when I found the right spot I saw a person in a khaki shirt. Since she texted me she is in such a shirt I asked was that her and I guessed well.:thumb_yello: I was standing right behind her at the gig. But we didn't have much time to chat cause I came to the gig late, they started shortly after I got there and had to go out straight when the concert was over. She was in Budapest with her husband and son, so I believe they are traveling further, or still spending their time there.:dunno:

  6. There's an intruder from Wonkaland on 3FM! Look at the comments! http://www.flickr.com/photos/3fm/sets/72157634991803161/with/9482970155/ Hello microphone. Maar wat is dat nou? dacht Dikkie Dik google translate says But what is that? thought Dikkie Thick You, my dressingroom in five minutes Dance like a dandy! Oooooh kijknoueenbloem! or Ooh look at that a flower! Even stil, dan vertel ik waar ik de afgelopen jaren geweest ben or A moment, I'll tell where I've been the last few years
  7. Couple of times my hands were in the air and I didn't have enough space to put them down.
  8. I don't think they were on stage together if he was an opening act.
  9. Never heard of this guy, but I just played one of his songs and I really like it.
  10. I can only say... ... and I'm not over exaggerating! And THANK YOU, MIKA!!!
  11. Here's my terrible BE video with a "before 30" chat. [YOUTUBE]x9Z8VaXHzCA[/YOUTUBE]
  12. I also took a picture of her. It was so sweet. She took the picture of a crowd and she obviously enjoyed the concert. She was dancing a little bit and smiling a lot.
  13. Setlist: Relax, Take It Easy Grace Kelly Blue Eyes Billy Brown Rain Love You When I'm Drunk Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) Origin of Love Underwater Elle Me Dit Celebrate Make You Happy Happy Ending Live Your Life Love Today We Are Golden Lollipop
  14. No Stardust. Somehow I felt it was short and smashing. He picked songs to kill us. Hit after hit after hit and no breaks. It was a perfect combination for the festival and even if I couldn't hear stardust and some other songs I admit I loved it.
  15. And I caught the special photographer There are some more here https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.533398786709572.1073741876.230342797015174&type=3&uploaded=22
  16. I honestly don't know how to write this report. I'm so overwhelmed with emotions that I can't express myself. Still too tired from the trip. I waited for two hours on border on +37°C melting in a van and when we finally arrived to Budapest they left me near the wrong island. I came to the venue around 7. The band before mika bored me to death. I believe they are good, but I didn't know any of their songs and I guess I came for Mika and nothing else was good enough. When they finished some people got out from the crowd and I was able to go further to the middle of the stage and there I found a perfect crowd. I'm so glad guy I met you and so sorry I didn't have more time. The gig started right on time and I'm sure you all had those incredible goose bumps on your first Mika concerts. We all jumped, sang and screamed our lungs out. Audience invasion was I was standing close to the fence and the crowd started to push me towards it so I stretched my hand and Mika ran so close that he touch us on his way back. It was incredible. I tried to make some pictures and videos but I don't know how you manage to do that. Too much jumping and Mika jumped too much too. I don't have one decent photo and videos are ruined by basses. But actually I don't mind at all. They are blurry but mine and everything will be carved in my memory and I don't need pictures. The feeling is something that I will remember forever. I was so happy when I saw Mika's message on twitter. I said to Suzie that I don't have a gig to compare with this one but it was perfect for me and I'm glad that Mika thinks so too. I couldn't wait after the concert cause it ended at 11 and my van was in front of the venue at 11.30 and now when I hear that you waited only one hour... I don't know I can't say I'm sorry. The gig was really enough for me. It's the best one I've been to ever and I saw a lot of gigs (so far it was Bjork's so you can imagine...) I hope it won't be the last one and I would really like to attend to a proper at least 2 hour concert with some of my favorite songs that I didn't hear last night. I'm sorry if I made any mistakes or typos, I'm still blurry like my pictures.
  17. So every time Mika comes to Budapest there is a storm?!? Hmmmm...
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