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Everything posted by krysady

  1. Yes,at 2,first was on the beach and it was heavenly and Mika was so hot!(well,it was 30°C).And the last summer was 17°C,but still hot! :das::sweatdrop: For you(I was in front:biggrin2:):

  2. Oh,great songs! :thumb_yello: And that vid of BIOTG :wub2: It's hard to name one,but I guess this :

  3. Did you really believe me when I said about my siggie that I like GK in french and bla-bla-bla?? :pinkbow: NO,I choose that pic because of DA Neck :mf_rosetinted: Btw,what's your fav Mika's song?

  4. Glad I could help some innocent newbies
  5. I have to go to bed,good night,sis,and sweet dreams(are made of this)!! :das:

  6. :roftl: Can we have also "How much do you love me",or I am asking too much??
  7. Yes,you never saw jokes about his wrist here on MFC? it's from this vid.And yeeeees,I can't resist to his sweaty neck,I have so many beautiful pics...:das: I'll have to check again my album tonight,and I'm lonely...:tears::sweatdrop:

  8. WHAT???You didn't see that before???God,you need your sister to guide in life,you are so innocent! :shocked: That's one of the best vids,and he is not a random man,he is MIKA,that's why he can move like that! Haha,good answers,Julian!And his voice is sexy.But I guess you've seen this too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRx1SkJvRRY :teehee: And now I have to show you what I like most in life (beside his voice):biggrin2: (and no,it's not his butt:aah:)



  9. That's good for you. My friends from real life don't share my feelings about Mika,but I feel like I know the secret of life and they don't,and I always smile because of that.And I feel sorry for them.That's why this place is like my second family:blush-anim-cl: And they all will be hit by his music soon! :wub2:

  10. That must be hard not to talk for 4 months,oh god! :shocked: You must feel so lonely! I don't know what to say,you just do what makes you happy,you deserve this! :blush-anim-cl:

  11. I would love to see Mika and Julian dancing like this :das: And stop,I'm really started to have dirty thoughts about your Julian :rolls_eyes: He is :chkn: Now I have to look at this all night :naughty:

  12. You did the right thing,life is too short and you don't need any regrets later :thumb_yello: If he is so selfish and vain,it's his problem,you're a big girl! Maybe he feels insecure and that's why he is acting like this.Have you tried to discuss with him when he is in a good mood? I always do that and it's work:wink2:

  13. :wub2: It's cute! :mf_lustslow:And it's much better as musician :thumb_yello: But Mika is also good at cricket :teehee:
  14. http://dailyonline.virgilio.it/dettaglioArticolo.asp?idArticolo=207381
  15. :roftl: :roftl: Right answer! :thumb_yello: So there's not only his legs wich are long! :shocked: But then again,how can you resist this??:mf_lustslow:




    And you know,it's not just a shadow there..:das: :das: :lmfao:

  16. :huglove:You really left him a note and go? :clap: I admire you,I would have done the same! :thumb_yello:We are not babies anymore to tell us what we are allowed to do or not! It's his loss,anyway.:sneaky2: Sorry,I don't want to upset you! :blush-anim-cl:

  17. Tough question : Mika or Julian????:biggrin2:

  18. Aaah,long legs again....:wub2: and the dog is cute :wink2: No,he must love you with all your obsessions :teehee:

  19. http://9gag.com/gag/2003376?ref=fb-share :teehee: And yes,he was so skinny 20 years ago,but now I'm the skinny one :biggrin2: (it's their faces who looks alike).Yes,and I'm so "cute" showing him all those pics of Mika :pinkbow::devil:
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