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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. this reminds me in the EMD performance did you notice the backing dancer to the right (right from the camera's POV i mean) of Mika? he was smiling pretty big, i think Bob might of been peeking out from behind his protective shield
  2. hmmm... that's a good point i bet he would like it too, i bet he's been desperate for someone who wants be, wants be whatever else that touches Bob
  3. handsy, it's a good word i'm shocked it doesn't happen more often btw i'd only do it when other people are surrounding him too, so when he turns around to see who did it i can be all then he'll turn back away and i can
  4. yeah i'd have to pet Bob. at least i didn't say i'd get grabby or even worse, pinchy! that would just be rude
  5. good idea but i have a feeling it wouldn't work, he'd notice the drool, the gaping mouth, the lack of ability to form coherent words not to mention being that close to Bob would make me handsy
  6. [YOUTUBE]VxIwRDs1Yc8[/YOUTUBE] but what if he doesn't take kindly to us naming his butt & bans us from his gigs *bites off nails*
  7. don't you know by now, kreacher has no guilt i posted a pic w/ my eyes in it so i guess i'll have to get some Lozza sunglasses before i meet Mika
  8. not only did you post your pic, you posted here about posting it. so when Mika's checking out who's been drooling over Bob he'll know to look for your pic elsewhere, so then when you meet Mika he'll keep Bob far, far away from you
  9. my train exploded when i pictured trying to feed vanilla pudding to Bob ya know, it's posts like this that ensure i will never, ever, post my photo on the MFC
  10. but... but... why? is it a crime to like vanilla pudding & want to share it with Bob? i just typed Boob, good thing i caught it!
  11. YAY! this must mean Beiber's achieved all he can & won't make any more music
  12. with the things he makes me do, sometimes i think it would be better if Bob were an illegal substance that video... wtf?
  13. if it's successive then i call dibs on Bob you all can decide who gets sloppy seconds
  14. true, but Bob is also very powerful, so it only takes a tiny smidge bit of Bob to have a great effect do that in real life? noooooo, one really has to get to know me before my true colors come out. that's why people always think i'm a good girl until i come out of the blue with something really filthy and they're all and i'm all
  15. thanks for the links, they explain Mika's Oakland comments a lot i can hear the differences too. it makes me think this asshole just hasn't heard the records enough to notice the live changes or mistakes.
  16. i think there's enough Bob for everyone to share aaah okay. my trick when i can't think of a way to twist something naughty is just to add behind it . then hopefully everyone assumes i'm just too polite to perv it up
  17. taking things too far? pfft! i don't know the meaning of the words *waits for Nas to post that Bob is really hers*
  18. i feel for you! argh it sucks missing all the anticipation & fun then reading about it all later, doesn't it? and yeah, i meant to say thanks to everyone for posting pics & videos in one convenient place it's made catching up & saving everything so much quicker if i was giving out NRJ awards i'd give one to all of you
  19. i think he'd do that for his own gig, but on a big awards show where he's only performing one song? i wasn't so sure i missed the story of all that! is there a thread explaining it all? ooooh wait a sec, is this what Mika was refering to at about 0:32 in ?
  20. i got the joke, but i knew it's wasn't true because i am the partner who told Mika to wear a longer jacket, i only asked you the question about what he wanted to wear just to throw you all off MWAHAHAHAAA btw he originally wanted to wear the WAG boxers but i made him put a suit on cuz BOB IS MINE
  21. that was a lot to catch up on! i can't believe i missed it all my random thoughts... immediately made me think of the movie Idiocracy, when Luke Wilson's character mistakenly tells the arm barcoding machine his name is Not Sure so everyone calls him that for the rest of the movie i bought the dvd hoping for that too, it still pisses me off that the KA video's not on the DVD! why'd they even make a video for the song if it's not gonna be on the DVD?!?!? i think the syncronized back-up dancers really give that impression. i get why they had back-up dancers i guess because he sings 'danse danse danse' and all, but i'd have prefered if the back-up dancers were each doing their own dance like at a party. i think that way would fit the spirit of the song so much more! i hope so Perez seems to be one of the few people who really tries to promote Mika in the US Mika seems to be such a prefectionist, those tech problems must have been killing him hopefully the only reason he'd choose to lip sync is if something's wrong with his voice
  22. i don't belive it, but i just couldn't stop myself from repeating it i don't know what they say about feet that grow more everyday though! so just what was it that Mika wanted to wear?
  23. well he's a big boy, if his feet were smaller he'd fall over like a Barbie doll plus you know what they say about big feet Mika is jealous of the attention Bob is getting? oh poor Mika *pets Mika's head* me loves you too!!!!
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