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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. that picture is pretty accurate :lol: i think rural areas are nice to look at in pictures, but really boring to drive through.

    salsa lizano sounds interesting, i can't wait to try it!


    when i was shopping i realized there were some important questions i hadn't asked yet. to throw you off & keep what i'm sending more of a surprise i'm going to ask some unimportant questions too :teehee:


    do you like chocolate? do you like pandas? do you like do you like ice cream? what are your favorite fruit flavors? do you like penguins? do you like snakes? what kind of cat do you have? what kinds of dogs do you have? what kind of phone do you have?

  2. Mika has good taste in tv shows then you're right about his hair! oooh i always did like Leonard's hair back then
  3. thanks for posting it from where did you find it?
  4. what is Fisherman's Friend? whatever, i don't care, if Mika endorses it then it must be great and i want to buy loads of it i like his new haircut *phew* there i said it.
  5. however her blue corset is so eyecatching that sometimes when i'm going through pics quickly i notice her before i can stop myself. someday, when i'm motivated & have time i'll eraaaaaaaase her from all my Mika pics
  6. i'd love to see the ocean, i've been to it a few times but Nebraska is about as far from any ocean as you can get in the states. :( i live near Omaha (population over 427,000). it's the biggest city in the state, most of the state is very, very rural. Nebby's very far length-wise, i've never even been near way more than half of it. it's really flat & we have a lot of corn fields :teehee: i hope you like corn stuff! i looked at a book about Costa Rica & the beaches, rain forests & mountains are gorgeous. i wish we had stuff like that here!


    i suck at cooking. most of my meals come from the microwave :teehee:. i've never heard of Salsa Lizano. is it spicy hot? i'm a bit of a wimp when it comes to hot things but if you send it i'll try it. do you like to cook? do you like crackers or chips (aka crisps)?


    i like giraffes alright, they're not my favorite but they're totally Mika-ish (cuz they're tall like him & he got licked by one in the interview at the zoo). do you like cows?

  7. thanks for the stuff, my curious is piqued! i'm a sucker for anything cute. i'm really anxious, i hope you like what i send you.

    turns out the forcasters were wrong & the snow pretty much missed us. i was trying to come up with a way to send you some snow but i think it might melt in the post :teehee: The weather here is often said to be like a roller coaster, one day it's warm & the next day it's a blizzard :roftl:


    i'd probably think the architecture is great there, i like old buildings & stuff. most buildings around here are quite new & very boring.



  8. at first i read that as 53,000 pounds! and i'm all like ":shocked: 5300 donations already? i'm never gonna win!"
  9. i wanna enter RIGHT NOW but i reeeeally can't afford it. i gotta have patience for a few weeks but i keep thinking about what show i'd want to go to & that's making it so hard not to go straight to the donation site & donate all my rent money RIGHT NOW overachieve much? she only asked for the year
  10. ooooooooooooooooh i got it now like 'i'm not gonna write you a love song'
  11. she has, i made her i don't know why she's so resistant to his magical attributes. i even showed her WAG stills maybe i ought to show her these...
  12. so this is what "I See You" is all about? Mikachu kitten is creepy but Mika dressed as pikachu is adorable? actually you're right, Mika in a pikachu costume would be so adorable i'd probably explode
  13. i do like pens, it's been a while but i used to buy waaay too many just because they were pretty colors :teehee:

    i saw you like to draw, what do you use?

    it's cold and a possible rain/snow mix is forcast for tommorrow morning so it might be too slick for driving :( what's the weather like right now in Costa Rica? also, this isn't really related to anything :lol: but do you live in a small town or a big city?

  14. i wear the same size socks. i worry i won't be able to find a cool or Mika-ish shirt, it's so much easier to find Mika-ish socks :aah:

    i rarely wear hair accessories, i'm usually too lazy to do anything with it except pull it back in a little ponytail. do you wear hair accessories much? what about pins (aka badges), do you wear them?

  15. you made a list too? ;teehee: *high fives*

    L, i'd rather it be too big than too small :teehee:

    i was wondering, what is your sock size?

  16. i just saw this quote in an old article from Bliss magazine "interviewer: Where do you buy your clothes? Mika: I go to tiny little shops pretty much all over the world. But I also have really cheap £20 plimsolls that I wear almost every day and bargain t-shirts, as well as hoodies and jackets that cost £6,000." i wonder which ones cost that much & if they were gifts? this dashes my hopes of ever getting jackets like Mika's thanks everyone for posting pics of them though
  17. i'm excited too :teehee: i made a list of ideas & started gathering things in a box that first evening :ahh: and tomorrow, weather permiting, i'm specifically going shopping for you... ooh i better make a list for that!

  18. whoa i was not expecting all that! what an amazing prize for such worthy cause phew, good thing it goes till March. i better get some money quick!
  19. omg i meant to put not his eyes must've scrambled my brain!
  20. i'm loving those regular glasses his eyes thanks for finding & posting that Eriko!
  21. hmmm lemme think... -we both wear converses -we both are dyslexic (although mine's a pretty mild, i wasn't even sure i had it until my mum told me i was diagnosed w/ it as a kid) -our mothers are both named Joannie -we both like Mika's songs -we both need glasses -we both were born in the 80's -we both have brown hair -we both were bullied as kids -we both like Little Miss Sunshine -we're both shy that's a lot more than i originally thought i have in common with Mika
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