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Everything posted by kreacher

  1. i just remembered i used to eat notebook paper in about 4th grade, around the time of my collar-chewing days it's a little bit sweet if i recall first day of potions, book 1!
  2. if flies taste like chicken then flies must taste like Mika because he obviously is made entirely out 100% pure grade A chicken
  3. cocoa butter smells yummy! you're such a saint to make that sacrifice for another
  4. this reminds me, i've eaten more cat hair than i'd rather think about i do hope the fly was not on purpose! and was it a whole bottle of perfume?
  5. did you actually eat the hair? i used to just chew on my hair (and the collars of my tee shirts too) but not swallow. paste was yummy. i also tried earwax but that was gross! i also ate grass but that was not my choice. you're a doctor, will eating all this have long-term adverse effects on us all? yeah, cuz everyone who wears black & looks "alternative" worships satan you say that like the vanilla one wasn't yummy it's like they want kids to eat chapstick!
  6. i used to love eating paste the interview is from Lowlands 2007 ...hang on... [YOUTUBE]J21dRnZlk_w[/YOUTUBE] it's also where this very suggestive gif is from
  7. some ants are bigger than others ( i totally just thought that to the tune of Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others by The Smiths). do you have those big black ones where you live? they look um... succulent. or do you little red ones? i wonder which Mika ate? i can't believe we're talking about the nutritional value of ants noooo, i'm not making fun of you! the idea of working in a graveyard appeals to the goth that still secretely lives in me, and gardening sounds much better than, say, gravedigging. if i was making fun of anyone it was the girls who take pictures of themselves trying to look all pale & tragic
  8. excellent dream maybe this was inspired because they both were at the NRJ awards & nominated for best international male i dreamed i was at a Miami Heat game, not Mika related but i'm sure directly related to the conversation i had about basketball with HollyD
  9. why not? chimpanzees like them so they must be nutrious & tasty gardener in a graveyard sounds like an interesting job. did you take pics of yourself in black & looking sad & draped over the gravestones? oops so off topic so here's a gif i found somewhere OMG BOB IS ESCAPING WITH MIKA! QUICK, SOMEBODY GRAB HIM!!!
  10. excellent job! i saw this small in your sig & thought it was a video still then i thought 'hmmm i don't remember that scene' and those headphones are amazing i would've sworn they were machine made!
  11. that one i found! [YOUTUBE]BZkMyTq-sWU[/YOUTUBE]
  12. the gif's from a Japanese interview, it's a different part of the same one when he eats the ant gah! it's this one but it cuts off http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7NwRXSuMDI!!!
  13. GUESS WHAT???? what? CHICKEN BUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. when you were younger did you ever do that "guess what? what? CHICKEN BUTT!" thing? i did, a lot, and am only just now realizing how relevant that is to this thread
  15. oops i meant "NOT covering Bob up" damn i hate making typos
  16. i think it looks like he tucked a bunch of random laundry in his belt i really hope Mika's not covering Bob up because we made him feel self-conscious
  17. my mama always said our bodies are god's temples. in Mika's case, she's more right than she knows i'd worship at the temple of Mika
  18. maybe some rich benefactor will suddenly appear all my spare money is going to Mika Mail but when my tax return comes... *rubs hands together* MWAHAHA the only thing stopping me from donating it all is knowing that if, but some miracle, i win i'd have no money left to buy anything the prize doesn't include like food btw, is there an option to donate & not be entered to win?
  19. what's the latest total so far? when my tax return comes there'll be a jump
  20. proof of the guy smiling or proof of Bob peeking out? here's the guy i meant see dancing guy's checking Bob out while Mika sticks Bob out now dancing guy's got a big smile if you look at the faces of the other guys behind Mika them seem entranced by Bob too
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