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Everything posted by mikahepburn

  1. hello welcome to MFC well of course everyone on here is so obsessive about Mika too!
  2. well in my school instead of a bell they have a really old weird song calling us to class, so I want to replace that crappy old song with Elle Me Dit
  3. oh so you're American? I spent my summer there in America :teehee: which state do you live? well in Vietnam they quite know abit about Mika but my friends just go "OMG stop talking about him" then leave me alone :sad: it's good to have a place to share your obsession right? :naughty:

  4. I don't really use iPod cause it doesn't work much, I don't know why :biggrin2: my friends just go shooshing me when I start to talk about Mika, rude aren't they? xD so are you on holidays or some sort?

  5. :lmfao: hahaha that's so true!! the people up here are even nicer than my friends! (just because everyone up here likes Mika :naughty: ) it seems like you're always online!
  6. that sounds great! well have fun visiting St.George and, yeah, we never take a break from MFC :wink2:

  7. I'm good, actually on holidays! /emoticons/default_wub2146.gif" alt=":wub2:" />

  8. hello :bye: so... get some sleep when you could okay? so what do you study in Uni? my school starts at 8 but I have a bus to catch and it takes a long time to get to my school, so I have to wake up round about 6:15 in the morning, it's kinda early to me :naughty: so is your Uni far away from home?

  9. sắp gì, hè năm sau mới qua lận :sad: thôi mà cứ hy vọng là gặp dc Mika đi :wink2:

  10. get well soon Paloma, so you could help Mika for his next tour <3
  11. yup I'm having holidays fo unfortunately one and a half weeks :biggrin2: so it's just a mid term break, not a long holiday or something. I was just scrolling down and download A WHOLE TON of Mika's pictures and import them on my iPod :naughty: how are you?

  12. ước gì Mika có diễn ở VN :(

  13. I love snow too!! I have only touched them when I go to the freezer part in the supermarket :naughty: so basically I have my relatives over there, my aunt and her family, and they're my mum's best siblings, so my dad decided to send me over there for a better education and more experience in life and something like that :P

  14. I'm really fine, thank you

  15. Uhhuh Hanoi is, but Hochiminh is the biggest city so many people had mistaken :wink2: yayy last day of school is tomorrow, that means I will have more time on MFC next week :biggrin2:

  16. I wish!!! Yup I'm in year 8, so your calendar is different does that affect what grade u'r in?

  17. yes!! Equations are awesome after you know how it works! I sometimes struggle with it when you change all the unknown numbers in one side (and you have to change the multiplication, division,...) and the known ones on the other side. I work with it in negative numbers as well, so yesterday, me, my brother and my mum was having a really bad time just to deal with it :lmfao:

  18. oh... okay I've got a bit about how your visa works :lmfao: I go to Canada because my parents wanted me to have better studies and you know, I'm gonna stay with my aunt and uncle and little annoying cousin... :sad: I REALLY want to take you with me, seriously, because it's cold over there and I don't want to stay home whenever I need to without friends :sad: or maybe I could make some friends when I get there, but you are an amazing friend to have, Kimia :wink2:

  19. is John Paul II the pope who just died recently and then the current pope come in? Well I live in the biggest city in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh city. Is your city the capital?

  20. Good also :wink2: I'm flooded in homeworks :sad:

  21. So the temperature now is about 32 degrees, and it just rained so it's alright. I came home really late today because of the traffic, and it's almost 8pm now and I didn't get a shower yet :teehee: I'm so dirty right now... So did you get your ears pirced? Sorry I'm just being random because I just touched my earrings :P

  22. You're welcome! So how are you?

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